"I just happen to have a CHANCE CUBE here."

What the fuck is a chance cube?

>not keeping a chance cube on you at all times
What are you, a pleb?

A chance cube, or chance-cube, was a gambling device in the form of a small cube. Some types of chance-cube could only give two results after being thrown, as three of their sides were one color, while the other three were another color. Toydarians like Watto[1] or King Katuunko were known for using such chance-cubes.[3] Imperial cadets Pandak Symes and Nazhros Oleg used a chance cube to decide who would get the bottom bunk in their barrack, with Symes winning the roll.[4]

where can i get a chance cube, and at what price?

It was a good friend.

Make one yourself.

What the fuck is a death stick?

can't you just throw a coin?

Neither of them had a coin

>Watto the space jew EVER keeping money for that purpose rather than spending it

Why not a chance polyhedral?

I really wish they'd just bring back the old fingerboxes instead of trying to come up with new shit like these chance cubes.

PS did anyone ever own one of those fingerbox briefcases? They looked cool as fuck.

>using currency like an animal
>not letting your destiny be decided by a classy chance cube

Luke, did I ever teil you about coins? Coins were a type of currency found within the galaxy.[1] While the standard of the Galactic Republic was credits, some merchants, particularly from Outer Rim planets like Tatooine, were wary of their value. They preferred funds that were less likely to fluctuate in value if a government were to crumble. Watto, one such merchant,[2] advertised all prices at his shop in coins.[1] They were a good method of payment.

What was Tatooine's tax policy on gambling, particularly with Chance Cubes?

Basically space heroin. Cade Skywalker got addicted to it at one point and would get interventions from Luke Skywalker's ghost.

>Spending their money

You mean this thing? My brother won one in the 2003 championship, it was so OP that nobody would play with him anymore, I have no idea why they thought 15 fingerholes was a good idea, it made the game so unbalanced.

Sad thing is, I have no idea if you are serious or not


>PS did anyone ever own one of those fingerbox briefcases?
holy shit
I remember being really young and my grandfather showed me a fingerbox briefcase that I think his dad got during WW1. I remember him telling me that it was a German one but that's it.

Like this?

>Credits, standardized and used on thousands of worlds
>too chancy

Let's just use discs, k?

I thought the German ones were all destroyed after that guy lost his thumb???

Whoa wait who's arm is that is Jesus and that guy siamese twins

doing drugs hurts jesus because it is a sin so jesus is suffering for him, it's funny though like he is stealing his high lol

They were banned from league play but they weren't destroyed, besides is someone is stupid enough to try the Reichenberg Twist with their fucking thumb then they deserve to lose it.

Wookiepedia doesn't even have an entry for finger boxes.

What are they covering up?

And what do the King and the Joker symbolise? You're supposed to take the jokers out ffs. Why does he have two cards on their own anyway, what was he doing? With whom?

Didn't Lucas CGI all the fingerboxes out of the original trilogy?

Why does he have a human skull?

dang... heroin is bad ass

He's serious

I noticed the nunchucks on the door handle haha wtf

Yes except in the Star Wars universe they're called Chance Discs

is that some kind of map on the wall?

dayum that image is pretty deep

Y'know, I'm not sure about these new e-fingerboxes. Sure, they're pretty, but a 250-year-old teak fingerbox made in England, Germany or Japan will do the job just as well, and has got tons of potential for upgrading. I've got a collection of all sorts, and I must say that one of my favourites is a 170-year-old scrimshandered palm fingerbox from Rehoku which feaures part of a dendroglyph and was crafted by British sailors stuck on the island from HMS Prophetess. It's a gorgeous bit of work and is so beautiful. The overall feel is very good inside too, as it was lined with lambskin and felt. The mechanism is in tip-top condition because even though it's a wooden Heidelburg design the actual wood used is, like the case, palm and thus can be kept beautifully clean and functional with palm oil, which also brings out a lovely dark finish. It's locked with an ivory key (cut from whalebone) engraved with the intials A.E. and in a niche inside the lid is a Gold Sovreign, which I only found when examining the fingerbox just after I bought it - I was looking at the hinge and I noticed a tiny button, and click! Out it came. It's a wonderful piece of work, I had it insured for $17,000 but I think it would make several times that at auction... implying that I'd ever sell such a wonderful object, of course.