
Please die soon, you've had a good run

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>mfw my friend who's a bookfag won't watch any of the new seasons until he finishes reading the book series
why is he such a fucking pleb. He's gonna be waiting a long time.

Not that the show is great anymore. The last season was so mediocre but then considering the books are now going to have the same ending as the show, you may as well just watch the show

I wish he was my grandpa so he could sit me on his knee and ask me about my tax policy.

Stannis was the only good plotline left and they fucked it up so hard. I don't want to watch a series of just daeneris and the sand snakes (though great tits tbqh)

"And for you fatties, expect a fat tax when I'm king." - Aragorn. no wonder grrm is pissed

>Stannis was the only good plotline left and they fucked it up so hard. I don't want to watch a series of just daeneris and the sand snakes (though great tits tbqh)
well said

I hope his heart explodes soon, Reddit will drown in cuck tears

Not gonna lie, former tax payer here. It's hilarious watching the IRS crash and burn like this. But in all seriousness we can't let them find me.

not bullshit please. what is the status on winds of winter?

Stannis plot was shit in the show

the only plot left that is good in the books is the north plot and it's all about the crazy tactics and conspiracies in the north

But then in the show they scrapped all that for some sort of weird corpse pile battle where Jon gets saved by fucking Littlefinger of all people.

Give it up. Stop getting caught up in fictional worlds and focus on your real life.

There is literally zero proof that GRRM has written anything

Not true, he's released a chapter from it.


all those chapters were just chapters cut from ADWD. However he's such a fat lazy fuck that he cut out the ending of ADWD just to make it to the publishers "in time". The result was that there was no climax or resolution to ADWD despite the fact it had been 11 years in the making. The "Dance of Dragons" that Gurm referred to int he title never fucking happened.

he has yet to release a single chapter that was intended for Winds of Winter

And judging by his fat slovenly pace we will never see the book version of the battle of Ice (Stannis vs Boltons and Freys) or Fire (Dragons/Barristan/Tyrion VS the Middle East)

>watching Game of Turds

I'm doing the exact same thing. I probably will never finish the show anyways, it went to shit so quickly and ruined all credibility.

I mean, the writers don't even know what they wrote, they keep misquoting their own fucking show. Its obviously pandering to the lowest common denominator too, they aren't even hiding it.

It used to be good ;__;

so did your mom lol

>one of the highest rated shows
>ever increasing viewer demo
>hated by Sup Forums

Are you faggots just being cuntrarian because its popular?

i've really enjoyed working on my GRRM impression

can any anons do a vocaroo of him doing the tax speech?

>ever increasing viewer demo

please kill yourself for the good of humanity

you don't need a vocaroo he says that same speech all the fucking time



You were saying?

What was Stannis' tax policy?

I didn't mean that the demo was decreasing

I meant that I hate you for judging the quality of a show by how many idiots watch it.

By your logic the Walking Dead is an amazing show

check the areas where he has lived and i'm certain you'll find missing kids and/or kids bodies. he's a serial child killer.

If the viewership increases consistently and over many season; its a sign of quality otherwise people wouldn't be attracted or feel the need to keep warching.

I haven't seen either show desu

but the walking dead IS an amazing show

To be fair as someone who read the books like 7-8 years ago I never was too motivated to watch the series. While it was okay to start with it always felt a bit barebones for me in comparison to the books.

People meme that GRRM is a terrible writer but he isn't, his world is quite rich with detail. Cherrypicking a few quotes from over 5000 pages doesn't change that. That being said, the pace at which he writes is obviously way too slow, when you compare him to others such as Erikson who churned out 1000+ page books at high quality every 2 years at most.

Although I didn't watch it as it aired, I did sometimes come back to it and watch it. Although it's clear D&D butcher a lot of the storylines, and also butchering characters now to save budget and screen time now they've surpassed the books, the only reason I bothered watching was for the elder characters, who were a lot more engaging and better actors. Now that the only cast left is the millennial generation I have next to zero motivation to watch it.

No, it shows that its getting popular and overrated.

>giant amount of viewers
>spreads by word of mouth

>pressured into watching it because its a pop culture phenomenon

>put too much time into it and want to see it through the end

viewers and views mean shit, it just means that it caters to the most amount of people and the least offensive.

Roose and Stannis died in the most asinine ways. Show can fuck off, tbqh.

The longer Breaking Bad was on the worse it got, yet the last season had exponentially more viewers than the entire first season combined.

Go to bed Robert


wrong and wrong. those are just fallacies you tell yourself to make yourself feel better.

just because you hated something does not mean its quality is bad. it simply means you hated it.

a few might force themselves to watch a show they don't like for reasons you mentioned but the majority of people would drop a show that doesn't give them what they want in the show.


but it IS

It was shit but the actor playing Stannis was perfect so there was always potential there for Dabid to turn it around. Such waste.

I don't hate it for no reason. I hate it because its quality has dropped so fucking quick.

>bad pussy
>20 good men
>ruining "North Remembers"
>dropping plots left and right
>Stannis character assassination
>"All men must die" "we are not men"
>Jaime the rapist
>Writers forget what they wrote themselves
>dumbing the show down as it went along
>1000 eyes and one, yet he has two fucking eyes in the show
>Yara getting to dreadfort for one episode
>teleporting melisandre

I could go on, it was good in the beginning but it went to shit.


Hiss with me, sisters!

what you listed are not bad. they're simply things you don't like to see.

oh shit I forgot about that scene

man watching the clusterfuck that was season 5 with Sup Forums was so fun

Actor playing Stannis actually disliked working in the show

I was baited into watching this series by Ned Stark

Boromir you failed mankind for the second time

>dropping plots left and right
>Writers forget what they wrote themselves
>dumbing the show down as it went along
>1000 eyes and one, yet he has two fucking eyes in the show

These are purely objective, it is straight up bad, no opinion whatsoever.

>Writers forget what they wrote themselves


Can't wait to hear what I missed

>$.0000000001 has been deposited into your bank account

>Tyrion harasses theon in winterfell
>tyrion:theon you were such a cunt to me at winterfell

Lel I blame GRRM for this

Neither scene happened in the books, try again

But he's a fat fuck

There is an interview where the writers were explaining the asspull Stannis did in burning his own child.

They stated Stannis burned people since the season two premier, when in reality he was burning wooden idols of the holy seven.

>favorite book series
>enjoying show
>author just stops writing them but keeps cockteasing the next book that he knows will never be released
>show starts going sharply downhill, turns into just tits and "shocking" deaths

What did I do to deserve this?

they both turned to shite after Joffrey died anyway.

i love the fact that Bean only did the show because he knew it would be for just one season