Today is steve irwin's birthday

>today is steve irwin's birthday

what do you think would be his opinion on his daughter now?

He'd probably be proud that she is into getting fucked by animals.

Brave girl. Just like her dad, gets right up close to the animals

simply. h*ella. epic.

nigga in blackface

I know we're supposed to hate niggers, but I get the impression that this one is actually a cool dude.

>father slayed by barb
>daughter's pusy slayed by barbarian


let me FUCKIN post...


I get the impression you'd be happier on /Reddit you fucking nigger lover.


The black guy is Keo Motsepe, a dancer on Dancing with the Stars. I know Sup Forums loves its black bull cuckold-isms, but they probably just met while Bindi was a contestant on the show.

But I'm the fag who actually watches Dancing with the Stars, so what do I know.


Just one more reason for me to hate this ugly, attention whoring, retarded bitch. I never really liked Steve Irwin either but I genuinely wish it had been her that died instead.
t. Australian

Look at her face. The face only a black man and her mom would love.

idk, but i think it's very kawaii that u know that, user





You just know

>Keo Motsepe
Nobody cares about some literally who nig
>I know Sup Forums loves its black bull cuckold-isms
You're new as fuck. All of Sup Forums is being perpetually raided by some faggot nobody site. Most of us just ignore it because, not only do they post this cuckshit, but they also respond with mock outrage to pretend to themselves they're 'le ebin troles' and they usually just end up circlejerking contained in their cuck threads with occasional newfags getting mad until mods clean up. It's sad and pathetic but it's the price we pay for being so influential in internet culture.

Her bod is THICC tho

isn't a forum pretty much defined by the people who use it and the conversations and discussions they have

Bindi was always a pigdog with an extremely forced/rehearsed onscreen presence. Steve is better off not seeing that.

>implying only newfags post in cuck threads

Oh you summer child

>getting deeply penetrated father, like daughter

Her dad manhandled wild animals and now wild animals manhandle his daughter.

why does this bother white guys so much?

racism, what's to get

Because white people like animals and this is animal abuse.


God seeing this shit make me so angry I could just kneel down and suck some big black cock right now.