Spanish referendum in 10 days

spanish referendum in 10 days

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What for?


For Spain to secede Spain

mandatory siesta

To ban siesta

Which is it?
P.S. Good luck, Catalonia

Will we finally see the demise of perfidious castille?

the Spanish government doesn't recognize the referendum but they are doing it anyway? what if the "Yes" wins? would spaniards let them get independence?

no, we're going to enter a legal battle and some catalan territory would be unrecognized until the spanish army takes it again

so it could lead into a war?

*civil war :^)
also they need an army to call it a "war".

Well you've managed 80 years without civil war. Not that bad actually.


Of course not, even if the referendum goes ahead and the yes wins, nothing will come out of it other than some protests and some popular unrest, the resignation of the catalan government and maybe some negotiations to appease both parties.
Catalan independence has no international support nor even enough support in Catalunya, let alone Spain.

German election on sunday

never underestimate rivalry autism

good luck and vote for AfD, m8.

it's quite shit still follow the illegal referendum that doesn't have campaign for the "no" (maybe because it's illegal)... and then people talk about negotiations

What about that rock English have been being an ass about?

the brits only care about the rock in summer

English can't relinquish it because of national pride and international stance, Spanish can't stop claiming it because of national pride and international stance but the truth is nobody cares about that worthless rock.

>nobody cares about that worthless rock.
You just have to look at this picture to see why this place is important. But you know this probably already.

Can't wait for Switzerland to be partitioned desu


Would not even annex it

And nobody cares because Spain has territories both in the Southernmost point of the peninsula as well as North Africa, giving the country the only real "door" to the mediterranena.
The Gibraltar issue is just a bunch of political bullshit to maintain territories somewhere else in the world: Spain wants to have the complete foothold in the Mediterranean, and the UK doesn't want to make a precedence of giving back old empire territories, but that rock truly amounts to nothing but a bunch of tobacco traffickers.

when you become independent, please Catalonia, can you conquer Andalusia and kill all gispy?

t. country known by hitler and joseph fritzl