David Cameron was probably the last person over 6ft to ever be a British Prime minister.
I had no idea. Why did he always look like a manlet when he was on the TV?
David Cameron was probably the last person over 6ft to ever be a British Prime minister.
I had no idea. Why did he always look like a manlet when he was on the TV?
BBC shilling they also make corbyn aeem taller then he is.
I thought Boris Johnson was big for some reason.
That's in etonian inches
Trump is pretty big too
I didn't expect this at all. Jeb towers above them all.
Autists have more growth hormone. Huh. Who knew?
Yet he still tiptoes in pictures. I miss Jeb, he was autist we deserved.
Yep. 1.9m would be quite high as leaders go.
Same here, I wonder what makes him seem bigger and Cameron smaller?
Used to live with a tory economist who met him a bunch of times
He said his pr crew use photography and even props to make him look shorter to be less Intimidating or something
Osama Bin Laden is 6'4. You can't make this shit up. I thought he was small too.
Holy shit Medvedev is tiny
everyone under 1,90 is a manlet tbħ fạm
Fugg makes sense the media would try to hide this tho.
>tfw 1,76m and 100% native Dutch genes
The only reason he has power over anything is because he is smaller than Putin
Putin is in no way 1.7m
for you
Cucked by Justine, I would kill myself tbqh
Why does Trudeau always have that smug grin on his face anyway?
Bashar al Assad - 189cm
Sadam Hussein - 186cm
Shinzo Abe - 175cm
>even in manlet shitskin countries the best known leaders are normal height
It's funny because Assad isn't even that tall.
Damn. Makes me feel like a manlet at 6'1
>tfw taller than Bashir Al Assad and Charles De Gaul
I love Putin, but fuck this is funny
Because le power stance
Based Trudea.
Lol. Stick a pointy or flabby hat on them, and they'll fit right in my garden. Pic related.
I'm 1.8m should I kill myself?
Strange, I always thought he was yuge.
He's handsome and PM i'd be pretty smug.