What would be done with a child born like this in your country?

What would be done with a child born like this in your country?

kill and pretend it was an accident

Sex tape


throw her of some cliff Sparta style, really only sensible solution for all parties involved

send to america

It would just become a typical member of society.

they will be raised as CS:GO champions

not my proudest fap

won't be born anyway cause I would've aborted the fuck out of it lmaooooo

terrible post

I bet she'd have turned out hot if she wasn't a tard.

Are you guys allowed to do that? Or do you just do it illegally?

Say goodbye to heaven after this post

Put it in a hyperdrive incubator and search for Spice in other solar systems

open an instagram and gofundme page to rake in that $$$

im ugly too, how do i make money from ig

and when it grows old enough to realize its being exploited I make it play astronaut with plastic bags

It's literally braindead, it's just a fleshy husk with no sentience.

Wh*Te would be filled out on the census.

this is so disturbing, hope she has a good life


Disabled people also deserve a good life

Yeah but this girl virtually has zero senses because she has no brain. What kind of life is that?

Into the trash it goes.

so she won't know my dick is in her?
perfect ;)

Make it the provincial minister of education.

reminder lola is NOT retarded and you shouldn't call her bad words

There is literally nothing wrong with fucking one of these, but if you did, you'd still go to prison. How fucked up is that?

some tv shows

some hooker would fuck him or some shit, dunno no zika nigs where I'm from