The movies that actually better than the books
The movies that actually better than the books
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Pretty much everything David Fincher touches
The movie over simplified everything and just made it into a freedumbs are good Bush era Republicans are Nazis.
I bet you liked the shitquels
Not him but I love the prequel trilogy and I think the V For Vendetta movie pales in comparison to the funnybook.
V has prequels?
You mean the Matrix sequels? They are not terribad. They are just good kung fu movies, that I do agree shouldn't have spent so much money as they did
this. plus No Country For Old Men
>hurr ayy threat is better
>being this poltarded
Lord of the Rings
Books were shit. Ramblings of a madman.
Not him but the Dictator in the comic is based off of Thatcher and even Moore admitted so.
Why was he so fucking crazy?
Why did he feel the need to convert Natalie Portman to his ways that he went that far, did he need pussy that badly?
He was in a chemical accident when he was sent to a Concentration Camp.
all of them
>reading books
Never read the graphic it actually shitty?
No, he's wrong. It's better and more detailed about all the characters.
You're both hideously wrong. The Wachowski brothers took a complex story about anarchy vs fascism and turned it into simplistic "FUCK BUSH" bullshit, Snyder took Watchmen and turned it into a pretty looking action flick even though that aesthetic goes against some of the key themes of the book.
Any Kubrick film really (except for Lolita), The Godfather films, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, There Will Be Blood and Stalker
Fight Club
Please excuse my reddit.
Really? That book must be REALLY fucking bad
Harry Potter
It might be, if only there was an extended cut where Weaving sang This Vicious Cabaret.
Not a movie, but has anyone seen the Hulu adaptation of 11/22/63? Just finished reading the novel for the second time and wondering if the show is at all faithful and worth a watch.
>Any Kubrick film really
haha, good one
No, OP is a faggot
Novel : Anarchist vs Totalitarianism
Movie : Marxist vs Conservatives
Inb4 hurrrrrrr it's not a novel