How do we fix hipsters?

How do we fix hipsters?

Give a solid definition of hipster.

Does hipster just mean "decided to grow a beard" because what else are you shitposting about based on that OP image?

Trebuchet to the sun.


Sneak regular coffee into their cold brew.

who hurt you user?

Nuke Tel Aviv

>anyone with a beard is a hipster
This is the opinion of low testosterone fags that still have nothing but peach fuzz well into their 20s

depends on your take on being a hipster. If being hipster is not being mainstream than 4chin users are the ultimate hipsters. That being said those who call themselves hipsters are massive faggot manchilds with long beards who listen/read/watch obscure worthless material and think themselves smart. They also wear shitty clothes

There's nothing wrong with hipsters, it's just a (life)style direction, much like being a metal head, or a Chad. What you hate is nu-males, of which there are a lot within the hipster group.

>ugly man who needs a beard to cover half of his face

Being a "Hipster" as an identity is completely a marketing ploy, the original "hipsters" were young men (typically aspiring artists and musicians) in the early 2000's who lived in cities. most of these young men who created the "hipster" look have moved on and became adults with families.

Clothing companies, music labels, health food brands, ect all used this iconic look ( rugged beards, thick framed glasses, ect) to sell their product.

Thus, because only dumb assholes follow trends set by marketing companies, people who wear the hipster uniform will tend to be dumb assholes. Had neo-goth cyber punk been the thing pushed by marketeers, you would be complaining about these "fucking cyber punks"

Throw them out of the country, ship them off to Saudi Arabia or Iran, along with all mudslimes and jews so they can kill themselves. Problem solved.

I thought this post was about white female hipsters dating sand niggers

>Having to cover up your doublechin with a beard is manly


with zyklon

>t. Dudley who can't grow a beard

With a lead pipe

> being a skeleton is manly

it's not like you have the choice in romania anyway

Stop being a fucking Degenerate

With a helicopter.

They will fix themselves. Gavin McIness is the canary in the coal mine of hipsters. Now he is a hardcore Trump loving consequences because it's hip and trendy to do so. I imagine other hipster men will follow. Cunty hipster woman however will never change.

by early 2000s i take it you mean late 1950s

and by late 1950s i take it you mean 1920s paris

She's attractive, not marked up or fucked up hair color, it's female length. Guy doesn't look hipster, just a bearded dude.

ITT: a poor trade school faggot gets jealous over a wealthy guy with a cute gf and a better car and better education and a better quality of life and more friends that aren't trailer court trash


>gift gas
Top kek


Looking at these comments I didn't realize there were so many hipsters on Sup Forums

Those are hipsters in the picture? Doesn't look like they need any fixing.

I think you nailed it. This really is what we're talking about here