Find a flaw without being a racist piece of shit and calling this Oscar bait

Find a flaw without being a racist piece of shit and calling this Oscar bait

The characters faced no serious obstacles and didn't grow over the course of the film.

> inb4 but people were rayciss to them

Yeah, but they were able to easily overcome it by being flawless. I know this might be controversial, but racism used to be insidious, pervasive and violent. We were given an incredibly watered down version of what life was like for black women in the South, which trivializes the serious challenges these people faced. The Help made the same mistake and was a similarly bad movie. At least Hidden Figures was actually had black main characters as opposed to a bland white audience insert.

No story conflict/no character conflict = boring movie.

What's a great film that tackles the topic of actual racism in the 60s without watering anything down then?

>everything is racist!
same logic as people only voted for trump bc hillary is a women, fuck outta here cuck


bunch of niggers howling about trying to win awards

The ending to that pissed me the fuck off.

This is Oscar bait and I'm a racist piece of shit. What are you gonna do now, fag?

It's Oscar bait with niggers.

Are you saying you aren't racist? Are you really so dishonest that you make these posts even when people correctly call you out for being racist?


Double digit IQ sheep detected

It's all formulaic and fabricated history. None of the three women even knew each other, there was no big fiasco about the nigger bathrooms, they didn't hold up a fuckin launch because they needed nigger bitch to do math at the last second. This whole movie is just nonsense made to make niggers feel like they can be smart and do space n sheeeeit. Its a movie they threw into the best picture category to make the monkeys settle down


mediocre directing, looks like a tv film

Mafia 3

retarded oscar bait


Boring as shit subject matter. It almost feels like they took the first thing of note a black woman did and made a film out of it. But that would be FARFETCHED RIGHT???

So it's like every other historical film ever made?

It's flaw is in its similarity to other forced historical dramas like The Imitation Game or Argo, where facts and developed characters are put aside for dramatic moments and twists. A good story doesn't need quips or hamfisted drama, it needs to feel real.

ive posted about this several times in threads about this movie, but Janelle Monaes character had some "yass slay queen" moments that were totally out of left field and in some circumstances were flat out offensive.
Case in point, she bemoans a fellow engineer about how hard her life is as a black woman and why she cant be an engineer, meanwhile the guy, who is doing nothing but attempting to encourage and support her, is a literal holocaust survivor and she lectures him about why he has it so much better anyway.
I honestly could not believe it was in the film. Whether you are anti semetic or not i cannot imagine anybody would attempt to argue that Nazi discrimination against Jews is somehow not as bad as jim crow segregation, and yet thats exactly what this film was saying in that scene. Oddly enough nothing like that really happened again, but it was a truly shockingly out of place, out of touch, and out of line scene, all in an otherwise solid movie.
Also Taraji P. Hensons MUH RACIST BATHROOMS GIMME AN OSCAR monologue was not really that great, especially considering that the real woman her character is based on went to great lengths to express how racism was virtually a non issue during her time at NASA.
Its a feel good movie, its a fun movie, and it has a lot of heart, but i couldnt help but feel it was nominated just to appease black people. Especially considering its nomination is forever going to be put on equal footing with films like Fences and Moonlight, which are leagues better than Hidden Figures.

It really wants to win a prestigious MTV movie award.

Excellent post, glad to see someone still taking film seriously here.

You highlighted many flaws here, just wanted to add my subjective opinion of Jim Parsons' acting. He fell too readily into his Sheldon Cooper persona and involuntarily made dramatic scenes comedic. Didn't quite live up to my expectation that he could break typecasting.

>anti semetic
Why can't people here spell antisemitic right?

>an insult

Proud racist here... this film is overrated. MLK talked of judging by the content of character rather than color of skin...

Yet Hollywood of late is using skin-color as merit for critical acclaim instead of character arc.

Black guy here. The film was childish and hagiographic to a fault. You could replace racism with atheism, and you'd have a generic Christian movie, where the power of faith gets John Glenn safely back to Earth.

This. Black Twitter will *still* be pissed off if Moonlight wins because it's an honest look at how shit Black communities are, the only way to appease them is to baby them with how they "Wuz tha queenz of tha space age an sheit."

my ex was black how am i racist? fucking morons like you calling everyone racist and sexist makes sane people not to take you serious


this perfectly sums up his acting in the movie
what a strange casting choice

Moonlight could win literally every award its nominated for and you would still be right.
I wish liberals would stop conflating literally every aspect of their lives into a rematch of Trump vs Hillary

To kill a mockingbird

I utterly hate how the main character act like a fucking disney princess, the voice, the tone and gestures was so fake.