Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
white and gold if you see otherwise your retarded and need to get your eyes checked
I still can't see blue and black lmao even though I understand how you're supposed to see it
>your retarded
Better be bait friendo
only color retards like
think it isn't black and blue
i fucked your're mother
>reason why the dress looks different to people is scientifically explained
>ignore it and keep posting the same shit about "AAAAA IT'S OBVIOUSLY THIS COLOR"
What is wrong with normies?
This shit makes so mad
Will somebody just tell me if the people who claim to see white and gold are all just kidding? It's obvioulsy blue.
>tfw can instantly change between the colours now
feels good
This is, and has always been, black and blue.
What's the scientific reason? Sounds interesting.
Joey King
If I scroll up and down it starts going blue and black
first time it happened I checked to see if it was a gif
blue & gold crew
The people who see "white" see it as white under a shadow. So it's not a perfect white; there are clearly some blue but it's not the blue that is the colour of the dress itself you know what i mean
its white and gold
Just use google. There's like 50 articles on it.
Really (doesn't) make you think
Shame Foy always outshines her
still white and gold
Because I've never been able to see it as anything but black and blue.
I feel it's just a big meme
I saw it as white and gold once but every other time has been blue and black
so it is a white dress
blue and gold
>The study, which involved 1,400 respondents, found that 57% saw the dress as blue and black; 30% saw it as white and gold; 10% saw it as blue and brown; and 10% could switch between any of the colour combinations.
Protip if you can't seamlessly switch between colors you should kill yourself asap
it's time to get your eyes checked or calibrate your monitor
huh? It's always been white and gold though
At the first time I saw white, after this always blue.
this has never looked white and gold to me. i mean i see how the lighting can fuck with it to look a little brighter, but if you see it otherwise you probably need to remove yourself from the gene pool
you might be gay
actually i'm not.
going to kill myself now
Just when I thought this board couldn't get any worse you start drudging this pigshit back up.
this, but it's kinda black too
how can people not see blue?
not in the boobie department
fucking hot
Close tho
And 10x better face and not a jew
I still don't get how anyone can think it's black and gold
I love that I can see it in both colors depending on the position of my eyes. Kinda crazy to see it transform.