Movies that you didn't understand

I don't know if this movie was actually a flick or too kiŋo for me to understand.

The whole story seemed so messy. All the deaths so random, and the end scene didn't really have a meaning. Also the demonic wolves acting and sounding quite unlike actual wolves. Nice scenery and soundtrack though.

Whatever happened to Joe Carnahan. It just seems he does tv now. I really liked this and Narc.

>I don't know if this movie was actually a flick or too kiŋo for me to understand.

>mfw I watched Breathless

It was definitely a film but nothing more than that.

the movie is a metaphor for dealing with death

Hmmm... sounds plausible really and I can't argue with trips.


my favourite scene is when Liam Neeson is the only one left and he just falls to his knees, watches up and basically begs God for a sign
a sign that things will be alright
a sign that all this is not just for nothing
very powerful

This, and the wolves don't act like wolves because they are a foil to the human characters

When the movie came out critics complained that there were wolves in the movie at all and that they should have just been freezing to death.

Same OP. I also really don't understand Master and Commander