>be na(t)ive English speaker

>don't know the difference between there, their and they're
>don't know the difference between your and you're
>don't know the difference between its and it's
>don't know the difference between were and we're
>don't know the difference between who, whom, whose and who's
>don't know the difference between then and than
>don't know the difference between to and too
>don't know the difference between of and off
>don't know the difference between lose and loose
>don't know the difference between effect and affect
>don't know the difference between simple past and past perfect
>don't know the difference between adjectives and adverbs
>don't know the difference between genitive and plural
>don't know how to spell common words
>don't know where to set commas or any other punctuation rules
>unironically say "should of" and "could of"

Why is it that you mostly see Murricans making these mistakes? Do they not go to school?

there to dumb xD

>unironically say "should of" and "could of"

You idiot.

Why the fuck would I need to care about any of that when people understand me perfectly fine?

>don't know the difference between to and too
This one gets me from time to time

>be german

No, it's that Americans usually don't care about their use of good grammar when on the internet. Most of my friends never bother to punctuate their sentences when texting or chatting online.

tldr germans are literally grammar nazis cuz they care about there posts

>be a LITERAL grammar nazi

You wouldn't. Germans are just autistic about grammar.

>Being too stupid to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

>>>>>>on the Internet

Shud off thout off dat, cuz we on teh webz xDxDxD

on a Sicilian turtle breeding forum?

u r shit @ chatspeak omg

>Having 6 words for 'the'
>Objects having gender
Over the top stupidity

A Montenegrin pottery webpage?


>having more than one word/phrase for "bitte"

It's true. Just saying 'Bitte' almost became a habit even when I spoke English.

>'gift' in his language means poision

Have you guys ever realized that native english speakers have no privacy on this board?

Everybody knows what they talk about among themselves in their generals, while they can't understand what happens in other generals in other languages.

I don't know, and when they try to learn other languages because they are stronk, independent language learners, other people bully them as if they were the feminist kind of language learners, always trying to prove they are capable of learning another language even though their native language has some grammatical limitations compared to others, and then everybody mocks them when they make typical mistakes generally made by anglo speakers.

Stop attacking native english speakers. They are fun.

like in every other Germanic language, you fool... you're the autist here

Probably because, statistically, if you're speaking to an anglo, they're probably American just by sheer numbers.

Alternatively, apathy for appearing intelligent on the internet.

Just from examining your languages, y'all must have had a miserable ancient times.

>using a language that is by definition THE cuck language
>cucking it even more
>being proud of it

I can see how you can come up with this as a foreigner
but you just don't seem to understand
Native English speakers understand pretty much all of those.
It's colloquial speech. Get used to it, or get off your high horse and stop being such a faggot.

There are a few kickers that seem to get everybody, mostly because of how they're seldom used in colloquial speech and are only ever seen in literature.
>don't know the difference between who, whom, whose and who's
>don't know the difference between effect and affect

>don't know where to set commas or any other punctuation rules
Side effect of colloquial speech. People prefer to write the way they speak. You would understand this if you tried this sometime.

Language is a means of communication.
Nothing matters as long as communication is achieved.

I actually wish English was more conservative with grammar and had more Germanic sound (Anglish), but hey....our mutt language is easy to learn and rules the world. Isn't German the premier language in Engineering worldwide? I read that somewhere

This is not a question about comprehension. It's about NOT being a fucking retard who didn't go to school and doesn't know what BS he's writing and what others will have to read.
Making the internet available to everyone was definitely a mistake, because it has given the retards of this world a voice. A voice that doesn't matter and shouldn't be heard. You are a nuisance for the people who still give a fuck about language, culture, science and progress. You're just an annoying part of the decay of all of this.

German ethnic culling sentiment on the rise again lmao

But seriously, you're heavily leaning into fascist territory. Consider that lower classes exist and are what allow you to lead your coddled lifestyle.

Nigger, I had to go to the food bank multiple times growing up, and have lived solely in basement suites, mobile homes, and apartments for my life due to costs, and yet I still manage to not be a complete retard when it comes to English. Being lower class, especially in the age of the internet being as common as it is, is hardly an excuse.

>be german

Do it again Bomber Harris