Bvs critically panned

>bvs critically panned
>Suicide Squad bombed even more
>hot topic joker
>Affleck is looking for a way out
>Wonder Woman: The First Avenger
>Justice League: now with 70% more quips
>blowing load with Death of Superman this early

DC gives you a blank check to restart their cinematic universe. How do you handle it?

cast eddie redmayne as jason todd and make it a 3 hour film about the joker raping him with various sex toys

They're still better than Marvel movies you nu-male cuck.

I fake my death and take the blank check to live like a king in some south pacific island.

what's the red crosses on the green screen supposed to mean


Just do movies with the characters and no gay cinematic universe

Surreal animated art film based on Arkham: A Serious House on Serious Earth

Fuck marketability

do stand alones first before ensemble

Pretty sure they're to help the CGI artists keep track of space.