There are people here that unironically think whites are the master race

>there are people here that unironically think whites are the master race
>the current dominant power in the world is nonwhite
>the runner up is also nonwhite

Totally because of non-whites dude

Yeah , I worked at a defense contractor. Whole light of non-whites getting those high-end clearances and directing all the programs....

What an absolute retarded faggot.

>Whole light of non-whites getting those high-end clearances
Between the reddit spacing and weird syntax I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say. But assuming you're referring to the fact that most generals(?) are white:
Our last commander in chief was Black, and more are on the way. Besides, it's nonwhite tax dollars and citizens that funds this.

Name one successful non-white country.

Japan. Singapore. Wow that was easy.


Didn't you know guys? Those countries are actually 100% white so checkmate libtards.

This desu
Japs are honorary aryan.
The OP is obviously not talking about the smart asians here, as they're only 5.5% of the US population.

All of them. Wh*Tes are a joke.

You're not white, Alexei. Circled are the only white countries.

Whoops, here is the actual image.

I wasn't talking about Russia. What did you write it for, bogan cunt?

You seemed under the impression that you're white. Just had set you straight my bydlo friend.

Russia is black. Now what about those non-Asian successful non-white stats OP seemed to talk about? Btw where is he?

Belarus is white

saudi arabia, panama, chile, malaysia, indonesia, botswana

>In charge of deciding who is white
Go get skin cancer cunt, it's summertime

>non-Asian successful non-white
The gulf states are pretty successful economically. Many are no longer dependant on oil and are diversifying where they get their wealth from.
I can post 100 "white" non-whites, it wont make them white.
Ivan please. I know being white is the only thing Russians have to look forward to but being seriously believing you're actually white is bordering on delusion. Get help, if you can afford it in Russia.

>saudi arabia
American education.
Not successful.
For latam standards maybe. Btw it's still 40% white. Uruguay is better than chile and 90% south european.
>malaysia, indonesia
How so?
Maybe, when it was governed by anglos.

Belarus is whitest country on Earth i guarantee it

Go check that mole you've been thinking about, could at least get some sleep.

>American education.
it is. look up the stats.
>Not successful.
It is. Look up the stats.
>For latam standards maybe. Btw it's still 40% white. Uruguay is better than chile and 90% south european.
Chile is not white lol and Uruguay is pretty much the same GDP per capita wise.
>How so?
Google it.
>Maybe, when it was governed by anglos.
It's better now and has a better future than it has ever been throughout world history.

All of it are your personal fantasies, boy. Non of those countries are considered to be developed.

Lol I'm just fucking with you cunts. Not even white, this is just the easiest topic to trigger whitey with.

>in charge of deciding which countries are developed

You don't expect me to give this right to a literal mongrel now do you? Who if not me lol burgerclap

> Who if not me lol burgerclap
Developed countries.

Now go outside and start kissing american soil, Jamal.

im not triggered at all

White features doesn't mean white.

Don't know about that but Russia is a perfect example of a failed white country