Thoughts on the new King Arthur trailer?

Thoughts on the new King Arthur trailer?

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It's been done.

Why not Charlemagne or some shit.

Hollywood is dead.

Some parts look ok, the heavy fantasy/dream sequence stuff seems a bit jarring.

I'm intrigued



>its a classic european fantasy has a token black person in it episode

>aquatic tart . jpeg

I'm down. I can always appreciate some medieval kino, be it early, high or late.

All this weird, hyper-stylised and heavily altered fairytale shit is freaking me out.

We had those Alice in Wonderland films a few years back, then the Snow White shit, then they built onto that universe with the weird "Huntsman" stuff, then the Hansel & Gretel shit.

Who watches this stuff and who the fuck directs it? Garbage like Transformers I understand, but this just baffles me.

Remind me of those Children of the Forest from GoT.