
Won't watch it

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*Katy Perry starts playing in the background*


It was never intended to be a story for children.

Why try to write classics out of history by making crappy remakes?

>Female rabbits... will get a dose of doe power, as it were, to allow them to display their own heroics alongside their male co-stars

Why the fuck would we want to see this for.

Why the fuck does this need a remake? It's a classic and toning it down is just pathetic when they should have just done an original idea.

for the greater good


John Hurt and Richard Adams are turning in their graves

So it was alright for me as a 5 year old to see a rabbit get its throat torn out but not these pussy 5 year olds?

Hollywood execs can be some of the most dumbest people who don't understand the public.

But then they sit in a room trying to make their movie make billions at the box office so if you did that for 20+ years you are sure to be broken deeply inside and not care about art anymore.

keep crying about it and give them more free publicity

no because 2017 has a lot of transgender, transexual, homosexual, lesbian and gender fluid kids who will get offended by violence or male characters.

Bright Eyes (On This Hoe) Big Booty Remix

I'm thankful for this so Sup Forums has something new to complain about until it gets released and then promptly forgets about aside from the occasional mention in a info-graph.

Hopefully it'll get people interested in seeing the original version.

>transsexual rabbits

surely they're not the only dummies out there

this is

your world now

Oh god, here we go

i got the book. isn't only the show thats fucked up

It actually started as a story Richard Adams would tell his children, but the end-product is certainly not aimed for kids unless they're mature enough to handle it.

the greater good

Fucking plebs, don't they know it's a good thing? They will be less violent against animals.

God forbid our children have to see something that makes them think.

>Female rabbits... will get a dose of doe power, as it were, to allow them to display their own heroics alongside their male co-stars."
it's not like Hyzenthlay is a passive character in the book. she was already plenty heroic confronting the general and helping to lead the escape

>"did you just assume my gender!?"

this is gonna be great, just great

Not enough. They're probably gonna have her save Bigwig from Woundwort in their showdown or some shit

They already did that 20 years ago and nobody remembers it.


>Removing the dominion the male rabbits hold over the female rabbits
They do realize that makes an entire different story, right? That it isn't Watership down?

Those don't even look like rabbits. Looks like fucking furry shit from deviantart

Kids these days...

Thank god I watched RoboCop, Predator and Rambos when I was kid. It made me a Man!

No fucking pussies can't understand this.

*blocks your path*

This. Seeing animals suffer deters kids from hurting them.

Unless they're fucked in the head or something.

>producers don't recognize that dominion is to illustrate how negative an actual patriarchal system would be

It might not deter in of itself, but storytelling helps to build up connection and then empathy.

It's not the kids, it's the parents.

I've had nearly a dozen signs for me to just fucking read the book in the last few months, but I haven't read anything in almost a year. Is it actually a compelling read? It seems like its mostly about understanding their language and feeling like a rabbit.
Never seen the movie.

Well if kid cries after punny violence he/she is a pussy.

Parents should show them RoboCop and then let them go to the park at night and kill all those pedos.

Crazy how that was exactly how I imagined the Black Rabbit of Inlé when I was a kid.

>tfw there's no way they'll evoke the quiet beauty of Hazel's death like the original did: youtube.com/watch?v=vMvGUCTpCIY

Men and women are equal now. We must completely re-write the past because it could be damaging and problematic otherwise.

I skimmed through it while going through my old books, and it still holds up. You probably won't get the lucid imagination of life as a rabbit, but there's still a lot of subtext that makes it worth going back to when you get older.

it's written like a children's book with some gruesome shit mixed in. it's generally pretty good although I didn't really care for the mythology parts

Aren't rabbits pretty much the same size? Not much sexual size dimorphism

>Liberal elites estrogen-washing the last of the Rabbit-Kino for their mouth-breathing "progressive" audience
Kind of triggered, not going to lie.

Oh yeah, and you ended up on Sup Forums, Sup Forums of all places

Its a good reminder that I you are in the uk you are forced to pay a corporation that also makes money by selling its shows

I don't own a tv but they spam you with threats constantly and come to your house


>Men and women are equal now
and this is wrong because?


my gf linked me this thread and said "they can fuck right off"

the message of the original will be lost for easy cash

I will never understand why this happens.
Just make a new god damn story. There is literally a 0% chance that this film will be as good as or better than the old one, so it will be discussed only in that context, and that will not help.
I get it, if some sensitive little shits cant relate to a movie because none of the rabbits are girls, whatever. I slightly see where that comes from, but for fucks sake you are setting yourself up for failure if the route you take is a reboot of literally one of the greatest animated films of all time.

Who's ready for flash tier animation?

I'm planning on making a child-friendly remake of Predator, which will feature some powerful female characters as well as the classic ones. I want this remake to unite whole families, and bring this classic story to a new generation.

Care to invest?

Because women are inferior.

if they don't remake this they will lose the rights and some autistic furry will make his own version of it

if the film doesn't challenge hetero norms than it must be considered regressive, racist, and transphobic

It would probably be better

>"Female rabbits... will get a dose of doe power, as it were, to allow them to display their own heroics alongside their male co-stars."

Clearly written by someone who absolutely understood the tone of the original and the novel.

>Hazels death in the remake
>Hazel is a tranny rabbit with pink and black fur
>sees the black rabbit coming
>except in this version its the orange rabbit wearing what is clearly supposed to be a wig mocking Donald Trump
>Hazel kicks it in the face and tells El Ahraihrah that xe doesnt need his cis heaven
>ascends on xer own
>instead of Bright Eyes playing its Lady Gagas Born This Way

>Bunch of redneck conservatives around here! This stuff will make you a gosh darn liberator of female sexuality!

>"the 2017 version will not just tone down the levels of on-screen violence to make it more appropriate for children, but give a boost to its female characters."

>"Female rabbits... will get a dose of doe power, as it were, to allow them to display their own heroics alongside their male co-stars."

>"This fantastic take on the novel will unite the whole family, and bring this classic story to a new generation.”
i feel the rage overtaking me it is a good pain

>will get a dose of doe power,

Uh got a source on that?

they haven't even watched it

the telly man called the police on me and the barged their way into my house looking or a tv and started questioning me like I was a criminal

The BBC is a legalized racket that illegally taxes people for having a TV so they can produce statist middle-class propaganda

Fuck the BBC

> legalized racket that illegally taxes people
Make up your mind would ya? Which one is it?

It's important to send our children messages that are completely contrary to how things actually work, such as
>death and dying is no big deal, so don't worry about it too much
>women are physically on the same level as men and can take them in a fight.

This 100x this

>Doe power

>death and dying is no big deal, so don't worry about it too much
This is true though? It's nothing to get too stressed about.

no, you should permagrief and never get over people passing away

t. his fordship mustapha mond

They are rabbits. They don't need identity politics and "positive role models." In the book they don't even care who joins their new warren and only while they already reached Watership Down they realized they need does. Lack of females is an important plot point. There are like two named females in the story. One is a farm rabbit and the other actually becomes quite involved in the action and in the end becomes Hazel's mate I believe but I may be wrong.

Yes, but rabbits don't fucking make plans or discuss things with each other. They mainly just fuck and breed all the time when they're not grazing.

You've clearly not spent a lot of time around women if you earnestly believe this to be true. Either that, or you're fantastic at lying to yourself.



Isn't it a pretty big plot point that none of them are female? That's why they bother starting a war with Woundwart in the first place.

I really hate when people simply resort to "fucking go back to lebbit faggot as some argument but I'll do it as a non argument and as a command.

Go back to lebbit. I can tell you're from there by how you referred to Sup Forums. You dont say Sup Forums, [board] to refer to a board here you fucking retard.

In the new one they will just say the other warren is sexist and they are liberating them

fiction molds people's perception of reality

It's a Netflix co-production.

>the animals of FARTING Wood

Children's animation is such fucking garbage now.

We had shit like Land Before Time, The Black Cauldron, The Secret of Nihm, some pretty dark shit. Now it's nothing but stupid fucking musicals and cute talking animals.

To hell with this nerfed up world.

>the BBC

Are they even capable of making something that isn't pussified openly feminist propaganda?

Daily reminder that UK citizens are forced to PAY for this kind of drivel to be made.

Its why university's want safe spaces now

also the whole you get an award for just participating

>boost to its female characters
>tone down the levels of on-screen violence
What the fuck?

Hollywood execs are basically aliens. They were raised in Hollywood bubbles and groomed for their Hollywood positions. They know everything about the business of making money in the movie industry except why an audience would like or dislike a concept. They almost never understand why an audience went to go see a movie or let it bomb, coming up with insane rationalizations.

This and it makes me depressed.

underrated you over-alcholed fetus Epsilon minus.

Single moms are a mistake.

1st world kids are such pussies. In my shithole kids watch teen stuff all the time and no one gives a fuck


It's wrong because basic Biology and History are both commonly discussed subjects.

So is this the image you always post when something on Sup Forums triggers you?

>when they said Mars Needs Moms bombed because of the word "Mars" in the title and not the horrendous character designs