Hellboy 3 100% not happening (again)

Why does Del Taco keep fucking flip flopping


>Hellboy 3 Sorry to report: Spoke w all parties. Must report that 100% the sequel will not happen. And that is to be the final thing about it

Del Toro is too busy retweeting every negative article ever written about Trump.

Why was that neanderthal pearlman pushing for it so hard? Is he broke?

His wife loves shoes.

unfollowed him not because of that (fuck trump Sup Forumstards) but because he was such a fucking whinter and would always retweet shit from TheMarySue

While he is a good director his writing fucking sucks too

Del Toro should make a Star Wars movie. He is the only one in Hollywood approving designs nearly as pleasant to the eyes as Geogieboy.
World building is fucking important in a space fantasy film. JJ showed us how it is not done. Fucking hack.

To be honest, Hellboy 1 and 2 are probably some of the most visually stunning films I've ever seen and I can't think of any film released this decade that matches them.

They are certainly much more pleasant to look at than any superhero movie that has come after.

>having a Twitter account
top wew

Why is Del Toro so flakey?

He's always starting things and not finishing the, walking from projects having things kept in limbo.

What the fuck is his problem?

He's an idea and design guy, not a writer or director guy.

He honestly needs someone to focus him. He has so many projects all over the place, its funny that his most successful show has been The Strain since hardly anyone ever mentions it when talking about Del Toro's work.

Crimson Peak was great in the design work and aesthetics of it but it failed in the story standpoint and felt generic. I really wish he could find someone to help him on the writing and directing aspect that can channel his work. Maybe then he can put out a couple of projects.


I hope he make the Cthulhu movie soon...

What's Del Toro even doing anymore

I understand and have come to make at least half-peace with his faults, I still like del Toro as a creative person who clearly has love and enthusiasm for his projects, which is pretty fucking rare these days. It sucks that so much of his stuff just never happens, but I wish he'd focus on one or two things instead of having all this stuff on the back burner that just falls apart. He desperately needs focus, I appreciate all his ideas and the things he wants to create, but I'd rather actually see some of them come to fruition than just be idle fancies.

It's a shame Hellboy 3 won't happen, they were some of the better superhero films out there bar none. Hellboy 1 is one of my favourite movies for its atmosphere, visual design, the care and attention to detail put into it, the performances being spot on, everything about it hits home. Hellboy 2, while lacking much more in story, is still absolutely gorgeous to look at, and colourful to boot. People involved wanted to see it done, and it's a shame we won't get to see the thing those people cared to make.

I hope not, reddit loves cthulhu XD therefore i don't want reddit to be pleased in any way

uhgh are you sure you don't come from reddit?!

good. fuck that subhuman beaner.

being a SJW on twitter

shut up, semen face!

is this the worst you could come up with?

It's his signature role.

Im reddit

>one main actor dead
>one aging very quickly
No fucking shit it aint happening

Overseeing the Pacific Rim sequel, most likely.

It was probably an inability to get financing rather than a creative or casting problem since Ron Pearlman is all in on this franchise.


u mad? :^)

>Del Toro wants to do it
>Ron Perlman totally wants to do it
>Doug Jones likely an easy recruit
>Selma Blair unconfirmed, would likely be up for it
>Mike Mignola is throwing a hissyfit over the direction the films had taken
Who's dead? The guy whose character died in the very first movie? Yeah, real major part for the third film.

Doinh a war themed horror film for Fox Searchlight, overseeing Pacific Rim 2, and Trollhunters season 2

This. It's always the financing that stops his projects dead in their tracks. It was a miracle the first two movies even got made considering the subject matter and that main character literally looks like the devil.

No studio would risk funding that in today's politically correct climate. It wouldn't even have a chance in hell of making its money back internationally since China bans anything remotely supernatural.

Not enough quips probably.

I always thought they would have made a BRPD movie.

In a better timeline they make 3 Hellboys, 3 BPRD movies and a standalone Amazing Screw On Head movie.
Also none of the starwars movies get made except the first three.

>Doinh a war themed horror film for Fox Searchlight


I still have hope, fuck it. I want it so bad.

>mignola is throwing a hissyfit

Is that why its not being made? Sauce?

>A Jew wants to play a Demon whose really not *THAT* bad

There is no timeline where Lucas doesn't make the prequels. He's too greedy.

Hellboy was created by a practicing Catholic you fucking retard.

Hellboy is a practicing catholic too.

>being a SJW on twitter
truly rare thing indeed

>I hope he make the Cthulhu movie soon...\

I hope so too, frankly if he cant do it we will likely never see a direct adaptation of HPL works on the silver screen, he will be forever a foundation of the horror genre but never the star.

So even Netflix won't pick it up? I though they back everything.
He must have some pretty high demand

fuck i remember this meme