Be britbong

>be britbong

Other urls found in this thread:

>be swedish
>wake up with leaves in my face
>a tree grew in the bedroom again
>go downstairs
>sap and bark for breakfast
>go outside
>get killed by ent

chop chop fally fally HAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAH

>There are more trees in the Spanish desert than in the UK

>green and pleasant land

> perhaps the longest continually inhabited island in the world
> perfect climate for growth given its latitude
> first country to industrialise
Yeah. I'm surprised we have any left at all.

Unfortunately trees were needed for ships and being the world's first industrialised nation took its toll. The two world wars also didn't help and we were down to about 5% coverage after WW1. Since then it's been slowly recovering and is up to 13% but planting needs to be sped up tbqh.

>The United Kingdom, being in the British Isles, is ideal for tree growth, thanks to its mild winters, plentiful rainfall, fertile soil and hill-sheltered topography. Growth rates for broadleaved (hardwood) trees exceed those of mainland Europe, while conifer (softwood) growth rates are three times those of Sweden and five times those of Finland. In the absence of people, much of Great Britain would be covered with mature oaks, except for Scotland

Trees love growing here more than Sweden lmao.

the land isn't fertile
we need lots of it to farm and turn into pastures

>be Haiti
>eat bark
>no more trees

>Provence is at the same time the region with the most forest and the most forest fires

>when the eternal anglo steals your trees

the eternal anglo is a cancer destroying the world

>perhaps the longest continually inhabited island in the world

Ice age you idiot

better change that song's name to Mecca

> perhaps the longest continually inhabited island in the world


> perfect climate for growth given its latitude


Sicily isn't an album

We had to make way for our living space, Sven

There's 65 million of us. That's 6.5x the population of Sweden.


Lol what is it?

A sexual fetish

Why don't you just invade Sweden then instead?

They aren't even in NATO.

>be swedish
>get raped and/or shot by a wild pack of chimps

Would cunts get in the way? How can we make this happen? False Flag ideas?

very creative

I unironically don't think anyone would defend Sweden. Not the NATO countries at least.

Perhaps Finland out of solidarity.

If all of Scandi joined up it might be a good fight. Good popcorn munching from where you sit.

All scandi countries combined might have the force of 1/3th of the UK.

Just like the Benelux. Which also has the power of about 1/3rd of the UK.

Why did you chop down trees during ww1? You had metal, and you were never invaded.
But why?

What about Finland and muh reserves , muh artillery

Sounds pretty comfy desu

Same as Norway, sweden, danemark, Finland armies????

that's portugal


are you retarded

You have to keep in mind the Benelux is 29 million people.
And all Nordic countries combined less than 27 million.

s*otland btfo

>You have to keep in mind
Nah, you really don't. Numbers would not be the deciding factor if Benelux and the Nordics went into conflict.

By suggesting that Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg are not on par with the combined armies of Scandanavia? If so , then yes.

You can't supply yourself as well as us. We have land borders with our suppliers. And we spend more on our military than Sweden and Finland combined. Most of it air assault and navy, which is what you need for an invasion. (not that we could occupy each other)

But if you want to stick to the reality of the situation. You aren't in NATO and we have a combined army with Germany, a naval strike group with the UK and 1600 American tanks and nuclear weapons in storage.

>Why did you chop down trees during ww1? You had metal, and you were never invaded.

Timber is always needed, especially during that period.

Considering the population some 90% of the landmass isn't built upon, I'm surprised we even have as much countryside left as we do being the first industrialised country etc. We're currently planting a few million trees a year, but it needs to be more and at a quicker rate.

We will defeat them with the power of friendship.

>ship all our wood to britain and ulster
>till the earth to feed britain

> ice age
700,000 years
The ice age didn't cover all Britain.

700,000 years

To be fair you've got to remember the British Isles haven't always been islands for their entire history.

Yeah i cannot understand how there are more trees in Almeria which is a fucking desert than any part of England, wtf?

>Spanish desert
Which one you mean

Thats quite a silly map as most hedgerows towns and citys have trees. My city has two trees per person ratio

Industrial revolution

Shit map.

Everyone knows Spain is a barren wasteland.

It's about forests, silly. Not small clusters of trees here and there or individual trees. Though we do have lots of trees in our cities and towns, London being one of the greenest capitals in Europe for trees.

Need wood to build ships. Simple.

Funny how the carpathians are literally coloured in by trees and look like a question mark.

>yfw the Americans have no military bases here, but enough equipment in our storage facilities to mount an invasion of france

>According to a UN definition, London can be classified as a forest, its 8.4 million trees – almost one for every person

Someone mark London green.

You should fucking claim it and run through at least Belgium.

It would make a good James Bond movie.

>Rogue Dutch general with massive bone to pick with Belgium steals the keys to the M1's and rolls out

It is green and pleasant though.


I'm sure the Dutch King wouldn't mind if one of his generals went "rogue" to recover some clay for him. Pic related, the Dutch King.

The Netherlands was founded by pirates. And our government always gave privateering commissions to pirate fleets, which allowed them to attack foreign ships if they split a part of the revenue with our government.

>tfw spent years growing a small Oak Tree in my garden
>I am very fat
>one day I literally fell when the tree was grown to half my height, and I fucking knocked the tree and fell on it tearing it from its roots

feels fucking bad man
my parents still call me 'Timber Tubby' and for my 21st birthday they hired a stripper to dress as a tree and fall over and pretend to be dead when I tried to have sex with her (she left and I am still a virgin)

I wish I was Swedish. I love trees so fucking much.

>Timber Tubby

yeah, pls don't come.


Why are Brit posters so terribly pathetic every time?

I don't like seeing them this vulnerable, they are usually mean as fuck to us.


Eucalyptus are the cancer of northern spain.

At least we can get revenge with rabbits

sorry, life is getting me down and this thread reminded me of one of the many humiliations I have suffered in my life