You trust his opinions on music and memes

You trust his opinions on music and memes

but would you trust them on film?

Other urls found in this thread:

>on music
You mean rap and black metal, because that's 80% of his videos

Show me any other genres worth listening to.


Every other genre

Literally who

never heard of her

Sup Forums has bad taste

thus guy too

>on music

>and memes

>on culture

>on film

he's a pseud through and through

Who the fuck is this guy?

I think it's the white dude who pretends that he's half black so that he can be the leader of BLM.

Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

He is a meme casual. He loves ripping on normies even though he's one of them.

No I don't.

Childhood is when you idolize Fantano and RLM

Adulthood is when you realize that Scaruffi and Armond White make more sense

>trusting someone who believes hip-hop to contain artistic merit


Is this some gay rëddit shit again?

Wish he would stop reviewing bottom of the barrel lowest common denominator rap and rock shit

>Le internet's busiest music goy

No, if i ever met Scaruffi I would find it very hard to not beat him up. Nerd needs a good thrashing

this guys a fucking faggot

As a person with a high IQ, I agree with you on this one. Sup Forums can't understand objectivity of art.

yeah, he's eloquent and punctual
also pretty red pilled
his interview with Sam Hyde is the best , funny as fuck

Anthony Fagtano is a piece of shit who tried undermining the logic and truths made by PJW. He deserves no respect, for a cuck piece of shit like Cucktano.

considering the time he spends on music, milking almonds and fucking his wife, i doubt he has any time for films
so no

Fuck you you piece of triggered shit.
I fucked your mother last night, cuck.

>calls others triggered
>clearly very irate

Am I being trolled? I just woke up and am still tired

relax I have a pass

pics or it didn't happen


The murderous melon

I only lurk Sup Forums occasionally. Is he actually a good reviewer or is he an ironic meme?

>I only lurk Sup Forums occasionally.

you'll have to go back

>likes hip-hop
>thinks Trout Mask Replica is bad
>dated the ugliest black woman on earth

i wouldn't trust him in any aspect of life

It's popular because people like how it sounds. Stop over intellectualizing everything. You're more pretentious than Sup Forums

He thinks memers like lil yachty and other fucking shit music is worth actually putting thought into, he is a meme existence.


Both. There have been times where he's been just wrong on some shit though(like giving NLDW a 6/10 despite being a great follow up to The Money Store)


And not even good hip-hop like Drake.

psssh nothing personnel I only listen to real music kiddo

The only ones guilty of over intellectualizing are the fools that think the lyrics from hip hop sensation "lil jigaboo" about how much it sucks to be black and poor are some kind of profound cultural masterpiece.

>I am clearly right
>These other people I don't like are dumb
>Repeat this for 8 panels
Instant replies, this always works. Congrats

Not an argument. Go back to your dad rock kid.

>Not listening exclusively to your homemade harsh noise tracks, and field recordings of your humming fridge
I agree, Sup Forums are anti-white, low-IQ plebs

TMR is pretentious garbage though. Zappa is superior in art rock

>TMR is pretentious garbage though. Zappa is superior in art rock

Neither Beefheart nor Zappa played art rock, dumb pleb.

When will this meme end? The only whites who are hated are the ones calling people anti-white


Soon his bloodline will be black too
The guy has commitment, I'll give him that

i don't even trust the melon's opinion on memes

Are you implying he won't die a virgin like the rest of us?

t. delusional fuck

>but would you trust them on film?

no anthony

pls dont do it ;_;

>someone made this

They're married..

triggered kanyewhiteboi

you'll be hanging from the tree tops soon

Dg are shit