ITT: Meme actors

ITT: Meme actors

Other urls found in this thread:

you start

>implying he isn't /ourguy/

>sean connery
>meme actor
back it up or go back

Name an actor with more integrity.

I'll start

>bitch trying to bring it up thinking it'd make him squirm
>I haven't changed my opinion at all


okay, thread officially started

lindsay lohan

Christopher Lee
Prove me wrong.

Explain how

Dude what, Lee barely gets any mention. He deserves any praise he gets. The man was a war hero and has been in some fascinating moments throughout history, not to mention being an actor in pioneering genre's on cinema AND managing to maintain his artistic integrity despite somehow being involved in mostly schlocky films in his later years.


>Christopher Lee
shut ur shit whore mouth right now

wtf i love sean connery now

Connery is a terrible actor with zero range. He is a literal MEME actor. One of the worst, in fact.

you're just proving his point, mentioning his war antics instead of his skills or presence, he's a meme actor.


His charm and personality made up for his lack of range. And for what range he has, he has plenty of acting awards to back up the roles he's taken.

You just proved yourself to be a first class supreme plebeian.

Go watch The Hill and The Offence and report back.

My mum says I look like him, pinons?

kinda look like a bald chubby de niro

meme generation.

do something original... we'll wait...

What constitutes a "meme actor" or a meme movie?

great taste user, Lumet is a kinomaster

Bloody good films.

Watch "The Man Who Would be King" for more Connery.

Chris Pratt
Chris Evans
Robert Downey Jr
Seymour Hoffman
Samuel Jackson

>sean connery
>meme actor
pick one and go back to redddit you underage fag

Your opinion is discarded. Sir Christopher Lee is not only a brilliant, well rounded actor, but he's also a professionally trained theater actor. He has more film sword fights than any actor in history. He's been to war and back. He's more of a man than you ever will be. It doesn't make you cool or intelligent to discard anyone from an older generation.

Anyone here seen "The Name of the Rose"? It's basically Sean Connery as Sherlock holmes but in medieval England solving a murder at a monastery. I watched in high school. It's also weird as shit too but Sean is good in it


Donald Sutherland.

Sean Connery is considered a joke here in Scotland because he never gets rid of his accent even when he's playing an arab.

the name of the rose is good too


Kek at the ending.

I watched it because /his/ recommended it to me. It was okay.

Fucking love that film.

Also The First Great Train Robbery

>Donald Sutherland

That's an odd choice

Anyone who has had any kind of longer relationship can relate.

>Robert Deniro's obese son watches "He Will Not Divide Us" and gets inspired

Idris Elba.


This alien here.
