Can Daesh be vanquished?
How do you defeat an idea?
Can Daesh be vanquished?
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With a nuclear bomb.
Genocide everyone who believes in the idea
So would you nuke the entire world? Daesh is everywhere.
>implying they'll tell you
It's an attractive idea because it's a large group of semi organized and established radicals who have lax recruitment. Once you wither it down to a small ragtag group who can't do shit, no one will give a shit about them anymore and they will die out.
TLDR everyone wants to be in the "big boy group". If they are no longer a large organized group, they will wither away.
Hit Dabiq, completely destroy it. Dabiq is a small farm village in northern Syria that, according to prophecy, will be the battleground where the Caliphate and Rome's forces clash. Wipe Dabiq off the map, forever.
Then wipe out The IS capital of Raqqa, eliminating its divine status.
IS will lose recruits when it is shown to lack divinity.
Can we please first call it by its real name
The Islamic State?
Besides Daesh is the acronym in Arabic for ISIS anyways. Its just used in English to disassociate it with Islam because the normie goys are stupid.
Constant antimuslim education in the media. Just barrage them with constant debunking and criticism of islams superstitions and inconsistancies, their backwards religion cant stand up to science and scrutinity. That or preach to them and convert them to christianity. They see western media aswell, and if they try to prevent it invade their countries and then force it on them. No hearts and minds and trying not to offend the invaded population but propoganda and conversion by the sword.
Commit suicide
don't kill them
if u do, they win
>How do you defeat an idea?
How was the Nazi ideology defeated
If you kill every single Muslim on the face of the earth and burn Mecca and Medina to the ground that should do it
We need to kill Hitler.
Legalize slavery if it's on captured terrorists. Let the market sell them off and maintain their numbers at a sustainable level as they replace Chinese peasants in factories.
gas them
Put every B52 over Saudi Arabia.
Vote your local Nationalists/Memeists into power.
Alternatively, outsource kebab removal to Putin and the boys.
I don't answer seriously but I will do this time:
Plan to destroy ISIS:
>Stop the chaos in ME, stability is the opposite of terrorism
>Give Sunnis equal rights with Shia in Iraq
>Get Russia/Iran out of Syria and let opposition and Kurds fight for their freedom
>Help re-establish a new Syria. With a part of it as an independent Kurdish country
>Start sending back refugees to Syria a little by little
Stop abiding by Geneva conventions when fighting an enemy that does not care about them.
Force media blackout on events so people at home don't get butt blasted and demand we stop.
Then unleash our full arsenal. No more pussy precision strikes, no more "can't risk damage to mosques or civilians".
Those people need to be made aware that the west is absolutely capable of utterly annihilating them within a week if we really wanted to.
If another group rises in a few years to take their place, do it over again. They'll soon get the message that they continue to exist by our mercy alone.
>oh no muh poor sunni civilians who did nothing wrong
>Can Daesh be vanquished?
>How do you defeat an idea?
Same as bugs. Eradicate every infestation. Don't shy away from collateral damage.
As cruel and hard as it sounds, you have to punish people who are indirectly associated with them too.
This way they won't allow these ISIS fucks anywhere near them. They will have no place to infect.
You may think this sounds like typical edgelord stuff, but this has been used throughout history and it works extremely well in stamping out ideologies.
>inb4 argumentum ad antiquitatem
Any western nation could vanquish them if they had the political and moral will.
No fedorasan, how was catholicism removed from Japan?
no just the middle east and africa then in all over the world ban islam and enforce the law more strikly than any other with death penalty for breaking, get rid of every history and written crap literally anything islam. Do this for a couple of generations tada no more islam and most of violent conflicts "resolved".
Exactly : )
The same way, toothpaste. USA nuked Nagasaki.
You defeat an idea by destroying its symbols and meaning.
The West should literally nuke Mecca. Not joking.
I'm not a Sunni faggot.
Shia living the same shit in Bahrain the Sunnis living in Iraq...
In Iraq you get killed simply for having a Sunni name (that Shia hate the most).
Soon or later, Europe will become chaos, and by Europeans. Remember me.
6 words
Condemn the idolatry of the Salaf
>not joking
Then you're an idiot.
I use a word I don't know but to look cool.
Daesh thrives on drugs that are sent in from Saudi Arabia. If we intercepted some and replaced them with a slow-acting poison we could probably kill a lot of them
Well unlike Al Qaeda associated movements, ISIS' legitimacy relies on holding ground.
No territory= no legitimacy
No legitimacy = no followers
You're a fucking idiot if you think this is an actual solution.
>Then you're an idiot
And you're a faggot cuck. How is the whole "winning hearts and minds" thing working out?
War is war.
By destroying Islam.
Who? You mean the ISLAMIC State of Iraq and the Levant? Does the use of ISLAMIC in a negative context trigger you? That's unfortunate, but the ISLAMIC State of Iraq and the Levant is most definitely ISLAMIC.
>In Iraq you get killed simply for having a Sunni name (that Shia hate the most).
t. al jazeera / al arabiya
Though desu it's true that soon we will have same level shit going on here. Should have allowed Assad to keep his gas desu.
I can't believe you don't know the history of your country.
You are not really Japanese?
It's a perfect solution.
>ban Islam on pain of death
>Muslims ignore ban because of course they will
>execute Muslims
>leftists can't cry about "genocide" because they had the opportunity to join civilisation and refused
All the benefits of killing them outright, with better PR
Holy shit. An actually reasonable alternative on pol.
fuck em all to death
t. Ahmed -Ibn Al Clockmed- Mohamed
Yeah, who gives a fuck about the MILLIONS of individuals who practice Islam peacefully right?
Of course not but if push comes to shove its either this or nothing because lets be real for a moment if you think there is an solution yeah you are a bigger idiot. As long as islam exist there will always be another "isis" as simple as that.
At least it seems to be radical Islam's final form, if they were defeated and a group that was more extreme came into existence I would really be surprised.
>removing assad
Why stop them? Just kick all muslims from europe and let them do whatever they want in ME.
>inb4 can't just move millions of people from europe - see holocaust
naw i say we round em all up, put down their pants and fuck em to death
the satanic christians ?
lol, dead winners?
did you know about Russians burying terrorists inside of pig carcasses?
>no heaven, lol
Yeah think about the 6 million of the 1,2 billion who are peaceful!
So you'd kill innocent villagers who are under Russia and Assad's protection.
Also it has little to do with the village, the village itself is irrelevant, rather the geographical area.
Hit them harder
ISIS are just regular muslims with the illusion of power. this is what happens any time you give a muslim power, or they think they have it.
islam calls for its followers to rule the world, and makes no distinction between forced conversion and natural conversion, thus they're violent monkeys.
No Daesh doesn't mean ISIS you ignoramus, it's a nicname given to ISIS by the MUSLIMS fighting and killing ISIS. It means rabid dog
First you stop using shitspeak.
Practice islam peacefully
>practice rape peacefully
>practice pedophilia peacefully
So I'm not allowed to be a peaceful racist, but they can be peaceful islamists? Fuck that
That's your epic argument?
Removing Al Assad is the first step to get refugees back to Syria.
The actual plan of Assad is displacing all the opposition out of Syria so he can win an election with democracy soon. And he will do mark my words.
If he did, there's no comeback for refugees forever...
Are we supposed to pity them?
its like you are placng th world probems i a single group, you are delusional as fuck and hypocrite
Guess we'll just have to reheat the ovens then, huh?
i wonder if reforming islam will work anytime soon or in the next thousand years i worked for Christianity..
how many hands do you still have?
Salafaggot detected. The Shia of Ali will even sweep the Moors.
Alouites are Sayyid bend the knee.
An intelligent dentist fluent in english, etc. vs a bunch of dirty rapists
HMMMMM, who should we support??
lol at christ fag , get out fanatic
Of course, but they will not be defeated because they're useful for those who want to impose social control.
I'll give a fuck when you give me a reliable way to tell them apart. The safety of my own people comes first.
It's an acronym
Certainly not me.
the russians and the western allies defeated Germany. A huge country with a much stronger, purer and better organized ideology called National Socialism. A whole country with an extremely powerful army, navy and airforce. Daesh is a fucking joke. The problem are all the rebel forces in Syria, they have to vaporize them all and let Assad make Syria a save country again. After that they have to think about a new leader, also slow steps to democracy.
also nuke saudi arabia
In Sweden we've solved this problem by giving out bracelets saying 'dont rape me' so that muslims can see which girls do/dont to be raped
We could give them bracelets saying 'bacefull muzlim'/'crazy islamist' to tell them apart?
If 80% of these refugees can't read in their OWN language, why did your government think this was a good idea?
Build wall, ban Islam, ban circumcision ... problem solved.
>Are we supposed to pity them?
Yes, if you would let me fuck your wife...
What group?
If you mean Al Assad? I think you are just like most of Sup Forums don't know that Syria became that shit by protesting peacefully to get take down Al Assad, but he decided to fight back starting by sniping protesters... and years after Daesh happened...
>Insulting your (((masters)))
You aren't only talented in cuckoldness, not on being funny, stop trying please.
Isis brings america , russia, france and soo many other countrys to ME , I think the joke here is you spanish scum
we really cant france
it has been too late since 2004
if burgers didnt fuck up with handling terrorists in a "humane way" we wouldnt have this problem
we should have just executed every islamic terrorist on the spot instead of sending to guantanamo
>Dude america created these groups when they spent 10 years in Afheganistan being cucked by small groups of rebels and terrorists.
>Morocco thinks anybody will miss him when he is glass
xd fase
No, you listen, friend
We don't care about any of you
We simply don't want you here if you can't behave
Some of you are civilised and I respect that
But if you can't see that a big part of muslim world is hundreds of years behind in development, then we have nothing to talk about
The Western-Sahara is more advanced and cultured that morocco and their roach inhabitants.
You're right. Glass the fuckers.
first you need to execute all americans first, part of world probs will be fixed just by that
of course there isn't much progress, but only because there are so many powers and countries defending their interests in the region. ISIS is taking advantage of that. but again, compared to the germans back in the old days they ARE a fucking joke and if all forces would actually be against them they wouldn't survive a week.
and I'm not spanish
>t.b Shlomo "from" the Netherlands
It doesn't matter who created it... American created a lot of chaos in the last decades that affected Europe the most...
This now is affecting Europe and Middle East... they both should resolve it.
Anyway, lately shit will get only worst for both EU and ME. Until US fall and some other power rise... hopefully China will do better (do nothing).
Don't you have to be getting cucked somewhere or something?
It isn't. But if Saharan people wanted to have their own county I have no problem with it. The people should choose their destiny.
You try to be funny and you fail every time.
I guess you are only good at eating burgers.
I'll take a million amerifats over one single muslim. nice try, abdullah
by taking away its funding
If you think isis is the only one defending a type of agenda then you are serious out of touch .
till isis vanish yo gonna see more spanish people getting rekt by bomb like in 2004 in spain homeland, our you have short memory?
We need to create more chaos in the form of nuclear missiles raining down on everything Muslim.
The best resolution, and nobody will miss any of you. Stop acting like we owe you anything bud, nobody cares about dead slimes.
portugese are the true root of isis
we need to remove u and put hues in your place
i don care i hate humans
>If you think isis is the only one defending a type of agenda then you are serious out of touch .
this is why I wrote in this post:
>The problem are all the rebel forces in Syria, they have to vaporize them all and let Assad make Syria a save country again
this of course is meant for all radical muslim groups, not only rebels in syria. the countries of this world must stop using them for their interests, they have to stop all fundings to any radical group on this planet. history tells us that this has always led to more and more trouble and suffering. but I know this is very unlikely to happen
haha america
>10 years in afeghnistan rekt by small terrorit groups
>more 10 years in Iraq to give it to islamic state
>attacked in homeland by hijacket planes
you people are delusional , your nation is made of shit
Thanks God your people are literary killing themselves, literary stopped producing, literary calling others to fuck their women, literary 8% of their kids aren't biologically theirs and raised them unknowingly, literary putting wigs on their heads asking to be called Sonya and fucking each others in the ass.
You guys literary killing yourselves, on a massive scale.
With progress.
Not ''''''''''progress'''''''''' as portrayed and pressed by the sjw leftist libshit whatnots, but actual social progress.