"Hollywood hey. So are you some kind of Jew?"

"Hollywood hey. So are you some kind of Jew?"

What did he mean by this?

name 3 actors worse than Vince Vaughn

That prick's a son of Abraham

Why did he have to be naked? That was pretty weird.

If you weren't mirin his 10/10 GOAT aesthetics then you literally might be gay.

it was based Mel tearing to shreds the vanity of the military man

>"Be wary of your personal belongings, goyim! This here is one them hooked-nose Hebrew-types."

Really, Mel?


Why was Vaughn so shit in this and dramatic roles in general?

I literally don't see what's wrong with jews running hollywood

>didn't show his dick for even a single frame
Bravo Mel

You son of an exhibitionist!

What did gohnarreah mean by this?

Daniel Day Lewis
Marlon Brando
Meryl Streep

He meant that Sobel's father was a man named Abraham

They chickened out with showing the whole package though. That was some straight bullshit. Hopefully in the uncensored extended cut Hollywood will get to hang dong.

>Vince fucking Vaughn

worst casting in the world

His acting was fine, it's just impossible not to associate him with dumb dudebro comedies at this point, so that was always a distraction

I always confuse him with michael madsen

but neither seem to be in much

It didn't bother me. I don't get why people dislike him.

Caspere knew this

>it's just impossible not to associate him with dumb dudebro comedies at this point

So whats it like being retarded?

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!!

Because he made lot of shitty roles in lot of shitty movies

I liked him here and in True Detective though

Hacksaw Ridge is a good movie but let's face it Vince Vaughn's greatest role will always be Old School. (Swingers did NOT age well)

that scene where he was being dragged looks like a fucking car chase

I always confuse Michael Madsen with Matt Dillon

that's also the way they have to drag VV out of bars at closing time- that's why it made the movie. Based Mel puts in all those Easter Eggs.

quirky screenwriting tricks to make you remember a character

Hugh Jackman, Martin Lawrence, Matt Damon.


>"Andre?? You're aren't in Harlem anymore porch monkey. This is the US Army, niggers are on the front lines and back of the bus!"

Jesus Mel I understand that was the time back then, but was that really necessary?

This desu, he was looking good as fuck not gonna lie. His look reminded me of the Comedian. I wish I had that kind of hair sometimes.

what, scared you might like it, Sup Forums?