Where do you see Ben Affleck's career 4 years from now? 10 years from now?
Where do you see Ben Affleck's career 4 years from now? 10 years from now?
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I'm surprised he even had this much of a career. Hes a complete non-entity acting and directing. But he lucked into some okay scripts and suddenly people think hes talented.
>4 year's
Clerks 3
>10 year's
Cave in Afghanistan
he'll be happy at Disney
>4 years
Being the little bitch of his brother
>10 years
President of the United States
Still trying to film The Batman.
4 years from now he'll have hit rock bottom, having crashed and burned with the DCEU as he was unable to escape it, his passions dead.
10 years from now he'll be a moderately respected director after he makes a comeback with something smart. Then he'll agree to play help make a superhero movie, and then he'll crash and burn again.
2 years his wiki will read:
>Others that searched for Brendan Fraser and Jim Carrey,
Ben Assflack
Clerks 3 isn't happening, Jeff Anderson is mad that Miramax fucked him over with Clerks 2 so he's refusing even though the script is written and everyone else is on board.
Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad still made an exorbant amount of money, they may be a failure but a lot of company's wish their failures made that much money