He Will Not Divide Us Season 2

Is anyone else tuning in?


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where are they now?


My boy is going in right now speaking truth to frazzled Memepool

In my butt

It's evening in America

What happened to the guy?

Did Shia sperg out again?

Me in the center



>Memepool trying to fit in w dem boyz



is this kino?

Is there a Sunni LaBeouf?


Like Cuckerberg, he has money to protect him while your average movie lot employee has to live next to the Mexican invaders, drug dealers, Muslims with a vengeance, etc.

>go there with a pepe t shirt to be funny
>do nothing and then get intimidated into doing their mindless chanting and walking off

kek Sup Forums is useless

Claiming this qt on the right

Notice how no white leftist nevertheless a rich celeb ever moves into a neighborhood that's been over-ran with illegals, Muslims, and Africans.

It's always everyone else's jobs to put up with it so it costs the left nothing.

Not true, i am a progressive (patrician) and live in what you'd consider the "inner city"

Not accepting division as a norm. Code for you are not allowed to have an opinion different than mine.

I'd pay to see someone walk up and start chanting Allahu Akbar.

Has anyone brought a gun and a rifle on stream yet?

Teach your children about the dangers of memes.

Oh yeah? Explain how you collected the data for that fuckin rundown, chief. Or maybe you're just pretty fucking dumb.

I met him. He was a total manlet

>implying anyone from Sup Forums will procreat

another shining example of Sup Forums masculinity

Yea but my right leaning friends are all Chads while my lib friends are wimpy as shit.


Go take a shower and change your clothes, Sharia LePoof

bunch of lost children in that vid

Are we still pouting and acting like children because the rule of law is returning to America, and a certain other nation which DEMANDS we respect its borders and sovereignty is no longer allowed to wipe its ass with ours?

Left wing Hollywood hipsters are seriously challenged when it comes to truth and art. For the record, the lines of division in this country were drawn when Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters deplorable.

these black kids are pretty funny not gonna lie

Another example of a Hollywood nobody convinced that for some reason their opinion is worthy of note and high regard. I wish you a continued downward spiral in your career, She-ah LeQueef. The pinnacle of your career was getting Megan Fox to pretend to be your girlfriend on screen.

He is doing this to show how retarded and insane the left is.

"He" didn't divide us. Obama did. Obama's been President for the last eight years, not Donald Trump. Obama divided us by race, gender, religion, and economic class. Obama did it, and did so intentionally to bring this country down. To recreate it with Marxist ideology...like "in the dreams of his father."

hes in too deep

It really takes a brainless progressive zombie looking for some selfie attention to stand in front of that camera and keep repeating "he will not divide us".

To think that this generation will be in power someday is downright scary.