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>exposed wiring

Rush job, alfred was operating on only 2 cups of Earl Grey that evening

It looks good you fucking mong

>How many machine guns does the batmobile REALLY need? Like 2 or 3?
>More like 10-12.
>That's not too many?
>Oh god no. Just remember Batman = Guns!
>Thanks, it's so obvious now.

looks like Snyder couldn't decide between the Nolan "military" style and the Burton "fantasy" style.

result: shit

Nah this thing is dope, the smoke and sound effects, hydraulics, wish I had an extra $300 for an RC car

Don't forget the missile launchers. For all the fighter jets his enemies have.

DC manchilds detected

>looks like Snyder couldn't decide between the Nolan "military" style and the Burton "fantasy" style.

"hot take" dude "very" insightful

>People this stupid exist

It's worse than a hotwheels car

This isnt Nolan's ineffectual twerp of a Batman. He fights gods and monsters.

>is a brainsharted fanboy

Seems about right.


What a dumb statement. What does that even mean?

>nah and dope are problematic, fucking "brainsharted" is cool

You're doing great.

It looks like one of the dildo cars from idiocracy.



Literally a hotwheels car


but hotwheels are as small as my dick, that's way too big.

>get flak for the turret machinegun gunning down people in BvS
>Ayer removes the turret from Suicide Squads Batmobile
>Snyder adds the turret back alongside a cannon and two gatling guns

What did he mean by this?

does it look more like the ass blaster or the dildozer?


Snyder has a small penis, ayer doesn't.

Bats getting ready for war, parademons aren't to be underestimated

did you expect a real car retard

Looks great though

bats has no reason to even begin to think they exist.

>a walking nuclear reactor


Something that doesn't look like it was made by a thirteen year old would be a start

Did you miss BvS? He saw them in a premonition.

it actually looks good

It means he doesn't give a fuck about numale reviewers think and he's doubling down on KINO action

Shame about Gadot and the nigger though

Bruce Wayne's development was arrested at 10 years old, so this makes sense.

>a premonition.

Considering he completely disregarded everything that happened in that, what?

Why cant we get a Batmobile like this again

Since when is bruce wayne a self-insert for zack snyder?

Looks like Warhammer 40K

I'm loving this already

you mean a batmobile that has to be dragged through the streets on a towline rather than one that's fully functional

everything's gotta be greebled up and tactical because muh realistic gritty capeshit

>he completely disregarded everything that happened in that

Cept for the whole explicitly expressing his intentions in forming the Justice League to combat such threats part. Maybe you were texting.

>A real prop vs CGI


What's that fucking penis nub in the middle of a turbine lmao

Fucking turbine haha terrible design, this is the best DC slurpers can come up with

why only one of those high caliber guns? should have been two

>explicitly expressing his intentions in forming the Justice League to combat such threats

Oh so in your headcanon flash caused the justice league to form.

The Batmobile was mostly shit CGI though in BVS

now this is a serious car from a serious film for adults



He was an integral part, yes. Again, made explicit in the film.

You can't really blame people for being confused.

As literally every bvs fanboy has a completely different interpretation on what the knightmare was.

Your interpretation is also completely undermined by how bats immediately decides to go kill superman 1v1 after having that dream/premonition.

overdesigned piece of shit
why is there exposed wiring?
How many guns does Batman need on his car?
Why does Batman need any guns on his car at all?
They're not even something like a Batmobile hookline like in Arkham Knight, just straight up guns.

>It's bad bc I'm autistic and can't suspend disbelief

>dude our reference model was a semi-functional car that means it isn't entirely CGI



>Make it so it's easy to make toys of

Fucking awful beyond words. The wheels would be easy to blow off, there's gaps in the armour, it's covered in fucking guns, it looks like a remote control car.

Someone beg Tim Burton to come back to the franchise, dude had vision.

>Batman learns the value of human life and how to be a better hero in BvS
>decides to strap about 20 guns onto his car for more efficient murdering of criminals and innocent civilians

>shit CGI

3:02 onwards, in fact watch the whole video, of the many criticisms you wanna level at BvS it's CGI is definitely NOT shit


Are you simple or what?

>it looks like a remote control car



Watch the scene retard, the only time the Batmobile is real when its going in a straight line, the exact fucking thing you slagged the Burton mobile off for

The thing cant turn for shit so they cut, or turn to CG when it has to do something other than drive straight

>Batman learned that you have to kill your enemy to safe the day like Superman did with Zod and Doomsday/Zod
>Batman decides he needs more guns to kill more bad people and save the day

>more efficient murdering of criminals and innocent civilians

Oh you've seen the film? From what I gathered they face Parademons or some other extraterrestrial threat but my bad.

>we will never have Burton back to make Batman link again
>tfw no return of now milfy catwoman michelle

>it's CGI is definitely NOT shit

so its CGI, thus shit.

>BvS it's CGI is definitely NOT shit

>thinking Zack even remembers the thing he had for breakfast, never mind what happened in BvS

t, faggot who never played with hotwheels or matchbox cars as a kid

>so its CGI, thus shit.

Tell me that you knew the flood scene had CG water and I'll know you're a liar.

The design of it, not just because it's a photo of a toy car. It looks like a 90s kewl rad road racer 900X from Mattel.

>murdering of criminals
those poor, poor Russian mercenaries

don't you fucking make fun of it, bigot! penises are manly and aerodynamic.


I knew the flood scene had CG water and I'm not lying.

Ok well how come Iron Man can find a way to actually care about saving lives like you know what their SUPPOSED to do but not Murderman (Batman)

Why would Batman drive around in a BatMobile instead of just a trick out regular car? Kinda makes him stand out while driving down public streets

What's Sup Forums's opinion of the Tumbler?

Lame. Ugly. Cheap imitation of The Dark Knight Returns tank.

Does Iron Man spare terrorists? Pretty sure all the heroes kill in those movies. I think in Civil War they even quipped out loud while putting bullets in chests. Surprised that didn't make you triggered. Either way they're 2 completely different characters.

Really liked it, feel like it gets a bad kicking.

Also much better than the Bat and Batpod designs

I liked it as a vehicle not really as a batmobile

you just sold me on it, femmepai

I'm pretty sure most of the Avengers never had a no-kill code like most Batman iteration s have had lately.

Shit, Captain America got his start murdering Nazis in WW2.


Still the best

What does Iron Man have to do with Batmans no killing rule

Surely you could have just mentioned Burton or Nolans movies

>Shit, Captain America got his start murdering Nazis in WW2.

Yeah but that was during the war, in the modern era he's tried to be non-lethal as possible but certain cases he's had to not fuck around

The movie puts a plot around Batman being an old dog who's turned meaner towards killers and human traffickers. Hey, do you watch any of these movies? I see you're not going to defend your bit about Iron Man "caring about saving lives." Gonna ignore that Batman saved all those locked up women in the beginning of the movie and then of course Martha at the end. He's just not a bleeding heart liberal for human traffickers 20 years into the war on crime.

Don't ask me. I'm not the one who brought up Iron Man out of nowhere while calling Batfleck "Murderman".

>Surely you could have just mentioned Burton or Nolans movies

No kill rule is better as a loose guideline anyway. Try not to kill, but shit happens every once in a while.

>just DCthings


They did kill Robin, it's kinda understandable that Bats would go nuts.

But this was resolved in BvS

Does it come in black?

>>Batman learns the value of human life

Parademons aren't human, mate.

>why does batman have all these guns

Why else would he up his game?


It's not that people are saying the movie is too smart for you. It's that you're purposely being a retard.

Ok, I'll buy.