He actually did it, the absolute madman!
Is this real life
That represents a fucking sheriff badge you dumbass moron.
In all seriousness though I what goes through this man's head? Does he even think? I can't believe Sup Forums unironically supports this moron.
Not in that context it doesn't. Only thing to make it anymore insulting would be to make it yellow.
Are you implying the mad man doesn't know exactly what he's doing? What did you think about the john miller tape?
He doesn't when he doesn't feel t like it
Sup Forums supports him not just out of xenophobia, but also because his geopolitics are really very much on the same page as Sup Forums, especially concerning Assad and Russia. Since people with those geopolitics aren't exactly supportive of Israel, Trump thoughtfully gives them reassurance every once in a while to make up for verbally saying over and over than he backs Israel 100%
Since fucking when every star shape == star of David??
He is an absolute moron, but atleast he's taking down George Will/National Review types and triggering SJWs
Somebody had to do it
it's Jews who pull the strings.
so pay your debt, faggot.
You would have to living in the U.S. to get it, Jews are venerated by Protestants here and Israel is supported to Deus Vult levels. Groups like the Anti Defamation League and Israel's lobbies also play a large part in our politics, both Trump and Hillary had to go before Jewish lobbies to pledge support for Israel.
>actually believing anything that man spews out of his mouth
He's a legit conman who's only looking out for himself and will say whatever people want to hear. And it spans decades.
he fucked up by deleting it
now it looks like he was being antisemetic on purpose
he should have fucking left it there and called them out on it
He didn't fuck up, you normalfag plebbit scum. Now the kikes are sharing it on media even more. It's free advertising and kike shaming.
hes pretty consistent actually you can go back and he only changed his politics on minor things through his life
See, this is ok except for the fact that he's running for president of the most powerful nation on earth.
>What did you think about the john miller tape?
He's a delusional nut. Even if his intention wasn't to fool it's a really weird fucking thing to do.
I'd rather than than a globalist whose geopolitics are pure Soros. Trump might be lying, but there is a decent change he won't push globalism; Clinton will for sure.
He's been more consistent in his beliefs than most other presidential nominees in the past
Also saying he just panders to the public is retarded considering how literally every media outlet is out to get him
>getting cucked by the NRA
>nothing major
he looks guilty because he changed it you fucking retard
do you even want him to win
i do and i think he should have kept it instead of changing it
you know that only proves to the left he is racist and a coward right
you my friend are the shill
Most of the left isn't too concerned about racism against Jews, except for the Jewish left (Which is a big force, but they'd hate Trump anyway).
He's not pandering to everyone, just his core base of voters that got him where he is.
I'm actually impressed however by his ability to keep going despite doing a myriad of things that would end other politicians.
care to explain what exactly is the con that Donald Trump is supposedly running?
he is pretending to do X when in reality he is doing Y. what is X and Y here?
i swear if he doesnt win im gonna be butthurt as fuck
This. By sharing it then deleting it, he insured the image would be reposted by people who hate Trump, implanting the thought that "Hillary is corrupt" in their heads. At the same time, he has an easy out on the whole "anti-Semitic" thing: "it's a sheriff's badge, not a Star of David." I mean, have you ever scene a Star of David? They aren't filled in like that.
So it not only makes Hillary look bad, but also makes those slamming Trump look like they're reaching for excuses to hate on him, all the while keeping Trump in the news and in the heads of voters. It's 4D Chess.
If he's smart he'll keep playing to labor unions. Hillary can't hope to win if she loses the unions to him.
no he looks antisemetic by deleting it and changing the logo
you are fucking delusional
why wouldnt he keep it there and say its a sheriff badge and it represents corruptness
but no
instead he deleted it and now the kikes are running with it
shill harder next time
> It's 4D Chess.
Nah, it's just what's called a "dogwhistle", something that Trump has been using very successfully and as his primary tactic for a while now.
this doesn't seem like a 'dog whistle' to me bro. seems like someone picked out a star that honestly doesn't even look like the star of David, but then replaced it with a normal old circle because people complained
"Dog-whistle politics" AKA "I choose to misinterpret the other guy's words in order to call him a bigot because making real arguments is hard."
>no he looks antisemetic by deleting it and changing the logo
That's what he wants. He has a lot of supporters who hate Israel and he realizes he might lose them because of his vocal support for Israel (especially lately, when he was confronted about "Zionism" by one of his supporters).
He needs to make sure that the people who support him and hate Israel, continue to do so, while at the same time saying what he needs to to get the talkshow host demographic.
He pisses off huge swaths of the public and establishment. You're a fucking idiot.
Even normies are confused how a star is anti Semitic. All they see is the word corruption and Hillary.
And if they didn't complain, then a lot of people might not have even noticed, but now they did, which allows it to serve as one
This is a pretty clear example. It signifies Jews to those who are paranoid about Jews, but to everyone else it doesn't mean that. I'm very sure that was a consideration, Trump is well aware he has the support of the alt-right, which hates Israel.
As a Leaf my interest in Trump lies in the fact that the presidential races are usually just a bunch of cringy identity politics, but even many Republicans hate him which I think is neat
At the end of the day he's still just another politician acting as a mouthpiece for outside parties, but the way he does things makes him entertaining at least
Also we got meme'd on in our recent election so I need some political escapism in my life
>acting as a mouthpiece for outside parties
At least said parties aren't globalists.
his daughter is married to a jew and orthodox jewish anyone who isnt stupid knows this
>so I need some political escapism in my life
Sounds like you need to vote for Gary Johnson.
Political juice
OP are you coming back to answer my question? or did you get scared off when people disagreed with you?
>This is a pretty clear example.
Yep, it's a pretty clear example of people purposefully misinterpreting something that isn't bigoted is bigoted because they politically disagree with the person.
It's like if I said "you said JEWS that's an offensive word to Jewish people you must be a bigot." It's like, fuck off if that's the sort of dirty shit you're gonna try to play on people.
I agree with you there, and unlike most nominees in the past I genuinely think he believes in what he preaches
> it's a pretty clear example of people purposefully misinterpreting something that isn't bigoted is bigoted because they politically disagree with the person.
It's more about getting bigoted people to interpret something that ISN'T bigoted as bigoted because they politically agree with that person.
> most powerful nation on earth
> most powerful nation
> on earth
Obviously not
Do people on Sup Forums have legitimate defenses of Trump University, rape allegations, the fact that he doesn't know what the nuclear triad is, the fact that he was vehemently pro-choice until he changed back and forth 5 times in one interview, the fact that he was pro-gun control until he sucked the NRAs dick and became anti-gun control, the fact that he employed undocumented workers and was basically a complete globalist Democrat until he decided he would get votes if he wasn't?
i really dont care that much about him looking antisemetic
hillary just better not win or we are done for seriously
>most nukes
>pick one
Except Trump straight up denied it was anti-Semitic. If he were trying to do what you're suggesting, he'd have said nothing about it.
It's just the left trying to call him a bigot over something that isn't bigoted, which is what they've been doing this entire time. That's what "dogwhistle" politics really is: calling your opponent a bigot over innocent things. It's baseless mudslinging.
you would get fucked up by usa easily cuck
>Except Trump straight up denied it was anti-Semitic.
so he should have kept it up instead of changing it
if it wasnt anti semetic why would he change it
thats how jews think you fucking cuck
Go to bed hillary and or Paul Ryan
We had 6,000,000 sheriffs 80 yrs ago here in Germany. You can imagine there was virtually no crime whatsoever, hence why the people call it "the good ol' times"
>Do people on Sup Forums have legitimate defenses of Trump University,
Who cares? he deceived some people; we all knew he was a real estate developer going in, does deceit surprise anyone?
>rape allegations,
They feel very "convenient" to me. I haven't really looked into them because of how much of a (((coincidence))) their timing was
>the fact that he doesn't know what the nuclear triad is,
Who cares? "Nuclear Triad" is just jargon and strategy-wonk shit, if a president ever has to make a choice on something he gets well-informed advice from experts in the field.
>the fact that he was vehemently pro-choice until he changed back and forth 5 times in one interview,
I'm pro choice, but it's not really an important belief to me, so I don't really mind.
>the fact that he was pro-gun control until he sucked the NRAs dick and became anti-gun control,
This is my biggest single problem with him.
>the fact that he employed undocumented workers
This is literally part of his platform. "it's too easy to cheat the US. I know because I've done it. Because I've done it, I know what loopholes to close"
>was basically a complete globalist Democrat until he decided he would get votes if he wasn't?
The fact that the globalists democrats are all dead set against him suggests that he doesn't represent their interest any more.
I'd rather have one corrupt politician trying to build a new network of graft and kickbacks than the continuation of a proud, established tradition of graft and kickbacks.
>deletes it because he offended his jew masters
This can't be happening!
Nice to see you adopting leftist terms so easily like a conditioned dog, tripfag.
Probably, but regardless they are losing their shit. Top trending story on goybook.
4d chess pleb
>Changes it to a circle
>Or kikel after the Jews who would sign with a circle instead of a cross because Jesus
He's a mad man and it's simple as that.
The billionaire tycoon with a reality TV show and a supermodel wife decides to quit his job, transfer control of his company away, spend millions of dollars of his own money to run for a job where half the country hates you no matter what and where the stress makes you age extremely rapidly.
All for his own personal benefit
I can't understand why you think a loved celebrity would destroy his image and professional life.
>most powerful nation on Earth
>doesn't have a single wild emu
Yeah nah, mate. You's guys are shit cunts.