Clean up, wagie

Clean up, wagie.

Let me smoke this blunt first on my break

why would you need that much food and candy to watch a movie?

He's american

I do not understand this meme. Is it a NEET PRIDE thing? Because neets can't afford to go to the cinema.

im american the most i get is maybe some sour worms cause them fuckers are bomb.

Taking pride in being a piece of shit.
>sour worms cause them fuckers are bomb.
>tfw you can sometimes find sour worm ice lollies in the summer
God tier to cool down






>Taking pride in being a piece of shit.
That's what I mean. Surely you can't be a poo-poo pee-pee *and* have a job that pays enough that you can afford to go to the cinema.

How much you get paid user? 7.75 here.

Wtf that's below minimum wage isn't it?

My last wage cuck job I got 10 an hour.

Nice Trips

also relevant image

Guys, get a fucking job

I'm a big gawky dope and women get moist in my store because I can describe wine with effective cadence.

does anyone else here feed their cat a big bowl of milk and then smuggle him in the theater with you? nothing makes me smile like seeing the impotent rage of a dog-cuck having to clean up my kitties shit for 5$ an hour

mom still gives allowance to get them out of the house so she can have an hour of peace.

>shitting on the absolute lowest level workers in the industry

are jews starting these threads to get off.

50 cents above minimum wage. 7.25 is minimum wage here.

This. Movie theatre usher is the most thankless job in the world.

Former theater worker here. Worked there about 10 years ago. We kept lost wallets, purses and other lost goods as restitution for this bullshit. We made bank.

jesus those seats are disgusting

I keep the cash I find. I don't risk phones and wallets. I'm not trying to get caught up in shit.

Don't forget all the drink caps that they leave. I entered so many codes that I got a ton of free stuff to help supplement my meager wages.

its about control, you have to pick up after the neet lest you risk termination.

too bad you dont expect tips or else we could stiff you on those too.

cool, did you use the extra money to buy back your pride, wagie? hahahaha

ive had a shit brewing the last couple days, i think im gonna head over to the cineplex and smear it on the bathroom walls. wont even have to buy a ticket lol, "my friends are already inside"

And I'll make your faggot ass stand awkwardly at door until our friend shows up.

>thinks you can get in free because you know people inside

kek, friendless neet detected

>local theater uses ramp instead of stairs to go up the rows of seats
>always sit in top row
>if a movie does not meet my standards I will slowly pour my my soda down the ramp, creating a long, sticky stream from top to bottom
>if the movie is really shit I get a refill then do it again to create a second stream
>once I made a third stream on the ramp on the other side of my row just because I was bored
>dump the ice on a random seat on my way out
>the cinema started putting up "Please do not spill soda on ramps" signs outside of each screen