Is there a scene more cringey than this in the history of television?

Is there a scene more cringey than this in the history of television?

How can someone unironically watch this and think Breaking Bad is the greatest TV show ever made?

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>scene intentionally cringey
>cringes and calls it shit
Wow, you're smart

>Making false claims about the intentions of the scene to protect your precious show

Wow really makes you think

yeah because the scene was clearly about making walt look cool with no subtext at all

you dumbass

Yes I can agree, simply because they didn't pick a better knife party song like Power glove and didn't have a race instead of revving their engines in place.

it's really bad though. Breaking Bad is still king of TV shows tho.

I will never understand anyone who thinks this scene was meant to be cool.

The entire dynamic is that Walt is a fucking loser trying to use his money to make his son think he is cool.

This plays into the larger dynamic of Walt being a fucking loser who is using this foray into the drug trade to try and make himself feel like a cool man. Do you think they accidentally picked a fucking pork pie hat for him to wear? That the scenes featured here showing an old man driving up in a new gaudy car right next to his son's over the top sports car are done completely seriously?

The entire fucking point of the scene is that it's cringe. It's to show that Walt is a fucking loser. It's to show he has become detached from reality in order to use his drug money to impress his son because no matter how much money he makes he still can't figure out how to make his son or family actually respect him.

>The entire dynamic is that Walt is a fucking loser trying to use his money to make his son think he is cool.
Too bad that the show forgets that later on and falls for its own bullshit of "Walt the bad ass"