>post on another board
>"fuck off back to Sup Forums"
>post on another board
>"fuck off back to Sup Forums"
fuck off back to Sup Forums
fuck off back to Sup Forums
you sound like a cancerous meming shitposter, truly Sup Forums incarnate
One time I Baneposted on some shitty stream on cytube and got banned instantly.
Did you feel in charge?
Not as obvious as a Sup Forums poster.
Fucking hotheads man
>post reaction image on Sup Forums while replying to an user's post
>disagree with the user over something trivial
>the user turns out to be super autistic and searches your image on the archive
>outs you as someone who posts on Sup Forums
feels good,man
You probably talk with Sup Forums memes thinking they're universal.
>Never went to /po/
>Everyone keeps telling me to go back there for the strangest things
/po/ is a pretty comfy hobby, give it a go.
you forgot the L
ah just like Sup Forums I feel at home here
>Fuck off nerd, Gentoo is Linuxkino
Because you post Sup Forums memes, oh by the way, it was me.
>post on other boards
>tell everyone i disagree with to go back to Sup Forums
feels good
Its a mystery
What the, is that his penis?
Remember when we used to tell cancerous shitposting retards to go back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
What the hell happened that these faggots are now welcomed here, to the point that they've pretty much destroyed and replaced the community?
Now add all the underage trump-obsessed Sup Forums kids and Sup Forums literally is just as bad as Sup Forums.
YOU could have prevented this.
>Post a constructive film opinion on Sup Forums
>Redditors tell me to "fuck off back to Sup Forums"
i dunno m8, i think it must be shopped... like I know dicks can be small but it looks weird
You posted a blacked thread.
>libtard trying so hard to insert his political agenda
Go back to
Because we're the ones who call you out on it
Stop visiting other boards
>YOU could have prevented this.
How? I've only been here since summer
Somethin tells me your construtive opinion was somethin like "fucking kikes promoting cuckoldry and white genocide"
For a board to not turn to complete shit, rules need to actually be enforced...
im not a cuck, im in a monogamous toxic but loving relationship with Sup Forums
Rules are for weaklings. True hetero(as in not homosexual) males are stronger among chaos.
>What the hell happened that these faggots are now welcomed here
Hirohito is too soft, he's the one allowing this shit to happen.
Bring moot back.
Do not speak ill of /ourchink/.
Just post this in reply to them, go have a cup of coffee and return to the flood of (you)s. Good times.
So you're saying, if you're just hetero-hetero instead of true-hetero, it's OK to like feminine penises?
moot was a colossal faggot
>Election day
>Banepost "Big President"
>Banned for 30 days
>Appeal calling the mods libtard babies
>Mods agree that Liberals are cunts (unbanned)
How do you feel these days shillary?
Cringey. Is it bait?
It's ok to like feminine penis in any circumstance.
back to /reddit/
>the people who say "back to r/eddit" are from r/eddit
it's not true though you fucking cancerous newtard
doing the big guy's work son
What a time we live in to be gratified by memes like this, what a time..
I think you need to go back to r/eddit
stop ruining our sekrit klub
I mastered the L fold a long time ago kid, it's like riding a bike
Now I believe, that /fit/ posters are probably even bellow Sup Forums..this board has lost everything. No nice, somewhat thoughtful memes anymore, only 16 years olds who think they are chads...