ITT elite actors who only star in kino

ITT elite actors who only star in kino

he was in La La Land though
which is not kino but oscar bait shlock

It was absolutely kino you dipshit


I really don't get what is so special about Gosling.

The notebook is not kino


> Only Gof Forgives

Worse than any capeshit I've ever seen.

Goslings filmography is fucking garbage and he's also a terrible actor.

its female kino if such a thing exists


OGF was absolutely terrific.

Nothing. He's a meme here because of his autistic acting portrayal in films.

No it's not. It just can't be. Before Trilogy, In the Mood for Love can be female kinos if such thing exists.

I'm derailing this thread with extremely good actors


If by terrific you mean mediocre, then, yes.


Just as women don't understand Master and Commander, men don't understand The Notebook


Have you ever seen Gangster Squad? It's one of the worst movies ever made, it's like Marvel made a gangster movie

lol this dopey looking cunt?



get out

>Implying Joe Pesci isn't peak Hollywood

Since the mcconaissance matthew only stars in mcconakino


It's a shit movie roastie, no one need to understand anything which's not even there.

I regret wasting my time watching this just because all of my friends liked it.

You first he has shit it up three times with Stone
Quads confirm holy shit /thread
No it isn't you fucking fag

Emma Stone has like 3 of the other worst movies ever made too


he looks old an scary looking in that pic.

>literally retired from acting the second he starred in a non-kino film



>X-men apocalypse
>star wars

He did star exclusively in kinos before selling out.



mcconaissance is dead m8
>sea of trees
>free state of jones


>Before Sunrise

>Before Sunset

>Before Midnight



pleb taste


I wish I was him.

>actor who has exclusively done capeshit since 2006

check the OP again buddy

he has a lot o charisma but his accent annoys me

that texas sun is no joke

we all do



this, it was a great film if youthink otherwise you are a contrarian fag



>calling lala shit kino

Fuck yourself with a cactus

She even transforms capeshit into capekino.

All Good Things, Stay, Gangster Squad, The Notebook