Romania, what do you think of him?

Romania, what do you think of him?



Hero of Romania

>born Corneliu Zelinski


For my Legionaries was the most inspiring book I have ever read

Why are you such a fascist antisemite?


Yes, I am. But what are you?

I meant that intelligence naturally leads one to antisemitism.

So if I was more intelligent, then I would hate my jewish neighbours, or simply those that hold power in this world?

Really? It's pretty much just the romanian version of Quotations from Chairman Mao, a good piece of revolutionary literature, but not exactly a work of profound thought.

By your logic, the Jews should be the most anti-Semitic of all. And that doesn't make sense.

If Jews are so intelligent, why do they keep getting kicked out of foreign nations?

Well I don't know, that's a good question, but if they're NOT so intelligent, how are they capable of pulling off these grand conspiracies of theirs?

No one(except schizophrenics) think it's a big evil jew conspiracy, they're just shitty people with shitty traits.

>No one(except schizophrenics) think it's a big evil jew conspiracy, they're just shitty people with shitty traits.

This. Ironically enough those same schizophrenics help Jews by making the slightest criticism of them associated with their tinfoil ramblings about how all Jews everywhere are enacting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (even the Jews ostensibly criticising other Jews)

Schizophrenics and Sup Forumstards? Or is there a difference?

Kalergi tho

Agree, well said.

because they trigger brainlets when they are realize they are inferior .

We jews are so important that even our biggest hater brainlets pretend that we arent jews just to benefit from our massive intelligence

We jews dominate any field that require any intellect

Oh and we also dominate any field that requires creativity too . We aren't only smart but also creative and that makes us superior to the east Asian man

>one chance at life
>not born a Jewish ubermensch

>mfw only half jew
i guess thats why i got a b+ and not an a in calc 3. Fuck my non Jewish father brainlet genes


Christcuck, but not so bad. Also Evola was influenced by this guy a lot. Probably the best Romanian that I know (except Cioran).

Why is it always other new worlders making these threads? You know what I'm talking about, the ones that ask countries what they think about obscure fascist figures none of them know or care about. The ones where the OP is obsessed with said figure and desperately seeks validation in his opinions, in a very "let me tell you about your country" typed way.
Except they don't usually get a reply said country, or said replies do not validate the OP's Sup Forums retardation. So they go off topic and usually just turn it into a general Sup Forums thread, where they try to use >"le ebin and HILARIOUS Sup Forums quips and comebacks" to fuel """""discussion""""".
It's completely pathetic.

This particular OP is the well-known "Sup Forums leaf". He constantly spams his shitty Sup Forums bait threads. He always has the same, thinly-veiled justification. "Sup Forums has better discourse than Sup Forums." Complete bullshit. He doesn't start these threads to have a "discussion", he starts them to lure people in, and then begin his pathetic attempt to "redpill" people, which usually just involves spamming hundreds of unsourced charts and images he saved directly from Sup Forums. It never works, but that doesn't stop him from trying.

Call him out, he'll call you "obsessed", "leftypol", or reply with a particularly cancerous "umadbro?" styled response. Insult him? All the sudden he's "married, with 2 white children", and "living in your head rent free", and you're "grasping at straws", "creating someone who doesn't exist". He's simultaneously better than everyone here, while at the same time supposed to be multiple different people.

Imagine being this pathetic. Imagine sitting in your room for hours each weekday afternoon, thinking of every possible response to every possible argument or attack to anyone who ever recognizes your stupidity and autism. Once you imagine this, you can begin to understand why the Sup Forums leaf is the way he is.

TL;DR: Sage and report this autistic faggot whenever you see him.

>all that text
>I'm n-not mad
Yeah, he mad

Also, inb4 >"reddit spacing", "imagine being this obsessed xDDD", or "haha umadbro :D :DD"
Not an argument.

>haha u spent 5 minutes writing a post? ?? fucken mad !!! xDDD
Not everyone takes 10 minutes to write a 3 word post because their fat fingers kept hitting the wrong keys.

Sounds like a pretty cool guy t b h

Quite strongly assblasted to type this all out over and over.


>spending 5 minutes of your life writing out some autistic shit about some online retard
Yeah, he real mad

>The Sup Forums leaf has gotten to him so badly that he's quite literally having a meltdown

I was never a huge fan of the pol leaf but I must say I'm a semifan now.

Wait, how can he know about obscure fascist figures and also be dumb?
Also, Sup Forums does actually have better discourse.

>the only people to come to the Sup Forums leaf's defense have been """""other""""" leafs

Which Sup Forums are we talking about? Half/pol/ is edgy teenagers, Full/pol/ are schizophrenics

>ANYTHING related to science except as a historical footnote

To be fair Sup Forums is a very large board, it has both retards and smart people. It's an anime imageboard afterall anyway.

So far haven't seen any autistic charts throughout the thread.
The Sup Forums leaf usually starts a thread with this pepe anyway.

>It's an anime imageboard afterall anyway.

find it amazing he has so many admirers outside of romania

Does he?

How the fuck is he a thing outside America?

Sorry, outside Romania?

yeah hipster fascists love him

Romanian diaspora most likely

All far right edgelords are gay. Fuck this cuck.

You mean people in Anglo countries don't read books written by non-anglos?

Is it weird if we read french, german, american, anglo and swedish authors here?
I thought other countries did it too.