Why don't millenials have any respect for their elders?
Why don't millenials have any respect for their elders?
What the fuck? Is this how well be treated when we die? Makes for a good meme I guess
Why don't boomers have any respect for their lineage?
They put a fucking Snapchat filter on her?
their racist
hurry and die!
>what is atheism
Because they caused the housing crash and by extension the recession, and when we ask them wtf they're going to do about it they cry about us being entitled.
Not to mention a lot of them never grew out of their edgy middle school phase, and they spend a ton of their time bitching about how nobody appreciates them being 3edgy5me
fuck this is sad
melee hell what are you doing here
This one is some sort of autistic freak, incapable of emotions other than dumb and happy
I've been on Sup Forums a long, long time, and this is honestly one of the saddest images I've seen.
Fuck this gay Earth.
Jesus help us.
Is there meant to be something interesting in this webm?
That is respect.
What they lack is awareness. Whoever took that photo loved their grandmother dearly. You don't take silly Snapchat pictures of people you aren't close with.
They don't understand that older generations don't feel the same way. They don't get that by making this public, they're subjecting their dear, dead grandmother and their entire family to unending internet trolls.
Extreme Solipsistic Narcissism
>Why don't millenials have any respect for their elders?
Because they can't get attention from it directly.
The truth.
when i die i dont care what happens
some faggot could throw me in a tree chipper and id be fine with it desu
After reading this post I think I just had a stroke and are now genuinely retarded.
the 17 or so frame perfect inputs consecutively. It was a random one from my folder
The internet happened
What's disrespectful about it? Why does Sup Forums feel like its a secret society of moral authority?
We'll these questions be answered with sincere questions?
Women are subhuman. Millennial girls are the worst. I'm surprised she didn't put YOLO in it.
cunt, ive good news for ya
Oh so you are new to melee.
Almost every mid level spacie can do 10-20 multi shines.
>why do you exist
Because you faggot boomers decided to procreate
Nu ştiu.
Look up "absurdity"
Wanna know how NOT new to melee I am? When I saved that image, 10+ multishines was still considered impressive. Times have changed enormously. Have some oldschool.
>milenials caused the housing crash
Dude milenials were like 8 then
Idk maybe it has something to do with being beaten by their elders and told it was good for them. And now they go around abusing people because they think its good for them
Look at the world as it is today.
How do you think it became like that?
Westballs is either goes full fuckin alpha on the opponent or eats shit
By far my favorite smasher to watch
its all your fault you god damn faggot
He's definitely a guy
By "they" I was reffering to the Boomers/elders/etc. They handed us a shit sandwich to deal with and then get all triggered when we mention that to them.
>Is this how well be treated when we die?
No, nobody will bother giving us funerals.
>Yfw old people will die one day and millenials will become more politically aware and vote
>implying we can't uncreate
Probably because elders keep shitting on millennials every chance they get. Millennials don't have much capacity to do something to prove elders wrong so they just disrespect them every chance they get.
prove it wasnt your fault
I wasn't born yet when they opened the gate to Turkish "guest workers" and I wasn't old enough to vote against joining the EU in 1994.
confirmed its youre fault
No one ever does.
that made me laugh longer and harder than it should have.
Well it has been a full month since school got out. Congrats oldfag! xxxDDDD
because fuck baby boomers
It's fake you retards.
That isn't though