So I'm marathoning pic related but 20 minutes in and I can't help but laugh at it. Is this supposed to be a comedy? The main character is goofy af and the whole thing is so funny and dumb. Somebody called it horror kino here but I'm not seeing it yet desu. Just seems really funny, not trying to meme. I don't even know what's going on lmao.
So I'm marathoning pic related but 20 minutes in and I can't help but laugh at it. Is this supposed to be a comedy...
huh?? LOL
You have 2 hours and 10 minutes left of the most nonsensical, illogical, convoluted and overly-long movie of 2016. Have fun wondering why nobody arrests anybody throughout the entire movie. Have fun wondering why nobody does any police-work.
Glad to know it's not just me. Jesus Christ. It's like Kojima made a real horror movie.
>marathoning a movie
You what?
This. Not to mention the ending - who the fuck is who
Americans like to watch movies in installments. I guess he failed to carry this out
Yeah this was my biggest complaint. Maybe it's just different in Korean culture but how the hell did they not arrest the jap on the spot after finding out all that shit in his home?
Well to be honest they were just publicly accessible pictures
Low IQ
>shit ending
>shit story
it requires hi iq
Among the top 3 horror films of 2016, which says a lot as 2016 was a pretty good year for horror. It's not hard to follow and it's certainly not illogical.
Get off the internet while watching a film, dumbass. Better yet, just stop watching it. You won't like it.
Laughing at your simplicity, you probably have the attention span of OP.
Plus they were breaking and entering.
Plus only one guy even saw the pictures.
Plus he only told the others after they left the scene and were back in the car.
>Plus he only told the others after they left the scene and were back in the car.
Whats your argument? They did nothing with it
They came back and the pictures were gone.
And they do nuffin which is a charge against the plot
>Laughing at your simplicity
Sorry for expecting cops to put a murder suspect in cuffs at the scene of the crime instead of letting him just chill on the porch for hours.
The incompetence of South Korean police is too patrician for my mind.
if you dont know then you are retarded
What are they supposed to do?
They have no evidence, the investigating officers who are ridiculed by their superior anyway can not admit to what they did because it was illegal and the thing they are investigating is a fucking illness that turns people into The Crazies! How the fuck are they supposed to charge anyone with anything?
So they do absolutely nothing.
They hire a shaman, don't they?
I hope you do realize how retarded it sounds. Dont get me wrong I stomacked that movie, I had low expectations thou
I'll need to rewatch it, probably my favourite of 2016 but I don't remember it too well by now. It's not really retarded, shamans are a thing in Korea and have been gaining more and more popularity recently. Plus they are facing a problem that can be solved neither by the police nor the scientists apparently.
It's just a joke.
You fuckers clearly haven't watched a single other korean film because cops are dumb incompetent autists in every single one of them.
Just google "incompetent korean police"
>You fuckers clearly haven't watched a single other korean film
Over 100 in my account, bitch. And incompetent korean!=plot holes
Oh fuck you, I'll rewatch it right now.
I don't remember there being any plotholes and I doubt there are.
Go list them, wigger!
You'll just have to keep this thread alive for two and a half hours so I can answer you when I'm done watching, I guess.
I dont quite inderstand the movie desu
Just rewatch it when you're older ;^)
Seriously though, are you OP? If you're on the internet or doing other shit while watching a movie you only have yourself to blame.
No I am not. I am some retard who had seen that kind of a thread about the Wailing last week and decided to see this movie last weekend. It was ok. I had no expectations tho. Also I dont quite understand the ending and especially whether the shaman was implicated somehow. It was stupid desu
it starts off goofy then slowly warps into a dark film
watch more movies plen
The thirst was much better
There is intentional comedy yes
It's not the movie's fault you didn't understand it. It's not that hard to follow. They even have that long explainy phone call scene at the end, don't they? The movie is not stupid, neither are you necessarily, you just seem very defensive about not understanding it on your first watch.
Its a stupid horror movie. I am no saying its bad. Its just stupid. Also this
it's entirely visual but every shot is mediocre, so the plot SHOULD carry the movie and make it interesting but it's so boring it can't even do that.
We get it you like Thirst more. Samefag some more about other stuff.
Made it to the last 5-10 minutes.
Movie was shit.
Do the opposite of what Sup Forums says remains true.
Not samefag but ok. Two moons. Quite interesting
Let me guess, not enough quips and laserswords for you?
I swear it's impossible to discuss this movie without the WIDF running in to insult anyone who didn't like it.
I watch a fair amount of Korean movies. Fuck, I even AM Korean. This movie is just not that great. It's not so much about being "hard to follow" as the intentional mixed signals that the movie sends at certain points. I get that it's supposed to be about the ambiguity of blind faith and accepting human error but it just doesn't come together and leads the viewer towards feeling tricked more than anything.
On the plus side it's a rather good looking film with good scenes and a fantastic child actress. Pic unrelated but is a korean meme so you know i am legitimate
>the ambiguity of blind faith and accepting human error
and here I thought it was about a small farming community dealing with an unexplained evil by blaming the kooky immigrant heretic with his strange customs who lives in the woods and the terror of being a powerless individual in a society gone mad (which was wonderfully portrayed by the child actress, you are right).
PS: Dear Mr Korean man, can you please rec us some other great Korean cinema? So far I've only seen the meme films. What are some overlooked gems of your national filmography?
It GOT to be intended as a comedy to some extent. I imagine here's some kind of cultural commentary going on that escaped me, but yeah I think it's very much intended to be a black comedy.
I'm more of an American Korean than anything, I only flaunted my heritage to show that I'm familiar with the black comedy style of Korean directors especially when portraying incompetent public servants and failed governance, and the basic mythology. I'm not the right person to go to for rare niche films (I've seen a lot more Japanese ones overall).
Haha, exposed! What a kinky little race traitor you are!
Do not bully I am only here to discuss movies
I will forgive if you post more of those funny Korean memes. also, Korean films you think are better than The Wailing because I want more Korean films to watch.
Memories of Murder
The first part of the Host
The Age of Shadows
Barking Dogs Never Bite
I have wayy way more Chinese/Taiwanese and Japanese films watched, it's hard to find out about older Korean films without talking to people who grew up there.