"Hollywood hey. So are you some kind of Jew?"
What did he mean by this?
"Hollywood hey. So are you some kind of Jew?"
What did he mean by this?
name 3 actors worse than Vince Vaughn
That prick's a son of Abraham
Why did he have to be naked? That was pretty weird.
If you weren't mirin his 10/10 GOAT aesthetics then you literally might be gay.
it was based Mel tearing to shreds the vanity of the military man
>"Be wary of your personal belongings, goyim! This here is one them hooked-nose Hebrew-types."
Really, Mel?
Why was Vaughn so shit in this and dramatic roles in general?
I literally don't see what's wrong with jews running hollywood
>didn't show his dick for even a single frame
Bravo Mel
You son of an exhibitionist!
What did gohnarreah mean by this?
Daniel Day Lewis
Marlon Brando
Meryl Streep
He meant that Sobel's father was a man named Abraham
They chickened out with showing the whole package though. That was some straight bullshit. Hopefully in the uncensored extended cut Hollywood will get to hang dong.
>Vince fucking Vaughn
worst casting in the world
His acting was fine, it's just impossible not to associate him with dumb dudebro comedies at this point, so that was always a distraction
I always confuse him with michael madsen
but neither seem to be in much
It didn't bother me. I don't get why people dislike him.
Caspere knew this
>it's just impossible not to associate him with dumb dudebro comedies at this point
So whats it like being retarded?
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!!
Because he made lot of shitty roles in lot of shitty movies
I liked him here and in True Detective though
Hacksaw Ridge is a good movie but let's face it Vince Vaughn's greatest role will always be Old School. (Swingers did NOT age well)
that scene where he was being dragged looks like a fucking car chase
I always confuse Michael Madsen with Matt Dillon
that's also the way they have to drag VV out of bars at closing time- that's why it made the movie. Based Mel puts in all those Easter Eggs.
quirky screenwriting tricks to make you remember a character
Hugh Jackman, Martin Lawrence, Matt Damon.
>"Andre?? You're aren't in Harlem anymore porch monkey. This is the US Army, niggers are on the front lines and back of the bus!"
Jesus Mel I understand that was the time back then, but was that really necessary?
This desu, he was looking good as fuck not gonna lie. His look reminded me of the Comedian. I wish I had that kind of hair sometimes.
what, scared you might like it, Sup Forums?