Why is it so cold since one week

Why is it so cold since one week

No idea, the mountains are all snowy even though it's still summer

It's September

because its 17.9 stupid nigger, go back to Africa if little cold scares your ape brain


>its over 30

nordic scum

fuck you cunt it's 8° in the morning and it's still summer

few weeks ago it was 20ish

Dumb terrone


It is by Southern Europe standards, not everyone lives in a cold sunless wasteland like you do

the transition is difficult

you mean by arab standards?

It's ice ape season.

I've felt it too Pierre. I had to stick another duvet on my bed.

t. Mr. Siciliano

It has been a pretty sudden transition here in Blighty. And I fucking hate the cold.

Are you the sperg that is angry about Italy 24/7?

my god how can balkanese be so arrogants when they live in such a shithole which was under the ottoman administration for so long

It's been 30°C for like 2 weeks here...

>20c out today

French education at its finest

anything under poland = balkan


american consumerism messing with the world climate

fuck USA and fuck ameritard pigs

i want to live somewhere cold

Go to bed Ahmed, you have to wake up early tomorrow to go pickpocket commuters on the metro

we were never under ott*mans you stupid algerian dod neither are we balkan

are you the brown manlet living with his moth-
*checks flag*

Thursday : 9 degrees with heavy rain
Friday , decide to bring a heavy coat : sunny , 18 degrees

Fuck this gay country i wish i would just get my degree and move already

I'm greek btw

it was 87 degrees yesterday in Chicago

Thanks for confirming my suspicions

>fuck rich people


You stupid pizza monkey, don't make me nuke you!!

I live in California and two weeks ago waiting for the bus was torture because of the heat but ive noticed that since last week it's been cloudy and my gf has been complaining about the cold

I agree with the french bro, mornings are too cold, at 7a today, it's not even the lowest temps of the day by the way, they will only reveal it tomorrow

>might snow here on wednesday