True or not?

True or not?

Showtime is the worst network on television. Their shows never lsst more than 3 seasons before going to complete shit.
>The Affair
>The Tudors
This show will join them.

>television show
hmm, no

I've never met a smart person who watches television

Dexter S4 was the best season

you forgot Californication

I'm only watching this because of Maggie Stiff. Her eyes make me rock hard.

>Paul Giamatti
I'm never watching this shit

hmm, no

Guess you're not that smart then.

>yfw too intelligent to draw ratings

>dismissed last year as mindless garbage but lo and behold, news of some trans character comes out and now it's an "epic return".

kek never change virtue signallers.

Everyone's stiff for Stiff.

Giamatti is king numale

Her name is Siff. The pun still works, but I had to correct the record.


It's pretty good if you take it as being a Homeland sequel in which Brody dips to New York with all his terrorist cash.

if some dumbass writer calls something "smart" it is for dumb people

I watch the show and it's pretty fucking boring. So much so they need an S&M subplot.

Brotherhood was the only really good show that they ever had that they actually canceled

And you're god numale

>Their shows never lsst more than 3 seasons

That's the maximum any show should last. No show is good enough to last 6 or 7 season. Anything more is just filler and cashing in.

Yes, too smart for me.

west wing is smart?