If the US has a separation of chuch and state, why does it say "in god we trust" on federal currency?

If the US has a separation of chuch and state, why does it say "in god we trust" on federal currency?

this ones easy.
The government doesnt own the notes

All text on federal bills are anagrams for incantations

because 1950s

why are europeans on Sup Forums so obsessed with us?

Because mentioning god on our currency isn't the same as being part of a theocracy

to make atheists mad.

because of godless communist heathens like you

Because it's a separation of Church (as an institution) and State, not of Faith and State

Because in murrica the state is secular, not atheist. Do you know US diplomats study in Georgetown University, which is jesuit?


Not directly related, but belief in GOD has absolutely nothing to do with "Church". What gets passed as law and "settled" law for the past 100 years is pretty much unadulterated treachery.

Because America was deathly afraid of the godless Communists in the 50s and basically fucked the constitution

because you're a relevant country, possibly

Because the federal reserve prints the money and controls it, which fun fact kids is a private company that controls our economy!

What's America though? I've never heard of it so...i think you're lying it must not be relevant

"Separation of church and state" refers to the federal government NOT endorsing one religion over another.
The Church of England, for example.
Since (almost) all religion's have a deity of some sort, it's not specific, therefore not an endorsement.

>Because America was deathly afraid of the godless Communists in the 50s and basically fucked the constitution

oh fuck off fedora

Of course they do. That's why defacing a 20$ bill is illegal, right?

But to say WE 'trust' in A (singular) god is clearly not secular since it picks sides.

Completely leaves out hindu's for example.

>This is a good question.

Because the God of the finding fathers was the God of reason, and it isn't prudent to place trust in mere money.

the 1 dollar also says, new secular order. God is a loose term, nk one believes in the Christian god anymore.

It was added in the 50s in a failed attempt to try thwart jew communism.

>finding fathers
finding fathers

>believing the separation of church and state lie

It was cooked up by jew lawyers in the 20th century to take Christianity out of public schools. They found some obscure private letter written by Jefferson that included the phrase and declared it law. This is silly considering Jefferson also wrote letters where he said the federal government couldn't curtail the spread of slavery and other radical positions.

Because we are a Christian nation and a product of manifest destiny

rly makes you think..