Scrolling through FB

>Scrolling through FB
>See this get posted by old classmate
>PM her and ask her what her GPA is
>"None of your fucking business!"
>Later find out she got dismissed from school for shit grades and attitude

Aside from that, is your performance in school a good indicator of your character or ability to succeed?

I'd like to say no, but I guess it's a yes.

You can change however.

Its been above 3.1 for awhile now but now with Calc and Physics it should go up. Ya know, shit I actually care about.

I was stupid and took 2 years of Japanese which is hard as fuck and lowered my gpa.

Depends on the teacher and the school. I would say no a lot of the time, and yes a lot of the time. I guess yes for STEM classes with good teachers, and no for ANY class with a bad teacher. Especially English, English is a bullshit class to the highest degree. Grades in English are literally determined by how similar your opinion is to the teacher. I fucking hate English and English teachers are a special type of scum.

In short, no, you can get bad grades and be very intelligent, but it doesn't happen that often. It does happen though.

It used to be a good indicator, but now everyone is 'equal' and grades mean nothing. Besides, since the vast majority of K-12 curriculum is just Marxist indoctrination nowadays anyway, that just proves OP's pic true.

Sure but that goes out the window in STEM. Everyone gets the grade they earned in STEM.

2.8 here... I always fucking regret not having put effort in highschool... but at least it's slightly improving.. might be a 3.0 by the end of next semester


>Copy Wikipedia
>get high grades
>be smart


I'm not sure why this is even a discussion.

School is bullshit, grades are bullshit, 95% of teachers deserve to get viciously murdered for ruining young minds.

I have ADHD, my parents refused to medicate me while i was in school, life was literal hell. I am far more intelligent then all those baboons I had as classmates, but could not get good grades for the life of me due to my ADHD.

Once I got into college I went to a psych by myself and got medicated, suddendly I started scoring some of the highest test scores in my class.

Basically, if I did not have shitty parents who don't believe in medicine I would get high test scores in school.

It's funny. That statement is somewhat true, but in the vast majority of cases, someone just has low grades because they either can't be bothered to do the work and/or can't understand the material. Sometimes there are people that just can't take written tests well, but this is definitely not the rule.

Fundamentally, your highschool GPA indicates how much of a dipshit you are and whether or not you can follow instructions. Your college GPA is the same thing. There has to be a standard metric for measuring peoples' abilities in school because employers sure as fuck aren't going to go through your transcripts. I think having both in-major and overall GPA for college grads makes the most sense.


Absolutely not.
You need to be someone of poor character if you want to be truly successful.

American colleges teach you how to meet tight deadlines, juggle multiple different class schedules, and maintain a semblance of professionalism in order to succeed. Unless you are going into medicine or STEM, the "knowledge" is useless once you start an actual job (at least for business schools like I attend). It's all about learning to function like a proper professional, not learning why C&C management structure is more efficient but leads to less synergy, etc

I usually forget 60-80% of what I learn in any intro-intermediate level class by the time I start the next semester.

>tfw your teacher was so shit you learned more from the book and saw no point even attending class in the morning
Thank fuck on our syllabus the teacher listed which days quiz's and exams were on, I hate how slowly the classes go and teachers just make a powerpoint and don't even talk about what were learning

Not realy. Good grades will give you an initial headstart but after that it just depends on how hard you work/ ssmart you are irl.

I work with a kid who was a ~3.9 student and he's honestly a complete moron, no one in their right mind will promote him.

good goy, let children (especially boys) be punished by female teachers for having a different opinion. Let them be one block of mindless drones.

To be honest my school years were pretty shitty, this is due that half of the teacher staff couldn't give a ratsarse about your education, and made you do some boring stuff, like 5000 presentations about the LOLOcaust. And the other half was mostly filled with "overly ambitious teachers" who try to shape the schoolchildren in their own image, or man hating old cunts, who would give ALWAYS boys a worse grade than girls.

>I blame school for my shitty parents

Good talk BR

>they can't be bothered to do the work
And how is this a problem?If they can't be bothered, that means they aren't interested. I see no reason why people should be forced to learn something they have no interest in, aside from the very basics. I don't remember half the shit I've "learned", it was/is a waste of time.

Hey mate, just because my parents were shitty does not mean school did not fail me as well.

You wouldn't understand, no matter how bad american education might be, brazilian education is far worse.

>Aside from that, is your performance in school a good indicator of your character or ability to succeed?
No, especially not in the modern day.

No, i've met pHds who have next to no common sense. Its a good judge if you've got a well adjusted view of the outside world

I graduated with a degree I didn't particularly want but was far more financially responsible than the journalism degree I initially went to school for. I actually have a job in the industry I wanted so at least that worked out.

I graduated business school with a pretty average GPA, far lower than my GPA in journalism school, which is what I actually wanted to do with my life. When I switched to business I just couldn't bring myself to give a shit about half my classes and my GPA suffered.

Meanwhile I knew plenty of business school students with a 4.0 and have fantastic jobs in finance in New York right out of college. A good friend of mine is at Goldman Sachs making 100 grand/year out of college in Manhattan. And he's a fucking idiot politically, he knows fucking nothing about the world. It's not that he has incorrect opinions, he has no opinions, all he learned to do in college was work the stock market, he has no fucking clue what is going on in the world and he doesn't care to ever learn, and that was true for pretty much every business student I ever met.

I always averaged around a 3.2gpa. but that's with rarely ever studying. I just went to class and didn't fuck around on my laptop. Always made me laugh when the kid who never shows up and when he does he fucks around on fb, bitching about how much they had to study for a test.

there there little hue, your parents love you very much. yes they do!

>Grades test obedience
Fuck no, they test your ability to remember stuff.

She's right. Edison and Bill Gates, among others, did poorly in school. A truly intelligent person educates themself

>your parents love you
They do, but loving your children and being a good parents are not necessarily the same thing.

>man hating old cunts, who would give ALWAYS boys a worse grade than girls
I had to change schools, because one of those failed me for not sucking up to her.

Depends on the teacher. Some teachers pretty much just ask opinionated questions and grade you on your opinions. Of course you could always just say what the teacher wants to hear.

Yes and no. I have a shit gpa. Am I the sharpest tool in the shed? Hell no. Some people have high gpas cause they can grasp material better and are just smarter.

On the other hand, if your teacher is a socially retarted from spending to much time in a chemistry lab and can't teach worth a shit? Than ya, people can do bad.

My gpa is bad though cause of a combo of me being not mature enough and chemistry (my major) being hard as fuck. I initially thought I could study like I did in high school and I was wrong. I had to grow up and fast. My gpa is on the upswing now that I have better study habits and time management skills but the damage is already done.

In my experience, it's true. The smartest and most knowledgeable guys are usually those with a good but not perfect GPA. A bad GPA is a sign of poor work morale or low intelligence. An excellent GPA is often the result of learning stuff by heart, but not understanding it.

Part of intelligence is knowing that you have to play the game in order to get what you want.

Like it or not, grades are very very important. Even high school grades, because they determine the caliber of college that you can attend, which in turn determines the kind of white collar job or graduate program that will take you.

Now, if a really smart person knows that they want to become a plumber or something, then yes, high school grades would not necessarily reflect his intellect.

But, what's funny to me is when these self-described geniuses with a smug sense of intellectual superiority get bad grades and then wonder they're working at Best Buy in their 20s. If they were so smart, they would realize that it's necessary (and not all that difficult) to play by the rules.

That's pretty funny user. My first year Japanese class was good for my GPA. Are you sure it's not because you were a bit lazy and didn't practice enough?

Dont be daft. Gates got admitted to Harvard. He dropped out after making the connections necessary to start his own business. He was good enough academically to be admitted to one of the best unis in the US

Bretty much, but some professors buttfucked me and literally stole several grades from me. I'm still satisfied with my results.

I had an average GPA in college still wound up with a very well paying job because I went out and talked with employers while people were studying. It's hardly about what you know but who you know in the real world.

Would you recommend going to career fairs? I have a 1.5-2 years left and haven't been to one yet.

>working at Best buy at 20 or
>working at office/searching for job at 24
Going by the rules only gets you a slightly better job later, if it even gets you a job.

Its kind of true, it doesn't test intelligence directly, it tests your ability to adapt to situations, focusing on the acquisition of knowledge. To get good grades, you have to be able to learn something, regardless of whether its boring or not, you also need to learn how to communicate that knowledge in the way the marker wants, which may be retarded. Add in pro strategies like determining what will be on the test based on what was said in the class and previous years tests, it also tests your ability to pick up on subtle hints, and your ability to network to get info from previous students. Some people are so good at this this they can be idiots yet get good grades just by networking, determining what will be on tests and cramming.

So she is correct that it doesn't test intelligence, it tests far more than just that.

I like to think of it as a game where they test how well you can please the professor, while adapting to new ones for each module.

If all you care about is knowledge its far cheaper and faster and easier to do it on your own using the internet and books.

(We dont have gpas here, but I was 2nd in my engineering degree in case people think im saying this because i got bad grades)

I'd say no, the schools don't measure creativity, tenacity, and so on. If your grades are high it means you just know how to be good in exams, and maybe there is a IQ correlation for it, but it's not a sucess determinator.

I've been at the bottom end during all my years at school because I had no fucks to give, my average was something around 4.5/10, 4 being the minimum requirement to pass.
I managed to enroll in college and now I'm at the top of my class.
How that reflects my intelligence I can't tell, but people who barely finished or didn't finish school at all are all pretty much dolts.

I was constantly told I was smart by my parents and grade school teachers. I never ghave a fuck though in school and some classes were just homosexual.

I am starting to recover in college but I procrastinate and fuck around to much still.

>bill gates did poorly
He dropped out of fucking Harvard because it was basically a waste of his time and he knew what he wanted to do to be successful.

I had a 1.7gpa at one point. I didn't do any assigned homework because I was too cool for school.

is that on a 4 point grade system or a 7 point grade system?

I really really suck at math. I scored the minimal grade for the lowest rank of math class
But now i work as a history teacher and its quite comfy and I sure as fuck about me having no knowledge in math what so ever so if someone with higher grade tells me something about it i will know he have better knowledge of that then me.

I think a lot of it has to do with what character you're given outside of school as well. In high school I had issues same as everyone else, didn't push myself as much as I should have, and graduated only with a 2.7 GPA. It wasn't until three years later when I'd gotten out into the world and dealt with some of my issues that I was ready to handle school more seriously. I got a vocational degree earlier this year with a 3.85 GPA and almost straight As. People can change and develop character, but they often need a reason to do so.

A truly intelligent person doesn't blithely follow hollow platitudes. People surely have different methods of learning which work the best for them, but autodidacts are pretty fucking rare. If you think that you've taught yourself a lot on your own, consider that you probably would have learned much more with a teacher. Additionally, universities provide opportunities which the common man can't find elsewhere. They are a comprehensive source of knowledge and talent, providing journals, archives and equipment that you just won't find on your own. This isn't to say you shouldn't learn on your own, but don't fucking inflate your ego over it, especially when you have nobody to criticize you.

It might have been in the past, however from what I've heard education is more oriented towards girls so now it's not as important.

No, you're just an asshole if your grades are low because of your inability to take care of business. Good grades are either mediocre people working hard or smart people working at any level. Bad grades are either the aforementioned assholes who don't want to succeed and want to lash out like dindus or they're literal dindus.

I graduated with that and still don't give a fuck, I'm making 70ish/yr building fucking clouds for retarded customers

Grades aren't an end-all be-all way to rank your intelligence, but they do a pretty good job of it based on standards. It tests your intelligence, determination, ability to learn and adapt, etc. However, a 2.0 student most likely doesn't know more than a 4.0 student in the same class on the same standard. The 2.0 student either has problems learning concepts, not putting in effort, or some combination of reasons.

Depends on major and school.
I went to Cal Poly and their STEM courses have a rep, and right fully so, for being rigorous as fuck.

Higher grades mostly determine one's will to work, not intelligence per se. That picture is still retarded though.

If you're actually intelligent then you realize the importance of good grades and will be able to partition your time to study and get a 4.0 instead of a 2.0. Intelligence is a skill for 99.9% of the population; you have to cultivate it and spend time working on it. People can be naturally gifted but the only way they're going to have a 2.0 gpa is if they spend their time doing some type of research or innovation that transcends the importance of schooling.

Don't forget grade inflation. A hundred years ago, a 2.0 GPA was reasonable.

I use to get horrible grades in high school because I simply refused to do the 2+ hours of home work every night.
The only reason I didn't flunk out was because of social engineering. I would do really well on all the tests. I proved I knew the material, and my teachers knew I was an intelligent person just from talking me.
According to some one who only cares about grades I am stupid. I personally feel like I am smarter than most because I still graduated, and did about half the work as everyone else just because I know how to talk to people.
Social engineering wins imo.

Nah, more like 3.0 students.

2.0s are almost always really fucking dumb.

I'm not smart at all, and I did poorly in tests. But I have autism, and I think that might have lowered my scores

>I took Japanese

High schools have a forced "Humanities" program where you learn english and social studies at the same time with two classes sharing a grade. All the kids I've heard speak about it hate it because it's poorly conceptualized.
t. Musical education student about to become a teacher.

Mine last was like... 1.41.

But I'm also a habitual procrastinator and I openly admit to being a dumbass.

Give me one valid reason why it's harmful to learn another language.

Not necessarily. You can take easy courses and get a 4.0 but if you were to enroll simultaneously in 5 or 6 difficult STEM fields with heavy workloads then your GPA will certainly not be a 4.0 without inhuman amounts of work, and that's just a capacity for hard work, which is obviously valuable.

It measures how well you do in school environments. Doing well in a music class won't make you Paul McCartney, and passing the bar means you'll be a lawyer, but maybe you'll be working in some shit stain office for your whole life and never get a high profile case or client.

That's probably it.

Idk, i excelled at math, reading, and writing at a young age. Dropped out of high school due to attendence. Did perfect on GED tests.

It all comes down to your choices and how much value you put into education.

Self esteem movement!

Valedictorian chiming in.

There are genius students who flunk out because they aren't disciplined enough, don't care enough, or care about other things more. Many go on to be great successes.

There are genius students who get 4.0 and then go on to become typically successful "smart" people: STEM professionals, lawyers/politicians, professors, entrepreneurs.

There are regular students who work hard and through hard work and passion achieve similar or even greater success than the genius students, in grades and in life.

And then there are the rest-- who may achieve success through inheritance, athleticism, luck, or entertainment, or just be another cucked cog in the big wheel of society and post on FB about how the're's a good chance that they're really in the first category.

Not necessarily intelligence because most shit they teach is either twisted to modern leftism or just plain retarded. For example, English is always taught by some annoying ass liberal cunt who spouts her views unto young impressionable minds, and you can get an A in the class so long as you share the teacher's opinions. No brain power required. Math, physics, chemistry and the like do determine how hard you're willing to work to understand the material and how easily you grasp it, so I agree that those subjects can accurately gauge intelligence. Other classes like metal working or woodshop can measure your common sense as well, but people look down on skills like that because it doesn't involve working at a desk in your nice white collared shirts and black ties.

Some people with high GPAs are socially retarded. I'm not even joking, some of the people I know get a kick out of repelling people from themselves and get straight A's.

getting a high GPA in college is much easier than in high school because there are fewer assignments to keep up with. basically in college you can do nothing at all, learn all the material a week before a test, and get all As. in high school they had to pad all classes with busywork assignments due every day so dumb people wouldn't fail.

My English teachers gave us a word-for-word script on what to write for state exams. We weren't taught to think about pieces of literature. We were taught to memorize. For my 12th grade essay exam, they said we could write about whatever book we wanted. The teacher told us to pick something safe like Mockingbird. So I said 'fuck it' and wrote about the morality of American Psycho. Got a B+ too.

Always been a mid 70% student. A mix of work ethic, bad study habits and bad note taking preclude me from ever being a high GPA student.

When it came to hands on work though, all those high GPA kids couldn't follow a laboratory procedure without asking for help from the instructor or me. Some of them would whine for guidance at every single step.

I'm simply not suited to academics. I perform much better with hands on learning. I learn quickly and am an efficient worker when I'm on the job, in class I struggle more to retain information.

>Bill Gates did poorly in school
Hahaha, no, dude.
He would study until he could not hold himself awake anymore, fall asleep, wake up and repeat. He was so advanced in college level knowledge, that he would not attend any class he was assigned to and still ace all exams because that was too easy for him, and we are talking about Harvard.
>A truly intelligent person educates themself
At least you got this right, many successful people have a record of doing their own way and advocate such.

GPA is largely determined by discipline.
Only those who steel themselves to actually
>Do their homework
>Study for exams, and
>Show up to class
will attain high GPAs

People who smear GPAs are the same people who say shit like "I didn't even buy the book man, it was worthless"

Discipline is a testament to character, and reflects upon the worth and work ethic of an individual

Anyone who says GPAs are stupid might as well be shouting "I'm a lazy cunt" to any perspective employers

Pic is right, I know dropouts that have achieved greatness.

>The girl op is talking about is a failure though

Is this a shitty teacher thread? I had one who was the most stereotypical jewess there ever was. That kinky jew blonde hair, the holocaust references everything. The greatest thing was she was an English teacher in Canada that somehow managed to pull off a whole unit of lynching of black people in America YET SHE STILL MANAGED TO MAKE A POINT OF THE HANDFUL OF JEWS LYNCHED TOO. I didn't even know people hated jews back then but I still got the feeling they were a stuck up bunch of whiners.

Im an odd case

1.3 gpa when i graduated high school

Im 23 now and making 85k a year working with satellite equipment and working IT

>learning a difficult, highly valuable, foreign language

it's your school administrators that are stupid. i can't think of a better way to convince children that they are stupid than to assign them a letter.

the system punishes the most inquisitive- and does not guarantee that the most intelligent are most highly rated.

it's a decent system for the average herd- but the system fails those at the top and those at the bottom.

keep studying japanese kid- you won't regret it when you are old.

meanwhile watch what happens to those kids that took safe, boring classes to get a higher GPA.

they will lead safe, boring lives.

We have a finite amount of time. The time spent learning another language is time that can't be used to learn something else - something more useful. This is particularly true if you are a native English speaker. Of course, I see the value in non-native English speakers learning English, as it's pretty much a necessity these days in business.

If you can't give enough of a shit to finish easy fucking assignments in school because "you don't feeeeeeeel like it :^(" then how the fuck can you expect to succeed at anything worth doing in life? You're gonna be a fat lazy NEET without a skill in the world because you couldn't be bothered to fucking learn something.

Indirect red pill nice

Neat, are you going to teach general music classes, or secondary school conducting in band or chorus?

Aye, but you argue that while you're on Sup Forums. In the time you spend on Sup Forums every day, you could learn many things. Your argument makes you sound like a hypocrite. And how do you judge the utility of something? Japan is still an economic powerhouse, and many people enjoy their media, much of which remains untranslated. If you live your life only doing the things which have the greatest utility, you could have a very dull life.

>what you learn is only important to stem
Okay, well I'm an accountant at a Big 4. There is a reason why people hire me, I have a special knowledge I was taught

>Aside from that, is your performance in school a good indicator of your character or ability to succeed?
Not really.

Depends on what you consider a good indicator.

I barely scraped by and I'm quite successful.

Honestly how often this happens is kinda amazing. Look at Louis Rossman on YouTube. Sucked in high school, dropped out of college, now runs his own successful small business. It goes against what we assume and what we've been told. We're told high school prepares you for college, which prepares you for a job. So you think people with 1.3 GPAs are going to be unprepared for life after high school. Now a lot of them are fuck ups, but the fact that a decent amount of people can be tech professionals making more than double the average national salary shows how teachers at school and people's parents really overvalue school.

pic is true though

i had 3.9 gpa and am not particularly bright

Good, not great. There are many other important factors.

I agree slightly with that picture. When I went in to take my GED, there were a number of factors in play: I hadn't stepped foot in a high school classroom in nearly seven years, didn't study, had about three hours of sleep, was half drunk, and was the last one in. I was also the first out, scored within the 97'th percentile, and got a perfect score on social studies. How? A lot of it is leftist propaganda, so, being wise to their shit, I just penciled in the answers they wanted to hear. Easy.

They're trying to do it with math, too, via Common Core, but that shit absolutely will not grow legs, let alone fly. But yeah, half-right, because only a bitter, pretentious moron would think they can never walk into a school and learn anything.

>attend 2 years at community college
>sell pot, invest all profit to more product
>build team of like-minded people
>get legal paperwork
>fund grow op, possibly more than one, have even more reliable source for capital
>learn binary options
>invest into expanding market for thc products
>constantly network and meet new people thus new opportunities
>write off taxes

Lol fuck your shitty trap you call school.

First-hand experience and networking>school

You need a reliable team to collaborate with now. Thats how it works these days

For every person like that you have a half dozen abject failures who can barely hold a job for months at a time. The people with the worst grades generally are the worst fucking people, and they're not like that because of school.

This. Most of the time, practical experience is going to be your compass in life. In no way does a mandatory four-page essay on invertebrates prepare you for shit, unless you're planning on being an entomologist.

That's the fucking opposite of how it works now a days.

>your business goes under
>you have no degree or anything to go elsewhere with (think if the whole industry goes belly up)
>you no longer have nothing to market yourself besides running a business at one point
>no mobility

My parents didn't go to college and their business made them earn a collective $600,000 USD. I grew up in a 1.5m home, and to this day both of my parents say how fucked they would be if their business/industry went belly up.

A degree is insurance against the shit hitting the fan. Get fired? You go somewhere else and show them your tangible degree and market yourself with it.

I'd say that, in HS and on a 4.0 scale, anything above a 3.6 has to do with character and really is cutting hairs but there's little excuse for getting below a 3.0 (unless you're school is complete shit)

t. weedman who knows everything

Yes, your highly inspirational success story invalidates school for every career and profession. It really is all just a scam to take money from people, and there's no reason that doctors, engineers and scientists should bother to go to school.

Don't be an idiot and commit to a bad market then.

Also dont have all your eggs in one basket.

Get really good at one kind of business/trade/skill. Then step into new opportunities, which is possible through constant networking.

If i had a reason too there are 2-3 jobs i could get off the bat from networking and a dozen other promising markets i could invest into

Life comes down to your resilience and mental fortitude.

You don't go broke because you don't allow yourself too

>binary options

lel did you enjoy getting scammed "entepreneur"?

Enjoy your debt and wasted time