Predict the RT score

Here I go: 70-80%

my digit


The first dubs of the thread. The better question is when the fuck is the trailer coming out.

probably get something similar to Man of Steel, like 55%
scores above 50% are still rotten somehow


I am from the future

The movie itself should be a 60 - 70% but because critics hate Snyder, it will be a 30- 40%.

40 - 45

If Nolan's TDKR got an 80-90 percent Justice League should probably get a 129 percent.


The pacing will be bad. It won't have as much action as people hope, and will take itself too seriously. It will look cool. The trailer will get people hype. In interviews they'll say "I think this time we did it" (They don't). DCfags will ruin internet communities everywhere with shitposts saying people "just don't understand the depth". It will be their most successful movie in the campaign, but will still flop. Mediocre response prompts a universally hated sequel, and Sup Forums makes some shitty memes with it all.