I can't wait for him to interview the Alt-Right
I can't wait for him to interview the Alt-Right
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I'm waiting until Scientology releases that documentary about him.
I don't get it?
Unless he has 300 hours of footage already it's going to be shit tier.
>Those greentext stories about Louis interviewing anons are becoming real
>I can't wait for him to interview the Alt-Right
"So John, you have roughly 1200 pictures of this frog called Pepe?"
"What do you need them for?"
"Well, i use them in internet discussions to BTFO those fucking liberals and SJW's"
"But how does posting a cartoon frog help your argument there?"
"Because SJW's are cancer and they get triggered by everything, Duh!"
"Don't you think this is a little immature, just provocating people for provocation's sake?"
*autistic screeching*
"At that Moment, i knew it was time for me to leave."
Mr. Theroux has proven time and time again that he knows nothing about the art of journalism. He is a parasite that pretends to like you until he finds some dirt on you which he will use ruthlessly against you in his heavily condensed and constructed """documentaries""". Better stay away from this fraudster and don't support him and his leech-like ways.
Kek, i love shillposting
>Sup Forums is already starting the damage control
fucking kek
>I can't wait for him to interview the Alt-Right
It would be the Sup Forums episode we always dreamed of, Sup Forums. I'm visibly shaken right now! EEEEEE!
>My time with user had come to an end. During our time together, I had learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverent, self-deprecating style of humor and his ability to show compassion toward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men and their collection of white supremacist frog memes. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as Nazis, perverts and baneposters, the picture I was presented with was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realized that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself.
Nobody watches his documentaries to learn something.
He plays the straight man and his subject plays the fool. It's a comedy routine.
ITT: funny Louis moments.
stupidest post of the year, congrats
hi Xenu!
>Did you support Arsenal before the brain injury?
oh i can't WAIT for Sup Forums to turn on him after doing this
so the Sup Forums posters doc is gonna become reality?
Honestly I'd much rather see a doc about Sup Forums autists than whatever "the rise of Trump" is. How do you even do something on the latter? It's too broad a category, especially when you consider Trump winning was less about Trump and more about the US lacking any desire to vote for another Clinton because the populace is tired of political dynasties. And I'm not even pulling that out of my ass, objectively less people voted for Trump than they did for Mitt fucking Romney. Clinton just got that much less support than Obama.
T. David Miscarriage
He HAS to do a Sup Forums one, specifically one on Sup Forums.
It could come after this one, boys. It could happen!!
>((((((((((alt right)))))))))))
>My time with /pol was almost coming to an end
>leader of the alt right literally calls it "alt right"
>Sup Forums thinks its a boogeyman term made up by soros and cnn
so who is this FourChen guy leader of the alternative anarchy?
That wasn't funny
>leader of the alt-right
Literally who?
didn't that already release?
>objectively less people voted for Trump than they did for Mitt fucking Romney
Where did you get that from? Wikipedia is telling me Trump got ~63 million votes and Romney got ~61 million votes
his documentaries are liberal because he focuses on the people and feels. He barely ever scrapes the surface of the issues.
A majority of the people on Sup Forums had no idea who the fuck that guy was when The Washington Post released their video on him.
This guy wasn't even relevant until after the election though. Just because he used the same term doesn't mean he was a part of the rise of the actual "alt-right"
>white washing the asian boy
>illegal use of copywrited music
>7 minutes long
>his documentaries are liberal because he focuses on the people and feels
conservatives are just as focused with "feels"
I would actually love to see Louis and Milo interact
I rofld
conservatives are cunts too, that's why I didn't vote for Ted
there are actual scientific studies that prove otherwise
No, there's a reason why most artists are liberals, is because it takes empathy to do such things, that's why Louis is a left winger
Conservatives lack empathy and feelings, they are mostly driven by money, scientific ''facts'', etc
That's why they support the planet getting contaminated, that's why they don't give a shit about third world people
Stuff like that
I'm highly empathetic I just don't let my emotions overrule logic. You pay a carbontax but do nothing about China spewing crap into the atmosphere because you need an apple phone but capitalism is bad. You want to help refugees but not with your own time or money but the rich 1%
>That's why they support the planet getting contaminated
No one supports intentionally destroying the environment, they just disagree on how to manage it
His documentaries are about the people involved giving their points of view and having their ideas questioned.
>there's a reason why most artists are liberals
They can't get a real job.
yes, attack the messenger not the message.
Literally who
Pick one. Which side is currently attacking Trump supporters for no reason other than voting for him, while completing ignoring the reason why he won?
what is it about Louis where he just asks questions in such a frank manner while staring that makes people talk when you don't think they will
Judging by these posts, everyone who hates sjws and feminists and posts memes is alt-right? I thought it was about white supremacy.
I miss the primaries and I miss the leadup to the general election. Everything seems stunted and sad now, does anyone else know this feel?
and because liberals are so willing to accept anything they self police what they view as anti-social behavior which as of now is being antiglobalist and against self destructive behavior. They are very herdish and strong in group think. So they see a documentary like his and its basically "don't act like these people or you will be rejected from your social group"
Maybe if you're a liberal who takes anything against your beliefs as a personal insult.
Ex: The whole media
shut it goy
he is probably confusing sympathy with empathy
This is actually spot on
>scientific ''facts''
And it will finally come to fruition. There are so many Sup Forumsposters among the visible pro-trump youth that its inevitable Louis will encounter a foo/tv/oyeur. If that guy has any integrity at all he will start this thread and show Louis the results.
>I thought it was about white supremacy.
It's about white nationalism, retard
same thing
actually made me laugh good job
There is no such thing as "the alt-right" it's a catch all term used to dismiss everyone that has a problem with the way the western world is going.
His ass.
>I can't wait for him to interview the Alt-Right
me either
i hope he interviews santa claus and mickey mouse next