>tfw your understanding of people has been completely shaped by movies and tv shows instead of real human interaction
Tfw your understanding of people has been completely shaped by movies and tv shows instead of real human interaction
Black people should be avoided at all costs, you don't need to learn that from tv
Most people are much less interesting.
yfw i have a real job and go to work 40 hours a week and deal directly with people
That's why real life and real people are so disappointing.
mine has been completely shaped by the internet, so naturally I think humans are the worst thing to ever happen and that we all should die
>go to bar
>order a beer
>"what kind"
>"uhhhh heineken"
>it's $4 for a bottle
>sit next to girl
>she goes back to looking at her phone
whenever i say that to a girl we are usually making out in the bathroom within 10 min
What did you expect?
My life has been shaped by Tom Hardy, Nootka Trading Company and mhmm
>Interact with real people
>They have no interesting jobs
>They have no hobbies
>They define themselves of whether they are married or not
>Conversations are about some inane bullshit that they read on the Daily Mail during their Lunch Break
Real people fucking suck. Stick to video games
hey is literally the worst fucking pick up line ever
also you shot yourself in the foot by ordering something shitty and low class
try ordering something fancy or actually talking
>tfw you've become more invested in the drama from the shows you're constantly binging and your Fallout characters' world than real life
>tfw you wouldn't even mind it if other people didn't start to point it out
They're the only things that make me feel really good and make me forget about sex and women.
>10 minutes
Is that how long rufies take to kick in?
kill yourselves reddit fags
Fuck off conservacuck
Good. Cinema is supposed to help you understand other people. All art makes us walk a mile in another person's shoes.
But you definitely shouldn't derive all of your understanding of people from movies. Otherwise, they'll never surprise you. Get out of the house a little, user. Find a hobby to spend with people who aren't jerks. If it helps, use the internet to meet these people at first and take your time to meet them in person.
You may feel anxious about getting to know others and putting yourself out there. Nothing is worse than abject loneliness, though. Nothing.
guardian readers are billy no mates confirmed
Your not funny mate. Fuck off
actually most people are much MORE interesting
because theyre actually people with real lives and thoughts and feelings and theyre complicated for reasons ill probably never know
interesting is terrifying desu, ill just stick to my fictional characters
>tfw years upon years on this site
>tfw only find Sup Forums meme humor funny anymore
>tfw can't relate to anyone at work with normie tier sitcom humor
>tfw trying to explain baneposting irl
Thanks for that reddit.
>tfw trying to explain baneposting irl
fuck my shit up
why would you do that lol
>trying to explain baneposting
That's easy though
>see, people are retarded and never saw a bad movie before then TDKR dropped and their minds literally melted.
>>tfw trying to explain baneposting irl
>brother plays vidya games all on night while drinking alone in his room
>comes out and talks to real people like we're his vidya game friends
Getting real tired of his shit
why are you such a nigger user?
>talks to real people like we're his vidya game friends
He calls you fag a lot and tells you to suck his dick?
is he, dare i say it, /ourguy/?
qt at work asked me yesterdays if I watched some reality show they were all talking about at lunch.
"I don't watch tv" It's getting harder to hide my power level
kill yourself faggot
Did I strike a nerve there, gayboy?
or I'm fishing for further elaboration on what "talks to real people like we're his vidya game friends" means.
are you new user?
well i mean its true, everyone in the thread who says a fictional character is more interesting than literally ANY actual living breathing person, just hasnt really communicated with another real person on a non-superficial level, which isnt necessarily the other persons fault desu
>real lives and thoughts and feelings
wanting to get drunk, get your dick wet or suck a dick or watch TV or marvel movies isn't real thoughts
A guy I've been friendly at work with asked me last week what my favorite movie is. Without even thinking I say "I don't watch movies, only kino."
Most people don't have anything other than the most superficial level.
But they often are more interesting than the pleb drones you encounter usually.
and this is why maymays are dangerous and to be resisted at all cost.
People are not interesting. There's nothing interesting about a regular person which is why there is no fiction or stories about them.
whenever i say that to a girl we cut straight to the sex scene
>be in car with driving instructor
>he's telling me about this one pupil who is schizophrenic and had an episode mid lesson
>I start breathing heavily, wew I have very mild schizophrenia myself but I don't tell him
>he mentions the hospital she went to
>I start coughing and spluttering, it was the same mental hospital I was admitted to
>I'm sweating and trying to focus on the road a head
Of all the people I were to meet, I decided not to give the poor guy a heart attack so never told him.
Except you'll never know most of those things unless you know someone that blurts out literally every thought they have, and you'll soon find out those people are more boring than most.
isn't this almost as true of normies?
This is me.
I rarely laugh at anything that's not on my computer screen now.
He probably knew you were a nut and was just fucking with you dude
tfw my driving instructor actually did have a heart attack and die.
is that the kid from 'the middle' without cgi?
>haven't been with a girl since ever
>find a qt3.14 who agrees to go on a date with me
>searching for a place to go like a total sperg
>day comes
>I manage to dress nice
>meet her
>she looks really cute
>we go to the restaurant
>table for two all things are going smooth
>then but fucking then
>guy at the table next to us stands up
>he's wearing cargo pants, a blue shirt and a dark blue jacket
>I break out in laughter and can't stop
>she leaves
It's a small world user
fuck off normal fag
you should always record conversations you have with taxi drivers. Those people see fucked up shit, more son than police officers or EMTs.
thats objectively false though senpai
theres literally a whole lifetime worth of unique rational and irrational experiences/actions/feelings that that person has gone through to get to the moment they are living right now and you will never know even 1% of it even if you tried
and it goes both ways so why bother
It's just not possible that every person you meet is interesting and up to tings worth your time.
Is this the faggot from reddit that should stop posting?
"a regular person" and "pleb drones you encounter usually" are literally fictional narratives and in no way represent real living people
get a load of this kid, get out of your basement occasionally
Well user, look through your social media right now, tell me, are all those people interesting?
sure its possible but just because theyre interesting doesnt mean theyre worth your time
post some pics of your dates tits
>>I break out in laughter and can't stop
>>she leaves
She sounds like a stupid cunt user, did she even ask what you were laughing at?
>mfw it's the opposite for me
I come to Sup Forums for an escape and to laugh at, and take part in, all of the ridiculous views posted here.
This is some TWEWY shit
the way people present themselves through social media represents who they really only by way of what they actually decide to post/etc, which can tell a lot about them i guess but nowhere near as much as actually looking them in the eye and talking/listening to them.
im sure they are interesting, just based on the fact that theyre even real people in the first place, but that doesnt mean i want to find out in what way theyre interesting
i dont even have my own shit figured out bringing someone else's life into mine would be a disservice to both of us
how are you guys not getting this am i being retarded here?
Actually "hey" is the best pickup line when dating online.
>havent left my room in 10 days
>girl ive known for years asks me if i wanna meet
>put on my sunday best
>walk into restaurant
>she sees me and smiles
>try to hide my inflating dick
>sit down
>im wearing a star wars shirt
>"oh i love star wars and when ani avenged his mom that was so cool"
>im thinking about a good response while peeing a little in my beige trousers so its visible
>"uhm yeah so what Do you think was palpatines tax policy?
>she stares at me and recognizes my then fully erect 3 incher thats doesnt stop pissing my cargos
>I run out to the streets and get hit by a bus
>wake up in hospital and tell doctor my story
>he says he has bad News
>kneels down and tells me i might be autistic
ya i met ur mom that way
>not opening with "I eat ass"
It's a miracle you managed to leave the house
I think you are being naive.
>palpatines tax policy?
I hope you get cancer user
wtf yes they are real thoughts with real motivations behind them and just because you cant empathize with those thoughts and motivations doesnt make them any less real
exactly, it would take an entire lifetime to recount an entire lifetime and nobody has time for that shit, plus memory is generally not reliable which is actually pretty interesting in itself
How can I avoid myself?
pretty much this
also a shitty childhood
you should avoid the rest of society nigger
>tfw your identity has been completely shaped by fictional characters instead of real human beans
I already do. I'm on Sup Forums
>tfw you live in a non-english speaking country and you have been consuming so much english media exclusively that you don't even how to interact IRL in your native language anymore
The Sapir–Whorf theory of linguistic relativity certainly isn't just a fluke, pretty sure that my brain has been rewired from all the talking with you fellow autists
most people operate on a very simple model of reality so all that experience just goes into the bin.
Move to USA. Immigrants are welcome!
t. my fellow white and totally not somalian or mongol Scandinavian
Screencapped, saved, bookemarked, and copied.
All the memes and shitposting will eventually alter your brain. You have to de-program yourself by hanging out with normies for a while.
>Screencapped, saved, bookemarked, and copied.
He literally doesn't even speak or think in the same language as his country's normies. He's fucked, he either has to become NEET or leave the country.
My girlfriends sitting next to me and I just had to explain to her what baneposting is.
She said it wasn't funny and I told her to shut the fuck up.
My girlfriends sitting next to me and I just had to explain to her what baneposting is.
She said i sure wasn't a big guy and I cried and she told me she was now going over her "big guy" friend.
>I told her to shut the fuck up.
>missing out a prime opportunity to say FOR YOU
You stupid hothead.
Fuck off normal fag