Can we get a discussion on Hapas?

They are as racist towards white men as anybody. Look at r/hapa.

They cry salty tears because asian women chose white men.

Other urls found in this thread:


More like 'please fuck me in the ass white man and breed my woman it'd make me mighty hapa'

I totally see what you did there. Niiiice.

But they really are an interesting group. These guys have complete hate for their parents, and are very aware of asian women seeking white men,

Hapa males have some serious mental issues

Those are mostly full asians pretending to be half asian. Asian supremacists are a thing.

Hapa means half indigenous Hawaiian not half asian.

The women seem to be fine, it's the guys that gave the issues. Their insecurity of not being full white or full asian is crazy. It's hilarious how they think society has it out for them when it's completely in there brain. Nobody bats an eye at a "hapa".

You just need to make sure your balls are cold (or warm, whichever it is) when you impregnate your conquered Asian woman and you'll have a daughter.

Simple shit.

It might be scrotum and not balls.

Asian supremacists? lol

Aint that some shit...

Hapa literally means half. It can be half anything.


That's what half asians-half white people call themselves moron.

I don't hate white men, or women.

I think just the mentally deficient ones conglomerate towards /r/hapa.

I mean, I get pretty depressed about being a halfie, but fuck what can I do but just continue working, contributing to society and enjoying my other hobbies.


Why would you get depressed about being a halfie? Your half of 2 power races. It's not like your half aboriginal.

>They cry salty tears because asian women chose white men.

And the sexless white guys on Sup Forums cry about how women don't want them. La de dah. Anyone can find anything to cry about if they put their mind to it.

Do Hapas still hate themselves if they're handsome like OP's?
I really like asians but I wouldn't want my kid to hate himself.

The entire "pua" lookism/sluthate crowd is basically non-whites in white countries who bitch about how much easier whites have it with women, especially "ethnic" women, meanwhile they are obsessed with white women.

Hapa are over represented in this. They have mental issues because they literally feel cucked by their dad, they look asian but their mum race cucked asians with a white guy, who they feel inferior too anyway. Only Hapa with asian dads and white mums turn out normal.

I don't hate white men and actively contribute to society.

Tbh being hapa let's you play both sides of the coin. Many think I'm white and when they try to denigrate me I turn the race issue back around on them.


It is inaccurate. Hapa refers to another group of people.

Women are fine, damn fine...

The men go full Elliott because unlike Asian and White losers they can blame their race for their failures as a person

By believing that their race is the problem they go crazy because they now believe that being losers is a inherent part of who they are, not something they can change

If they stopped moaning about being mixed and realized that they are to blame, not their parents, maybe they could change an become decent people.

My aunt married a hapa and then divorced him after a year and he went instantly crazy and started fucking trannies and doing coke.

He also went bald.

>the women seem to be fine

Only because nobody bats an eye at an insane whore. For the average female hapa see Mayli.

Stripping of identity basically. I have no "volk" in the true sense.

What many people fail to realize about race mixing (a rather large distinction from ethnic mixing) is that it all boils down to reductionism. You take two wholes beautiful unto themselves, and merge them together creating half of what was once the original for either side. Continue this process and you continue to halve, and halve, and halve up to the point where you don't have any wholes any more, rather just halves of halves of halves until it's all indistinguishable from what was formerly the original.

That's all it is. Reductionism. Taking the greater part of two original wholes, and reducing it by half every generation.

>not wanting your own supreme gentleman child

> They have mental issues because they literally feel cucked by their dad, they look asian but their mum race cucked asians with a white guy, who they feel inferior too anyway. Only Hapa with asian dads and white mums turn out normal.
Meme promoted by Asian Supremacists.

Nah that's /r/asianmasculinity which is even more pathetic, and even more anti-white. Lots of poo in loos and Arabs and such all go there too not just chinks.

There is an entire subculture on the internet which is basically non-whites crying that white guys are more sexually desirable than them that Sup Forums is largely unaware of.

Those reddit hapa guys are the sons of Sup Forums virgins finally buying their Thai bride over the internet and breeding with them

Is holly michaels a happa

Shes hot af


its up to the father not to fucked them up. Mr Supreme gentleman had not only a Jewish father, but he was in a broken home, and the gf of his father constantly humiliate his sexuality. He was an unplanned pregnancy and their parents told him so

Stefan made a great video about Elliot

highest chance of mental illness out of all mixed races

>that last comment

People lie on the internet.

Looks like a spic

My advice to anyone is not to have hapa children. They always get into all sorts of mental trouble and have a hard time fitting in most places. Most Asians kind of disdain them and whites kind of ignore them. The mental illness thing is real.

t. Hapa

Hey bro.

What breed are you?

Brit/German/Korean here.

Could you link that up by a chance bruh? I'm interested in this people


If you want to go into the muh heritage details on my white side, it is mostly Brit and Irish.

>be a beta cumskin
>go for a gook because no aryan qt wants your ugly ass
>forget about the hapa meme
>bust a nut inside of her
>another serial killer is born

oy vey

Most hapas I know are pretty top tier.

They're all well educated and relative to their career paths successful (I guess being an 0311 is never successful but he slayed mad ass and made a good grunt).

I don't see why hapas would have mental issues either, nothing wrong with it at all. I almost had a hapa though so maybe I'm just rationalizing.

Do you have issues with your parents?

This girl also has a Jewish father. Maybe the crazy hapa meme is just a subset of insane Jews?

you father is a weaboo nerd. even if they married a white woman they will still fuck it up. stop thinking there is something wrong with you.

Yes, you're rationalizing hard.

Even if they may not tell you, I guarantee that almost every hapa mix has some kind of internal toil and struggle if not outright deficiency.

The ones that make it out (likely the ones you met) are likely 'top tier' because they found a calling and purpose that goes beyond their identity.

But not everybody is as lucky as that.

Why's that so odd? There are black supremacists for crying out loud.

Weirdest thing is, apparently to r/hapas, a WWAM mix is good but a WMAW mix is bad.

I had some, because I am a love child. I am not going into that much details about it, because I still kind of blame my father for the death of my brother.

hows the relationship with your father?

>Even if they may not tell you, I guarantee that almost every hapa mix has some kind of internal toil and struggle if not outright deficiency.
Maybe I should further add I even dated a half Korean half English girl for awhile too, I never had any indication that she had any issues related to her racial background, she was from a wealthy family so she was a bit of a spoiled bitch at time but otherwise she was a pretty normal girl.

>The ones that make it out (likely the ones you met) are likely 'top tier' because they found a calling and purpose that goes beyond their identity.
Anyone who doesn't have a calling or purpose is going to be fucked up, there's no way around that. You can't be a healthy man without purpose.

the problem is not that they are mixed is that their fathers come from Sup Forums and shouldnt have even bred to begin with

Kazahastan is a country that has the most happas and they are fine

That's just the asian/hapa males trying to score white women and fight the "all asian girls love white guys" meme/reality.

Who said it was odd you swedish cuck? We're trying to have a discussion here. Go clean Ahmed up, i think he finished.

I want to kill him.

I'm the bastard child of an affair my rich dad had, that issue is universal, nothing related to being a hapa.

If I have kids with my j-gf, I hope they are female.

Or, if they are male, it would probably be a good idea to raise them in Japan. There's nothing wrong with being half here- lots of celebrities on TV are half-Japanese, and girls actually like halfs.

See this And this

>Kazahastan is a country that has the most happas

not at all, kazakhs don't racemix with slavs

USA has the most hapas and the most gun related violence

coincidence ?

Every time

This is what i figured. Mad their mommy wouldn't want to date somebody like them.

Because he's a white guy who fucked an Asian girl and at the end of the day you think of yourself as more of an Asian dude than a white dude?

my eyes look like this and both my parents are white

wut do

Are you attractive?

We can fuck their women (look at the pic, they even want us) but do not breed with them guys

Ok. He really was a piece of shit in the younger years, so my mother tells me. Very neglecting, pissed off when she was preggers with my older brother, also pissed off when she was preggers with me a few years later.

Had some chemical imbalances that would make him go ballistic.

Hardly had support from him when I was a child, emotionally I mean, financially I was very well off, and I basically ended up learning most things myself and from Sup Forums. It wasn't until now, recently that I've accomplished much for myself (relatively speaking for my age) that he says he's proud of me and shit. I was raised mostly by my mother a lot of my life.

There's many things I could go into detail about, but I won't.

My relationship with him could basically be summed up as such, I don't feel like he's my father so much as he's just a guy I live with on good terms.

what are you talking about nigger. kazahstan is the mix between eastern chinese and russians for centuries.

Sick meme, sick meme. Now back to your shed

Yeah, it must suck to be from the most cucked country on earth.

I identify as a biracial pony.

tell your father he should dump your mother for being a cheaing whore

And most Kazakhs are ugly af and still manage to look 100% Asian yet being mixed for years.


The ones with problems are the ones with identity issues because they look asian while not having a deep cultural connection to Asia because the Asian parent has been whitewashed. If the parents do their jobs and introduce the kids to both cultures then they should be fine.

In practice, couples where the father is white and the mother is asian the mother will likely be whitewashed, thus leading to supreme gentlemen with no history, tradition or culture. Again, it's not a race or a male/female thing, but an identity one.

>american education

Hahahah that's the face of a man who know he should kill himself but is disappointed because he hasn't done it yet.

I think this is all just confirmation bias.
The only people you see talking about being hapas are people with fucked up parental situations and thus it seems like they're all fucked.

I dated a Half-Jap half-white girl and her only problem was that she liked Lana del Rey.

She did have a general dislike for Japanese people/culture, though.

i hear you bro, the relationship of my father is pretty much the same, i had to learn how to be a man from Sup Forums sources of all places. Say whatever you want about this place but it did made me a better person. At least it helped take responsibility for my own life and stop blaming other things for my failures. I would probably have ended up being a hateful overweight neet if i didnt learn that most of my issues stemed from lack of a father figure. Dating also during those years was awful.

It doesn't make any fucking sense senpai. You're half and half the two most dominant groups on the planet earth.

Why can't the white father give him culture?
Are you saying white men have no culture?
Are you a nigger ?

they have ugly and good looking people like everyone else. my point is that they turn out to be fine, there is nothing wrong genetically with that mix

The same concept that applies to full raced girls extends down to mixed ones as well.

They are women, thus they do not have to give a crap about providing or doing or being anything of importance.

Literally all they have to do is just make themselves as attractive as possible for a mate and then settle down after that.

Males are not afforded that luxury and are expected to provide, and mixed males are disadvantaged from that because they are not as desirable.

Their problem is identify as a made up identity instead of identifying as Asian. Half black people identify as black, no reason for half Asians to not identify with their Asian side.

This is because western Asian women are basically like white bitches, but ironically more selfish and bitchier. If you want an Asian women get one from east Asia or something

I personally don't like Asian women because they all look like ayyliens. Any beta who can't find a qt white or other caucasoid girl is obviously fugly and has mental issues

>i had to learn how to be a man from Sup Forums sources of all places

please shoot a school

I've known two male Hapas they were both tools but they did get pussy.

Fucking insane to me that Sup Forums of all places made me get a job and decide to actually try in uni.... What a world we live in.

There are no 9/10's or 10/10's. The ones that you beta weebs consider qt are hardly 6's or 7's

Asians are truly the most plain race out there

>Males are not afforded that luxury and are expected to provide, and mixed males are disadvantaged from that because they are not as desirable.

>exotic looking
>not desirable
You're out of your fucking mind.

I'm mostly Croat and a quarter Italian. Does that make me a hapa?

What the fuck is a Hapa?

>She did have a general dislike for Japanese people/culture, though
I think this has to do with not living in the respective asian country they come from and having parents who don't care.

One of my best friends was a full chinese girl who did not give a single shit about her culture and wouldn't date an asian guy no matter what. Her really hot sister also liked niggers and wanted to have nigger babies. Never dated an asian guy either.

Half Asian half white

yes, John Malkovitch go eat your dogburger

Mulattos are racist as fuck too. They're bastards in between societies, never belonging. One parent is a mud or a nigger and the other is a degenerate with an interracial fetish.

If an Asian male is alpha enough to get with someone like a white woman

Expect their children to be better than a beta WMAF

Which is why the males take on that "I'M BEING KEKED" Asian mindset, because not only are they literally in the same house as an Asian girl being "bleached" but most of the time they look more Asian than white.

I think a hapa male would be more desirable than a regular asian male, but it's easy to mistake a hapa for a full asian a lot of the time and so most women might not even bother.

This is literally the reason not to have mixed race children, stay with your own race

Something disgusting desu I never saw a qt hapa in real life

Wait, there was a qt half Flip and half white girl at my highschool. Had big green eyes and curly hair unlike most hapas