Bikers are so coool maaaaan they wuz modern cowboys n shieet

>Bikers are so coool maaaaan they wuz modern cowboys n shieet
I'm only on the second episode. Does this show become any less gay? Its sucks its own dick really hard and it's making me embarrassed.

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>Does this show become any less gay?
A friend showed me an episode once, think it was season four or something.

The answer to your question is no, drop it.

sons is absolute kino you pleb

>Does this show become any less gay?
You're missing the point of this show, this shit is supposed to be a soap opera for men that doesnt take itself too seriously. Also dat ending, pure kino.

Let me just tell you something you smug little faggot.

Bikers are the only truly free people om Earth, you being a conformist shit eater could never even grasp the basic principles of being free to ride and born to live.

The next time a biker passes you by and gives you the middle finger (because he knows you are a grade A bozo) you better stand up, salute and say "thank you sir, may I have another"

Fucking punk ass little computer boy, I ain't got no more time for your shit son.

we gotta reach out to brown to stop the blowback against yellow

>never show a nipple once during the whole series

why is this allowed?

Good post

Why does the main actor sway cartoonishly with every step?

>muh pipeline