It's true.
It's true
The sun too penetrates into privies, but is not polluted by them.
NO FEAR, youngfag, the days of the leftist tyranny are over, you'll be breathing freely soon, this video shows the leftist thugs red-handed:
What can we do other than kill ourselves then?
If I wasn't wasting my life here, I'd be wasting it at Dreamwidth.
>Just leave Sup Forums.
He says it like it's an easy thing.
I've been trapped in the belly of this horrible beast for so long. Escape for me is about as likely as Moot coming back.
I have accepted this fate. My self-imposed exile ends at either death or enlightenment, nothing less.
What does it matter? What does any of this matter anyways? Life is going to be only MORE connected via online, not less. So even if you did break your """addiction""" you really only would end up coming right back (unless you got an irrelevant job or something).
And thats assuming WW III or a second Civil War wont kill us
What's with shills and this demotivational crap lately ?
The jew fears the samurai, we've been over this.
...kill others...
The viking has a point. Go out with a bang and what have you.
Or you can get a trade and quit being an autostic faggot.
Also safe for unrelated.
>Being a soulless normalfag that behaves how society dictates him to behave
>Being a worthless parasite maggot laughing at frogs and dying a lonely, sad death due to multiple konata figurines shoved up rectum while double 44cal suicide.
I work as a tour guide, and also do a few odd jobs.
Money-wise, I'm at that horrible point where I have enough to support myself and my pets, but I would never be able to pay for fancy dinners or gifts in the event I found a grill.
I might just swallow my pride, leave all my dreams behind, and go into welding. Always a demand for that.
Only one of those deaths involves freedom Fin.
You know which one I'd prefer.
Why the shame, why the guilt. You did right, they're the losers. Step on them, cheat them, abuse them. Insects. Fucking insects that you are destined to leech dry and feel good about it. Embrace it, you o man amongst animals, uninhibited by the norm an by the fit. Wear your fedora proudly and get hard as you watch their faces perform the epileptic spasm dance of disgust and fear at the very sight of you. Take your place as king amongst men!
you know what i've always wanted to do? bust into peoples houses and just look at how they live/the stuff they have and chill there contemplating whether to steal their shit or not. you could do this vicariously for me if you want purpose. tell me how it goes, maybe you'll make a friend.
I don't know about you, but I plan on taking the middle road. I'll never become a full normalfag, but I want to get off my ass and contribute to society with a prestigious job. I won't go to bars and have drunken orgies, but I want to be productive.
Stay the fuck out of my house m8 I have a dog and two guns and a big ass two-by-four with four nails in it.
To properly respond, fuck no. I got broken into six times when I was still leaving with my parents, and that gets really bothersome after a while.
That's the spirit. Harness your autism, and wield it as a tool for good.
Mchan is new Sup Forums
You owe the world nothing.
The world as a whole? Perhaps, but maybe he owes something to his parents. Give them a slight feeling of accomplishment.
I wouldn't actually do it myself, unless I was doing a bet with friends or off my mind on drugs. And anyways dogs love me, I've been a dog guy my whole life.
It's weird, I've had this thought since elementary school and I don't think it will ever dissipate until I do it. I'm insanely curios at how my neighbors live.
in the end what he's saying doesn't matter either, if you define your own life on the terms of other people you've lost. there's so many people that get to their death bed and thing 'oh jeez i spent virtually all of my waking hours at a job i hate to make money to mostly pay for my house and children and what little i manage to save i can no longer spend and it barely qualifies as an inheritance'
and what he's describing is a total loser, not someone who ever tried to do anything. even trying would have helped
Is that you Anders?
And it owes me nothing either. I want no part in any of that normalfag moral degeneracy nonsense. Yet, I can at least carve out a small shelter devoid of all that for myself and for the few that are worth sheltering.
Why don't we form a Sup Forums brotherhood? A brotherhood that banters but overall help each other become better men. We can use this brotherhood to inform each other on current events around the world, give us a better perspective than a 2 min news story could. We can actually make a impact and stand up against the people who are trying to corrupt the population for selfish gains
We already do it's this place called Sup it's really cool but keep it a secret okay.
there was something similar on 8tan where you try to do things to help random people without them ever knowing it
i thought that was really nice concept desu
>mfw i cant refute most of these
>mfw i literally fight the urge to just sell most of my belongings and just drive away and just do who the fuck knows.
I do wonder when my life become so much different then the norm, it at least started a bit before highschool, probably was slowly growing over awhile.
but i cant put anything to mind of what mightve helped it along.
It's never a definined moment, it's always a process. There is no one key event where you can say "That's it!"
You're a frog, not a butterfly.
>You're a Frog, not a Butterfly
that....sounds oddly profound and accurate.
anyone else here, whats your plan for the future? i mean, i really do wonder if id be happier just fucking off into the woods or to just fucking off from society to some other place.
i have no job or career i have any strive for, and honestly would have no hope in college or a trade school.
the problem is i want SOMETHING out of life but "normie" goals honestly just dont appeal to me, at all, and things like games and the internet honestly already dont give me any joy or even anger, its just something to do because i have nothing else to do.
>I'm insanely curios at how my neighbors live
why not socialize with them
bring them a pie or whatever burgers traditionally do to socialize with their neighbors
I've been wandering as a freelancer for a while now. I'm content, as far as that goes, but I'll never be at peace until I give an earnest shot at accomplishing my greatest dream. It's always lingering, you can't just suppress the goals you've had since you could speak.
Of course, if anything is going to literally kill me, it's that pursuit. So I'm a little apprehensive.
...what is your greatest dream?
the closest ive ever had is owning a piece of land off away from most people, with a range and maybe a gun store.
but the amount of money and time that would take is more then i could ever imagine having even a part of.
breaking our spirits and telling us to stop
Fear is sickness.
If you are scared of what the future might bring like are, you might as well lay down and quit now.
Cut your veins it will be faster.
My concept is to get at least just a small group that actually want to have a debate rather than just spat out racial slurs as a rebuttal. A group that want to revive and master the language of Latin. A group that wants mastered that art of rhetoric. We can teach one another on how to not be a socially autistic and giver pointer on being healthy and being presentable. Most people here see the bullshit that is flung from the media. I hate how easy my generation is being manipulated. If united, we can be a force to reckon with but sadly this board is nothing but people crying and complaining on how the world is slowly turning into a NWO but don't want to leave the comfort of their mom's basement
Shit, it's real nigga hours. I might as well.
Ever since I could string a few letters together, I've wanted to be a paleontologist. I know every little boy has his dinosaur phase, but mine never ended. I remember the first time I read "Saurichian" out loud. I remember the first time I bought a Schleich Tyrannosaurus. I remember the first time I knew the answer to a question the docent didn't. I remember when I named 114 dinosaur genus during freshman year, just to prove I could. I remember the first time I put on the badge. I felt accomplished.
Problem is, paleontology has very few real jobs. You can't major in it either, you have to do Earth Science or Zoology, and then focus on the paleo aspect.
You also have to take a math course if you want to be worth a damn. 90% of those other students hate math, so you have to stand out somehow.
This is my dilemma. I never liked highschool, but I hated involuntary math. I still do. I'll calculate the effectiveness of an Adamant Scizor's Bullet Punch all day, or the stride of a Triceratops. But you give me a sheet with 5 trigonometry problems and tell me to get to work? The textbook will be outdated by the time I'm done.
Throw in social retardation, general apathy, and the ever present hatred of education systems, and you have a serious hurdle.
I just want to crack open Maya and get paid to design T-Rex feathers. Instead, I'll probably die alone, with my mouse in one hand and my dick in the other.
/rant, have a neat dinosaur.
man, i understand how you feel.
shame about those hurdles, but I wish you luck in finding some form of happiness.
Like I said, I'm content. I get to volunteer at the local museum, and while that certainly eases the itch, it doesn't totally satisfy.
You don't know how much I crave those moments when you get a kid, generally a 6-9 year-old boy, who is so riveted in what you have to say and show him. That twinkle in their eye as you unveil that Deinonychus skull, or that Stegosaurus thagomizer.
It's fucking genuine. Real bewilderment, not something that can be acted or replicated. It sounds cheesy, but I live for those moments. I see myself, and I can only pray they do better than I have so far.
that sounds pretty cool actually.
keep on man, keep on.
That's all we can do sometimes, isn't it?
As for your ambition (or lack there of, we're all friends here), perhaps Alaska is for you. You can have your land, your guns, and make an honest living off of skins. If you get really grizzled, maybe even work as a hunting guide. Help greenhorns get that wolverine skull.
ill look into it sure.
being from Texas though i might need a big jacket though haha.
My time on Sup Forums has been phenomenally educational, actually.
I guess this is kind of similar.
Try lifting. Doesn't make it go away, but fuck does it help.
Also, masturbation is the quickest way to kill any effort. Sucks ambition right out of you.
>This site has nothing to offer anybody.
Wrong. It allows insight into the heads and lives of others. Unlike kikebook or any other public platform, you are not motivated to lie here, you've got no one to impress, and no social capital to gain, thus a huge fraction of the userbase is actually honest. This is a big boon for an aspie like myself or someone lacking in the empathy department to understand how humans work.
YouTube's worse though
>tfw can't make friends
Once you're out of school it's nigh impossible.
Any underage b& reading this, make the effort, before it's too late.
Are you a weeb ?
This really hurt, especially the thing about being addicted to hope. Why can't I keep anything up ? Am I broken ? How do I fix myself ?
I need to break this endless cycle before it's too late.
Pic is what I fap to, Her name's Rose, I cyber stalk her.
Plz someone help me , I can't take it anymore, Feels like I'm about to snap and do something terrible
>Pic is what I fap to, Her name's Rose, I cyber stalk her.
This might sound strange, but how often do you engage in this behavior?
> Plz someone help me , I can't take it anymore
I can help you if you listen to and believe me
>responding to demoralization threads
let it go, she's not coming back.
>never went to college
>surrounded by people who went to college and failed
>we're failures together
>people here are dying alone no matter what they do
It's luck, that's all this life is. I just come to shitpost, I don't even care about politics, you faggots don't even talk to your neighbors and you talk about nations and race.
I made the switch to norm fag a while ago, I even opened up a Facebook account and got a girlfriend, she's Asian and a semi neet, I actually find it easy to interact with gurls now because most think really kind and caring. My tip to all of you is to go for 14 days without Internet, try messaging a girl, be respectful, if she mentions politics, say you don't care, act like you have taken the blue pill, but never forget the truth.
Not that user, but go for it.
I'm 23, unemployed, live at home, and don't even have a car license. I have no friends, no talent, no passion.
Every day is like a blanket on me that just gets heavier and heavier.
Only with her, I haven't yet made contact though. I prefer to watch from afar like a guardian angel. (I always had shit social skills, 10 years of isolation only made it worse) I'm American. (Rare flagging it up on Sup Forums)
(You're a robot too ?)
How often do you masturbate?
What are your religious perspectives?
What is your attitude towards others?
Do you ever do any charity works (including donating)?
I've missed roseposting
Used to be often, now I'm so depressed it's maybe, maybe once a week.
agnostic. While I'd like to be able to believe in the metaphysical, I am incapable of making that leap of faith, because I don't feel like any religion is divinely inspired.
In what sense? I'm not really that bitter towards others, but I've retreated so far into my niche niche hobbies that I'm unable to relate to anyone via small talk.
I have no money to donate, and even volunteering time now takes a resume and references. I've applied at the local hospital to volunteer.
>loving family
>at least SOME female contact
>earn over $100k a year doing a respectable job
>just want a family but feel like everyone's too liberal these days
>depressed as fuck every day at work, feels like time is going too fast
>29... 30 next year
>still live with parents
I just feel like without family there's no point in living once you're 30... you're meant to be a dad by then.
Oh add to this I've been posting on Sup Forums since 2005, that's probably the core of my problem
Meh, I met the woman who became my wife at age 24. She was 21, and still a virgin living in her parent's house.
Been married 5 years. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
>Used to be often, now I'm so depressed it's maybe, maybe once a week.
Try stopping and not giving provisions to lust. Do something else and demonstrate that you have self control.
>agnostic. While I'd like to be able to believe in the metaphysical, I am incapable of making that leap of faith, because I don't feel like any religion is divinely inspired.
You are, you just tell yourself that you are not. Tell me your perspective on this video.
>In what sense? I'm not really that bitter towards others, but I've retreated so far into my niche niche hobbies that I'm unable to relate to anyone via small talk.
Did you used to be able to socialize reasonably well?
>I have no money to donate, and even volunteering time now takes a resume and references. I've applied at the local hospital to volunteer.
You should be able to donate 10% of your income. We live in a world of excess and if you are posting online, you should have sufficient surplus resources to donate 10%.
Lose weight, learn a new language, travel the world, develop as a person, fuck the local sloots, Meet new people, Take risk. It's really you who is weighing yourself down
It is true for poor people. Untrue for the global elite children.
Thanks, i knew i can be even more depressed today.
Are you coming at the former from a health, or spiritual angle? I'll try, I suppose.
I assume you meant to link me a video, here? My main qualms are, with so many religions, what makes one branch any more valid than another?
Yes, pretty easily. I've had girlfriends, had groups of friends, back in school. My friends mostly moved away, got heavy into drugs, or else have become so busy and enamored with their own lives, we don't speak.
I have 0 income. The means by which I post on here is because I live with my mom, and this is her computer.
Also, I have driving practice in like 15 minutes, so I won't be replying for prolly an hour and 45 minutes after that, but I will come back and check what you write.
you know, now that you mention it, we are kinda like the jews. The Sup Forums tribe is dispersed around the world, but the diaspara congregates here to celebrate our Sup Forums ness.
Shame we don't have any money tho
>learn a new language
for what purpose? i can already talk to everybody in my country, and to most people in other relevant countries with the languages i know.
>travel the world
with what money?
>develop as a person
nice buzzwords (this is "just b urself" tier)
>fuck the local sloots
no interest, these degenerates disgust me
>Meet new people
i generally hate people. always been this way. i can play pretend and make acquaintances with others, but it's annoying as fuck and i don't get anything out of interacting with normies, it just tires me.
>Take risk
like what? take my savings to a poker tournament?
Here's the video
>Are you coming at the former from a health, or spiritual angle? I'll try, I suppose.
It's for your mental health. Excessive masturbation can cause depression among other problems.
>I assume you meant to link me a video, here? My main qualms are, with so many religions, what makes one branch any more valid than another?
>Yes, pretty easily. I've had girlfriends, had groups of friends, back in school. My friends mostly moved away, got heavy into drugs, or else have become so busy and enamored with their own lives, we don't speak.
Then it should be pretty easy for you to become sociable again, you just have to put in some effort.
Are you into heavy drugs? Also, how much time do you spend on Sup Forums?
>I have 0 income. The means by which I post on here is because I live with my mom, and this is her computer.
>Also, I have driving practice in like 15 minutes, so I won't be replying for prolly an hour and 45 minutes after that, but I will come back and check what you write.
The format of Sup Forums makes a group like that impossible. It would just be ruined by all the shitposters and trolls. It could maybe work if the mods were extremely active, but they're not, they're lazy fucks.
If you want something like that I would recommend using a forum. Someone told me Ironmarch was good.
Smells like Barnum Effect
NEET is the future normalfag. When the robotics finally makes the menial tasks (cargo work, cooking, driving, cleaning, cashiers, phonework etc) useless, most of the dumb masses will just end up being servants or unemployed. Who even cares? I'm happy when I can leech off what I get and then maybe suicide
This is only true if you live in a low to middle class family. Or a high class family that doesn't tolerate not working. Otherwise, literally everything is about money. If you have "a small loan of 1 million $", you can pretty much ditch whatever normalfag route there is and do your own thing.
Opened the video in a tab, I'll watch it when I get the chance. I don't want to have to stop it halfway through.
I don't really know how once every week is "excessive", though. I'll stop, because anything is worth trying, I suppose.
The problem is people already have their groups and cliques formed. They have no need to socialize with someone who has lost the ability to do so. Even those who are good at socializing find it hard to break into new groups. Where do I even start? I've tried reconnecting with old friends dozens of times. It's peters out after a week no matter how hard I try.
No, no drugs. Alcohol is maybe a glass a month, if that. I commonly go 4 or 5 months without drinking. If I have a vice, it's sloth. I spend an inordinate amount of time on Sup Forums. I browse from morning till night, doing a whole lot of nothing. I have nothing else to do, no reason to leave the house. Every hobby that I try to get into that isn't passive consumption of media frustrates me and I quit within a week. I've tried language learning, guitar, drawing, you name it.
Eh, my mom paid for the lessons, lest you think I'm lying about the income there.
Honestly, I've stopped caring about happiness.
If it happens, fine but I'm not chasing this nebulous idea anymore.
I want to leave my mark on the world instead. If I can't be immortal, I at least won't be forgotten.
I'm 26 and no of my peers are married. This is either dated or written by a 3rd worlder
Actually that's just that one user's experience. That's him projecting, and it's his fault.
What kind of mark? The Elliot Rodger kind, or do you want to be an author or a politician or something?
>implying you have to choose between having a fulfilling life and not being a humourless, blue pilled, boring normie
jesus fucking christ
the latter obviously, people like elliot rodgers are just cucks.
That shit is pointless.
I want streets or planets named after me.
True to an extent, I had a lot of feels when I watched all of my friends graduate from college but it went away when I see them and how absolutely destitute they are looking for jobs and paying their loans. I started working at Costco when I turned 19 and they gave me a full time position so I left college. Now I'm making almost 56 grand, have tons saved from not moving out until I was 22 and I'm looking to start a side business whilst (most, some of my friends in engineering are making 70-90k and basically letting a computer do their job for them) my friends work 60 hours a week at places like starcucks making $8 an hour working an unpaid internship that will pay 45 grand after they advance in 2 years. Also have a gf of 4 years that I plan to marry.
At least you aren't a nigger like me.
>you faggots don't even talk to your neighbors and you talk about nations and race.
My neighbors are black though
I remember once there was a thread where a whole group of NEETs were talking about where they fucked up in life. Some of these guys had mental problems and some just couldn't be arsed to do shit with their life.
Halfway through the thread an underage came in and I think he said "13 here, how do I avoid this?" and everyone started giving him advice such as avoid procrastination, be social and what not and I don't know what the mods were doing maybe they didn't see the thread or just felt generous enough to not ban the kid but the thread hit 300 and auto-saged without the kid being banned.
Sup Forums can be educational, it's not like Kikebook where all you see is "LOL HANGIN' OUT WITH MAH GIRLS XXXXX".
The problem is comparing ourselves to this nebulous 'normal' ideal.
Define your own personalised goals that have nothing to do with conforming to normies and then work towards those goals.
... now to follow my own advice
>implying dogs will still love you when you break into their owners' homes
jesus christ you're an idiot
I did a shit ton of stuff and I hit 30 and just kind of stopped
> The problem is people already have their groups and cliques formed
It means you need to meet new people. This can happen through co-workers, through people who share a hobby, or meeting online or through a group.
Your old friends are heavy into drugs, you probably shouldn't even try to associate with them.
Answer to yourself if you want a lose group of friend or a few close friends and seek it.
If you're seeking an existing group, they will then have to come from work or meeting through hobbies or group programs. Maybe you can create a new group by trying to be outgoing and arranging things (and being the coordinator).
> If I have a vice, it's sloth. I spend an inordinate amount of time on Sup Forums. I browse from morning till night
This is your primary problem. Go and get a job or do an activity (play a sport...) that involves socializing.
> Every hobby that I try to get into that isn't passive consumption of media frustrates me and I quit within a week
Video games?
Maybe there are groups around where you can get back into socializing. Maybe you can make one.
> Where do I even start?
You spend way too much time on Sup Forums. You can probably socialize fine once you build your confidence and skills back up.
If you spend too much time doing any single activity you can get bored of it. If you do the activity for pleasure (e.g. browsing Sup Forums for entertainment) you won't get bored of it, you'll get addicted to it, and your addiction will cause you to be depressed.
>Eh, my mom paid for the lessons, lest you think I'm lying about the income there.
No. I was saying that's cool. Good luck with your lesson.
I used to be like this. I worked a dead end job as a security guard. Looking back it was horrible for me as it taught me no skills and asked nothing of me. It's a pitfall job. I had a small group of friends but was always the weird guy. Most attempts with women fizzled and I was incredibly depressed for a span of 2 years because I put entirely too much of my self worth in how I was viewed by other people and females.
Then my mom said she was moving across the country and I could either stay in the city by myself or move across the country and go to school. Ended up moving across the country and started doing refrigeration with my dad. Signed up for a pre apprenticeship course and completed it with top marks.
Now I'm making really good money, have actual confidence, and lots of attention from females. But I could care less about them, I'm more focused right now on my career and advancing it.
If I had stayed in the city I probably would still be at security, depressed, and very poor. Sometimes you've gotta take risks fellas.
What do you do for a living?
23, first came here in 07.
I've done all the normal shit. Long term relationships, work here and there.
At the point where I feel I need to find someone of marriage material before they're either too old, liberal or worse a single mother.