Dat tattoo removal

Even old folks can do it

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Why are the tattoos never seven figures?

> mfw people believed someone called WEASEL

First post, best question.

it's an attention whore thing

if they have the tat, they can CONSTANTLY remind everyone about the 6 Gorillas and how it was a living nightmare. Instead of removing that nightmare and moving on with their lives.

Well it starts with a letter so 2,6 million variations are possible.


Damn Australia, askin those hard hitters

yeas beacuse during WW2 there was only one camp during that whole period. Everybody that died had to die in one place :^)

Straya you are better than that.

LOL @ the JewYork Times...their all-star hitter for Holohaox guilt is died.

Jews taking a lickin' recently with Brexit and all.

They actualy had a system for that what if a prisoner gets transfered with the same number to the same camp

The Facebook post for this was awesome. So many people from India and Africa and other obviously paid shilled countries saying how awesome this man as in perfect English getting 500 upvotes. It's so obvious.

did he ever claim to have been in a camp?

Why tatoo them at all when they are in extermination camps? Seems like a really big hassle to tatoo hundreds of thousands of people to send them to the chambers right after.

whew, literally 1000 eyes over here,

just did some reading.

he was in Buchenwald, they apparently only tattooed in Auschwitz and even there not all of them.

I would pay $1000 to be able to passionately read this at his funeral

He claimed he was on this photo.

agreed. Even murdering them seems pointless, it would have been more efficient to just shoot them in the woods. I wish objective historians could examine the evidence so we could get some real history.
I think the shoah happened but so much "evidence" is clearly propaganda.

>Perhaps the german would like to know why you would tattoo a mans arm before throwing him in into a gas chamber and then burning his remains so well that you cannot find evidence that he died.

What in the world did you just say?

Also, pic related is one of my fav cartoons.

I don't want a holocaust police to come for me, but does he look 15 on that photo? I guess he could, with all the famine and shit. I don't know. Any Jew here goy to clarify? inb4 never happened. Something more substantial.

The nose exposes itself

No wonder he survived that shit!

Simply put, that does not look like him. That does not look like a 15-year old.

I just made this. Hopefully, someone with better Photoshop skills can add stuff to it.

The Jew circled is whom Eli claims to be. Simply put, it does NOT look like him.

It's hard to tell, you need a picture of him at that age looking sideways.

Wait according to official holohoax history most jews that arrived in Auschwitz were gassed within 24 hours. How come there are so many "survivors"

What is this from?

If that's him, then where is his hair?

you're an idiot or a troll or both

I was reading about holocaust statistics, and only 25% of German Jews officially died in the holocaust, despite being the longest under the nazi's control...

I assume it takes 8 hours for a cold oven to burn everything to ashes, but cant you stack a new corpse in there when ever the first one is burned to bones?
2500 seems a bit high, but I'm pretty sure you can do more than one every 8 hour.


Slave labour you imbecile. They rented Jews out to chemical plants and had them do all kinds of work until they dropped dead.

Say you had an oven that could fit 50 people in it at a time every 8 hours burning nonstop for a year. That still wouldn't even be 175,000 people, I think it's clear to see there is no way that anyone could honestly claim one million people got cremated. Maybe they killed them other ways or whatever but the whole oven thing seems like total bullshit.


bump because Sup Forums needs to see this thread and not the many others created by the JIDF

Fpbp, makes sense since Hitler was born in your country