And the Oscar for Best Extra goes to

And the Oscar for Best Extra goes to...


Do extras talk to each other in bar scenes or do they just open their mouths?

this. I already saw it on reddit. Come on OP

the only content on Sup Forums are reposts from reddit. says a lot about this board t.b.h.

dust flying would have been too distractive

Same title and all as the top post on reddit. Pathetic.

You seem to be well informed about what's going on in that site. Maybe you should go back too.

Reddit is literally 3 years behind on "memes"

Fuck off epic xd reppiters

The DVD commentary for this scene is amazing

>"after the 50th take the dust we laid out was all gone. Craig kept on insisting "one more, just one more guys" but there was no more dust.

yet, here is OP with reposting a gif from reddit. interesting.

>epic xd reppiters
What did he mean by this?

I mean the air does look like it could use a good cleaning.

George Lucas


A mic must have picked up the sound of brushing on the ground, and the director decide for the extra to just make a sweeping motion. The take they got with the actor, the extra happened to be brushing too high. They decided to just move on and fix it in post. Either they never got around to it, or decided it wasn't worth the cost or time. Happens all the time.

movie/doc/whatever RUINED

>Sup Forums janitor.webm

actors can ask for more takes? woah

totally depends on the director, actually. He sure wouldn't have tried that with james cameron in the chair.

They just mouth "carrots and peas" to each other.

There's a scene in the gang group dates from IASIP where 3 girls are clearly talking about Danny Divito when their backs turn and stop when they turn back

top fukking kek

Why is this so fucking hilarious holy shit

What is this?


Looks like the catalogue desu



"Whoa, hey! What? Oh – alright." *farts very loudly*

The birth of a new meme.

Could you imagine just walking up to George Lucas on the street?


Yes. It's fun. You should try it some time.

Fuck my sides actually hurt. Its making my dick diamonds.

Your dick is my dick, friend.

I'm ok with this.

d'awww, look how she's squeezing her legs together. I bet she lost more than just a drop there.

So cute :3

Oh man, that one's just.. perfect!

a drop? huh?

MORE than a drop

He was talking about wee-wee.

the fucking seagull

So who get it?


Fuck off to reddit. How you gonna reshoot it if you sweep the dust?

I saw this on Reddit a couple years ago. OP is not only a redditor but a noob redditor.


jesus christ i knew what it is and i still can't stop laughing

that movie gave me feelios i shouldn't have


>these girls are reaaady to baaang!

>encountering a shiny pokemon

>tfw cant watch braveheart, gettysburg or any other non-gci mass fights because my autism gets triggered when i spot the extras who dont have any idea what to do with their weapon

Holy fuck, I remmeber when this used to be posted all the time.

"Well informed"

It's the top post on one of the most popular websites in existence. Are you illiterate?