Guess the country name without google help. What is this?

Guess the country name without google help. What is this?

afghanistan in the 1960

A -stan country

Or Iran

Yes. And it looks like usa state, isn't it?

Next step. What country is on this image?

afghanistan 1960s and now :DDDDDDDDD

probably iran before revolution?

iran before the soviets

BTW This pictures are from cherrypicked parts of country, a small minority was living like that. rest of the country was just like today.

Yes. And it looks like USSR small town's square. Isn't it?

Next step.
What country is on this picture?

this time it's definitely iran. none of those people look like afghans.

also this

No. It is afganistan.

So, what is on this picture ????

I already said iran. it even says "before the 1979 revolution" on the pic.

Yes, it is true.

Next step.
What is the country? It should to be hard.

What are you trying to say?

this one looks like it could be almost anywhere in the middle east or central asia. or maybe latin america.

I'm gonna guess India.

What is the country? It should to be hard.

russia, blacks sea area

It is not an India.
one more picture.
it is hard, but you can to detect.

Wait a little.

usually when those afghanistan pics are posted, they're part of an anti-russian narrative. they're supposed to show good everything was there before soviets "ruined" everything. it's a narrative I strongly disagree with, though. if the soviets had gotten free reigns over afghanistan, it would have been a livable country by now.

Skyscrappers. Third world country, right?
I am joking

Very close, but it is not Russia

Dude I don't get it

georgia? armenia?


It all is not because of soviets.

Soviets were not Russians. Bolsheviks were kikes supported by the main European powers at the time (Germany, UK) and American bankers aka rotschilds.

>This counter-revolutionary oligarch bootlicking revisionism


And now is the final post:

I can to find more pictures. But the main idea is here:

Part of the world or even most of the world today is worse, than it was before. And people have done this.


You didn't get it. 30% of Russian oligarchs are openly kikes. Communism never left Russia. It just transitioned into neo-feodalism we have today. Stop being a useful idiots for politicians.

>Communism never left Russia
you would be shot if it were truth

afghanistan would still be good if the americans had minded their own business.

iran would be good if the commies had won.

the last prince from there moved here and set up a nice garden

Thank god you can be sent to jail for a post vk now instead, amirite?

>because of muh communism

>The retard still doesn't see the connection
If you don't see hammer and sickle anymore it doesn't mean it's gone. You probably don't even live in Russia.

>You probably don't even live in Russia.
while you sucking dicks and only dream about it

>A kike thinking about dicks
No surprises here.
Get rekt, subhuman.