Redpill me on trans "people"

Please give sources and shit

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yes, i need good sources and shit now


Okay. Transgender people suffer from a form of neural intersexuality. Like genital intersexuality but in the brain.

Primary Mechanism:

>It is believed that during the intrauterine period the fetal brain develops in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. According to this concept, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation should be programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no proof that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.

It appears in addition to developmental possibility it has a genetic component as well:

Here is research in which monozygotic twins with the same DNA have massively spiked chance to both be transgender (3 cases where twins were raised seperately). As opposed to dizygotic twins with no statistical increase.

I will now post evidence illustrating neurological differences in the transgender brain.

Yokota, Y. et al “Callosal Shapes at the Midsagittal Plane: MRI Differences of Normal Males, Normal Females, and GID”. An MRI study of 22 transwomen and 28 transmen examined the shape of the corpus callosum in the brain at a specific cross-sectional plane, and compared this shape with that observed in 211 XY karyotype males and 211 XX karyotype females. Their results demonstrated that not only could the sex of the patient be determined with 74% accuracy from the MRI picture, but the shapes of the brains in the transsexuals strongly reflected their gender, and not their biological sex.

Berglund "Berglund, H. et al. “Male-to-Female Transsexuals Show Sex-Atypical Hypothalamus Activation When Smelling Odorous Steroids". A positron emission tomography (PET) study showed that smelling androgens (male pheromones) caused transwomen to respond in the hypothalamus region of their brain in a manner similar to XX karyotype women. However, smelling estrogen-based pheromones also caused them to respond in the hypothalamus region in a manner similar to XY karyotype men. This combination of results suggests that transwomen occupy an “intermediate position with predominantly female features” in the way the hypothalamus reacted.

Luders "Regional gray matter variation in male-to-female transsexualism." MtF transgender people were analyzed by fMRI; gray matter variation throughout the brain more closely resembled the layout of a cisfeminine brain, rather than that of a cismasculine brain, implying gender identity depends on cerebral layout.

Gooren "The biology of human psychosexual differentiation." Meta-analysis of sex-steroid production and prenatal androgen exposure in transgender people.

Swaab "Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relevance for gender identity, transsexualism, and sexual orientation."

Your mind and feelings cannot magically change your gender.

Neither does sex change. A sex change is just a cosmetic operation. It literally is.
It does not magically turn your XX into an XY or vice versa.

Boston University Medical Center. "Transgender: Evidence on the biological nature of gender identity." The researchers conducted a literature search and reviewed articles that showed positive biologic bases for gender identity. These included disorders of sexual development, such as penile agenesis, neuroanatomical differences, such as grey and white matter studies, and steroid hormone genetics, such as genes associated with sex hormone receptors. They conclude that current data suggests a biological etiology for transgender identity.

Bao, Hahn, Kranz, Kaufmann "Structural Connectivity Networks of Transgender People". 94 subjects, 23 FtM, 21 MtF, 25 cisFemale, 25 cisMale: average age 26. Transsexual subjects did not fulfill criteria for current comorbidities but 9 reported history of depression (n = 2), specific phobias (n = 3), obsessive compulsive disorder (n = 1), anorexia nervosa (n = 2), and substance abuse (n = 4). All patients reported subjective feelings to belong to the other gender before or at puberty. Investigating structural networks in female-to-male and male-to-female transsexuals, we observed differences in hemispheric and lobar connectivity as well as local efficiencies when compared with healthy controls.

Zubiaurre “Cortical Thickness in Untreated Transsexuals”. A 2012 study examined cortical thickness in the brain between 29 XY karyotype males, 23 XX karyotype females, 24 transmen, and 18 transwomen. None of the transsexual subjects had received any hormone treatment prior to the study. Using an MRI, the researchers found that the transwomen had more cortical thickness than the XY males in three regions of the brain. The transmen showed evidence of masculinization of their grey matter. In all transsexuals studied, the key differences from their biological sex were found in the right hemisphere. On a graph, transpeople statistically fell in the middle between the XX and XY karyotypes.

thanks lad

Garroting is the way to go. Simple, easy to make, relatively quiet so far as weapons go, effective. Use piano wire and attach it to metal handles.

Put the wire over the throat, cross your arms, and pull as hard as you can. Get them on the ground and use your feet for leverage if you can. Be quick and precise.


Mentally ill.

Source: Modern medicine

Rametti "White matter microstructure in female to male transsexuals before cross-sex hormonal treatment. A diffusion tensor imaging study." By diffusion-tensor-imaging MRI and fractional anisotropy analysis of various transgender and cisgender people, FtM transgender people more closely resembled a masculine-structured brain than a feminine- structured brain, noted by the study in the structures of the right superior longitudinal fasciculus, the foreceps minor, and the corticospinal tract. White matter microstructure therefore plays a role in gender identity.

Burke "Hypothalamic response to the chemo-signal androstadienone in gender dysphoric children and adolescents". Androstadienone, a particularly fragrant chemosignal responsible for sex-based differences in hypothalamic microstructure; children with gender dysphoria were observed to express differences in hypothalamic activation in accordance with identified gender, rather than assigned gender.

Hare "Androgen receptor repeat length polymorphism associated wth male-to-female transsexualism." Genes involved in sex steroidogenesis are components to transgenderism and gender dysphoria; specifically, androgen receptor repeat length polymorphisms were observed in an MtF-transgender population, but not a cismale population; this warrants the conclusion that male gender identity is mediated by the androgen receptor.

Kruijver "Male-to-female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus." BSTc somatostatin-expressing neuron counts - twice as high in cismen and transmen as in ciswomen and transwomen. More intense Zhou.

Zhou "A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality." BSTc size in transwomen resembles that of ciswomen and is independent of sexual orientation.

pic is full annotated bibliography

>research and scientific reasoning

You must be new here.

They smell bad (no joke)
They are deeply unhappy people, no matter how much they transition
They complain about every-fucking-thing under the sun. Literally everything.
They are always trying to prove that they are the most oppressed, even in competition with other transpeople

Sources: Twitter, Tumblr, real life

Further more, while a common meme on Sup Forums is, transition increasing suicide rates. This is not true at all.

They extract this data from Cecilia Dhjene's 1978-2001 study on patients who have had genital surgery. The data is broken into two cohorts of data (1978-1989 and 1989-2001). The elevated suicide/regret rates are seen in the first cohort and the second cohort drops DRAMATICALLY.

Further, she published a new study 2001-2010 that had a regret rate of 0.3%. Her research explores reasons why this is. Coming to the conclusion that the precision and quality of the bottom surgery has increased in addition to greater social acceptance and better understanding of transcare.

Transpeople improve drastically with transition:

Colizzi et al., 2013: "At enrollment, transsexuals reported elevated CAR ['cortisol awakening response', a physiological measure of stress]; their values were out of normal. They expressed higher perceived stress and more attachment insecurity, with respect to normative sample data. When treated with hormone therapy [at followup, 1 year after beginning HRT], transsexuals reported significantly lower CAR (P < 0.001), falling within the normal range for cortisol levels. Treated transsexuals showed also lower perceived stress (P < 0.001), with levels similar to normative samples."

de Vries, et al., 2014 studied 55 trans teens from the onset of treatment in their early teenage years through a follow-up an average of 7 years later. They found no negative outcomes, no regrets, and in fact their group was slightly mentally healthier than controls.

more inc

I told you to get out of here with your stupid facts and shit


Redpill me on the sun.

Isn't that the gorilla chick from the new ghostbusters movie?

Empirical evidence for the benefit of transition:

Heylans et al., 2014: "A difference in SCL-90 [a test of distress, anxiety, and hostility] overall psychoneurotic distress was observed at the different points of assessments (P = 0.003), with the most prominent decrease occurring after the initiation of hormone therapy (P < 0.001)...Furthermore, the SCL-90 scores resembled those of a general population after hormone therapy was initiated."

Gomez-Gil et al., 2012: "SADS, HAD-A, and HAD-Depression (HAD-D) mean scores [these are tests of depression and anxiety] were significantly higher among patients who had not begun cross-sex hormonal treatment compared with patients in hormonal treatment (F=4.362, p=.038; F=14.589, p=.001; F=9.523, p=.002 respectively). Similarly, current symptoms of anxiety and depression were present in a significantly higher percentage of untreated patients than in treated patients (61% vs. 33% and 31% vs. 8% respectively)."

Lawrence, 2003 surveyed post-op trans folk: "Participants reported overwhelmingly that they were happy with their SRS results and that SRS had greatly improved the quality of their lives. None reported outright regret and only a few expressed even occasional regret."

There is a broad un-peer reviewed study that was quite good too:

the large sample size provides some corroboration of the above results. In particular, we have: (Page 15): "Stage of transition had a substantial impact upon life satisfaction within the sample. 70% of the participants stated that they were more satisfied with their lives since transition, compared to 2% who were less satisfied (N=671)" (Page 50): " Most participants who had transitioned felt that their mental health was better after doing so (74%), compared to only 5% who felt it was worse (N=353)."

literally a mental illness

So, I have demonstrated the biological roots of gender identity disorder. I have illustrated several peer reviewed sources that clearly illustrate transition as a successful therapy. Lastly I will share other cases of gender variance from history:

>According to Herodotus, the Scythians who pillaged the temple of Aphrodite (see Venus Castina) at Ascelon, and all their descendants after them, were afflicted by the goddess with the “female” sickness: and so the Scythians say that they are afflicted as a consequence of this and also that those who visit Scythian territory see among them the condition of those whom the Scythians call Enarees.

>In Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, the hijras are officially recognized as third gender by the government, being neither completely male nor female. In India also, transgender people have been given the status of Third gender and are protected as per the law despite the social ostracism.

>In Zapotec cultures of Oaxaca (southern Mexico), a muxe is an assigned male at birth individual who dresses and behaves in ways otherwise associated with the female gender; they may be seen as a third gender. Some marry women and have children while others choose men as sexual or romantic partners.According to anthropologist Lynn Stephen, muxe "may do certain kinds of women’s work such as embroidery or decorating home altars, but others do the male work of making jewelry."

>Fa'afafine are a third-gender people of Samoa and the Samoan diaspora. A recognized identity/role since at least the early 20th century in Samoan society, and some theorize an integral part of traditional Samoan culture, fa'afafine are male at birth, and explicitly embody both masculine and feminine gender traits, fashioned in a way unique to this part of the world. Their behavior typically ranges from extravagantly feminine to mundanely masculine.

Last chance, delete this or else!

But your pic doesn't even cite the papers you are pulling quotes from, it just gives more quotes from the same uncited authors

I'm too skeptical of academic articles to take any of this at face value. And I don't really care about the whole trans thing as a political issue, I think it's overblown and only a news topic because of political reasons.

>Femminielli or femmenielli (singular femminiello, cf. Standard Italian femmina, "a female," -ello, masculine diminutive suffix) is a term used to refer to a population of homosexual males with markedly feminine gender expression in traditional Neapolitan culture. It may be hard to define this term within modern Western notions of "gay men" versus "trans women" since both these categories overlap to a degree in the case of femminielli. It has been noted that this term is not derogatory and does not carry stigma, instead femminielli are traditionally believed to bring luck.

>Mahu is the Hawaiian term for people who embody both male and female spirit.

>Native American two-spirits were male, female, and sometimes intersexed individuals who combined activities of both men and women with traits unique to their status as two spirits. In most tribes, they were considered neither men nor women; they occupied a distinct, alternative gender status.

>Khanith or Khaneeth is a vernacular Arabic term used in Oman and the Arabian Peninsula and denotes the gender role ascribed to males who function sexually, and in some ways socially, as women. The word is closely related to the Arabic word Mukhannath (literally "effeminate") referring to individuals with an effeminate nature.

I don't get why people are so upset by trans people. Just let them do their thing they aren't hurting anyone

I warned you.

I've traced your IP buddy, you're dead. My feels are the only evidence that is applicable.