>unfunny, immature 60 year old man child >every episode is the same with him just talking to the people that work for him in the studio and talking down to them even though he's the one who hired them >the rest of the show is what's left of 'the wack pack' still calling and rehashing the same shit after 25 years >so insecure about himself he's tried to pressure other radio stations into shutting down, even those that arent even in direct competition or the same market >literally has the hallways closed down each day as he enters and exits the building >refuses to talk about any past relationships or wrong doing with any cohosts or comedians he's had on the show that are now banned because they either became bigger or were funnier than he was
virtually everyone who is successful is a prick and has back stabbed people to get ahead. thats how life works. of course there are some exceptions. but they are few and far between.
Samuel Torres
name a better broadcaster in either radio OR tv. I'll wait.
Justin Wright
his glory days were the 80's. he peaked in the mid 90's, and it was stale until Artie joined the show. He was able to breathe new life into it for awhile. Once he left it's been awful ever since.
Sebastian Perry
Dennis Prager
Jace Perez
Don Imus
Ayden Taylor
>name a better broadcaster
Tom Brokaw
Ryder Russell
>the bachelor >the bachelor >the bachelor
What did he mean by this?
Ryan Mitchell
i listened to the show religiously when he first came to la, 3am to 11am everyday during summer vacation. then when the movie filming started it just became one big infomercial, though i still listened here and there it was never the same.