Is this going to be good?
Ghost in the Shell
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no it's going to be shit but probably get 2 sequels
I hope it fails just enough so Hollywood stays away from my animes.
Scarlett's hair looks a lot better for this movie than how she has it in real life. She should consider sporting a wavy, slightly long bob haircut with a fringe.
How would Attack on Titan turn out if done by Hollywood, compared to the Japanese live-actions?
Not even memeing I haven't seen either of those since I try not to watch shit shows.
But considering Hollywood's track record, most likely awfully.
No. It'll probably crib a few iconic shots and locations from the movies and SAC but it's going to be dogshit that misses the point of GITS by a mile.
It'll be better assuming you're not some low IQ videogame player
From the trailers we've seen they've poorly copied a decent amount of scenes from the anime shot for shot and they look awful.
don't forget they copied that red leather outfit from Arise too
>people still think Neuromancer is good
Its cool that it was the father of the genre, but it reads like an edgy self-insert story written by a virgin teenager
no, it's going to be kino
Stand Alone Complex is absolute fucking CyberKino and you should watch it. And I mean the show, not the compilation movies, and subbed, not dubbed. Get the BD rips with lossless audio and enjoy yourself.
>the thumbnail
>that fucking lazy eye
God DAMN...
whats wrong with them dubs. Reading all that techno-babble while trying to watch whats happening can be difficult sometimes
Can confirm based on the trailers alone.
GITS dubs are great. The only reason you'd disagree is that you're a tryhard weeaboo faggot.
>whats wrong with them dubs.
The Japanese voice acting is really damn good.
>Reading all that techno-babble while trying to watch whats happening can be difficult sometimes
Yeah, but worth it.
>It's an "inflection and emotions don't real" episode
They're fucked if they do and fucked if they don't. They obviously can't make it slower and more cerebral or else normies will hate it, but if it's cut down to be a generic sci-fi action movie there's no point in affiliating it with GITS. I mean I know GITS has a cult following but is it really a big enough thing for it to have wide pop-culture recognition to cash in on?
>>It's an "inflection and emotions don't real" episode
But that's wrong... I've watched entire episodes back to back with subs and dubs for comparison and the dubs really are just as good.
I just don't understand why they think anyone would want to watch that movie after watching such a lame, generic trailer. If gits is such a unique franchise, why don't they at least let the interesting parts shine? This looks like another robocop remake ffs
This. The kikes need to fuck off from anime
>anime thread
>first thing that goes to your head is a live action AoT
Fuck off newfag
The visual elements feel a little more distinct in the previous trailer IMO, unfortunately it's kinda ruined by a completely unnecessary Enjoy The Silence cover.
I just think the issue is normies aren't going to know what the fuck GITS is. People are already saying it's a Matrix ripoff
No, they're not. By the standards of American animated productions they're certainly decent enough but the Japanese voice acting in SAC is excellent. The American dubs of SAC could easily be better than the original lines of plenty of shows every damn season but SAC is head-and-shoulders above most animated movies released in Japan, much less TV series. Try a back-to-back comparison of episodes with the video turned off and just the audio, focusing on the emotion and intent in each line.
no, the plot looks like it will be simplified bullshit intended for normalfags, it isn't thematically coherent with the source material at all.
the dubs are fine
Also Scar Jo is horribly miscast
Her casting is fine in the sense that it's Generic Action Movie Star having top billing in Generic Sci-Fi Action movie. It's basically advertising what the movie is going to be - which completely defeats the purpose of affiliating it with GITS in the first place but whatever.
Ghost in the Taco Shell
How can anyone take Scarjo seriously?
Neon Genesis Evangelion live-action reboot when?
I generally hate anime but know this will probably be good cus I trudged through the first two gits and the attention to detail was intimidating and as long as that increases and they add good filmography they can ride the current transcendence/singularity hype story I think the violence needs to be visceral though. I hope its not as good as the new blade runner though cus that better be best.
exactly. when the matrix literally took exact scenes from the original gits flick.
& the themes of seasons 1 & 2 of stand alone complex wont make an appearance.
the guys who voice aramaki and batou are better than the subs tbqh
The Matrix cribbed a bunch of cyberpunk ideas from all over, and the Wachowskis never gave credit to any of their inspirations.
no because they cast a porky jew as the major
It'll bomb because the normies could give 2 shits about anime. They have no point of reference as they do with Marvel/DC. And don't site DBZ as a point of reference. Hopefully it will bomb so bad that Hollywood completely abandons any notion of make live action anime adaptations.
I hope it does really well so they can finally get on that fucking Bebop movie.