>le I have british accent so I'm smart guy
why do americans praise british accent? what is this shit person's aim?
>le I have british accent so I'm smart guy
why do americans praise british accent? what is this shit person's aim?
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching HBO
>watching comedians
>giving two shits what some anglo rodent has to say
>giving two shits what some HRC shill has to say
>wasting energy on this kind of shit
He's not from America so he can't commentate on American politics. Fuck off and go fuck yourself.
Hey don't blame us, he's americas fault. We shipped him off to you because no one here found him funny. If it wasn't for you lot, he wouldn't have a job
I don't trust people that wear ties with plaid dress shirts.
Bong here. Half our accents make the speaker sound less intelligent, not more
Fuck Blompf and fuck white ppl
Eternal Anglo here, we fucking hate John as-well.
>no one here found him funny
my ex did.
that's why she's an ex.
This. Fuck drumpf losers